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Can I get spirits or something like that to be my friends?
I'm basically alone and having some real support would be nice




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just give yourself schizophrenia, it isn't that hard. Just start smoking the strongest ni66er weed dipped in PCP for a few weeks. Start studying (((kabbalah))). Long before the 1 seal is opened ye shall be hearing voices. These are your friends who won't leave, not they could anyway of course.


this guy basically just told you to bind your soul to hell permanently in exchange for imaginary friends


true, don't take my advice seriously, lest you damn your soul and burn with those of great evil. That old serpent, the nephilim, the watchers, many wicked men and their ilk




>their ilk
Typo award


So what can I do then?


Dumbass bad boy award


No real answers yet


Focus on something which is perceived, focus on that awareness, then focus on the awareness of the awareness. Pray for guidance.


How do I do that exactly
Like do I just focus on perceiving friendly spirits?


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Phosphene static, that is, the dim "TV static" you get when you close your eyes


do be careful with this


I Haven't found a way

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