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/x/ - Paranormal/Schizo

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I fucking hate Big Pharma, I believe that now-a-days mental illnesses are false and people think they do because their doctor said they had it when they don’t they do this because pills make a shit ton of money 80% of the American population is medicated also most of our medication comes from china how do we know they aren’t putting things into it
Most depression and anxiety is created from overuse of the internet and or brainwashing from public schools to make kids think there is no hope or that they are depressed, as well as other reasons such as unfulfilling life styles
Yknow its weird all of my friends are depressed? Why is that
To conclude: medication for mental illnesses are just a cash grab and are also used to weaken the people

ALSO Big Pharma is responsible for big majority of people becoming troons
When you think about it hospitals make a shit ton of money off of transvestite surgeries and not to mention the estrogen and testosterone pills
But mostly hospitals groom impressionable people into becoming troons to make a shit ton of money off of it also it could again be for gainage of power as trannies are weak physically and mentally so this could yet again be to weaken the people and to sterilze people for unknow purposes

Thank you for reading my tik tok and stay paranoid

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