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File: Screenshot_20230925-211907….png 📥︎ (406.93 KB, 872x913) ImgOps


Vril is real.
It is the innate spiritual power that resides in human beings as divine creations, that grants up the ability to do the extraordinary, the impossible, the sheer will to continue on in the face of utter despair.
The Satanic Cabal manipulate this power for unnatural purposes, witchcraft and such.
We are spiritually in a league of our own.
We are not animals.
We are not Angels nor Demons.
We are humans.
We are the only created in God's image, the only beings capable of true repentance.
We have favor from God, and Satan despises us for it.


post the original image without the filter plz


File: Screenshot_20230810-172517….png 📥︎ (1.14 MB, 1200x1256) ImgOps

Yuor wish is my command


Niggers are trembling




why put jewsus in that aryan symbol




Are you Orthodox?


>Vril is real.
>It is the innate spiritual power that resides in human beings as divine creations, that grants up the ability to do the extraordinary, the impossible, the sheer will to continue on in the face of utter despair.
>The Satanic Cabal manipulate this power for unnatural purposes, witchcraft and such.
>We are spiritually in a league of our own.
>We are not animals.
>We are not Angels nor Demons.
>We are humans.
>We are the only created in God's image, the only beings capable of true repentance.
>We have favor from God, and Satan despises us for it.
Vril is real but why are you wrapping up aryan spirituality with rabbi yeshu, the kike that put pagans to death while allowing jews usury?


>Vril is real but why are you wrapping up aryan spirituality with rabbi yeshu, the kike that put pagans to death while allowing jews usury?

usury was banned in alot of Christian countries, the bible is also against it retard


>rabbi yeshu, the kike that put pagans to death while allowing jews usury?
"rabbi" was a term jews coined after Jesus and he trashed their temple for practicing usury in it.






Nice Jewish sorcerer trying to get chuds to worship yeshu the sorcerer and give yahwey our life force. Sloppy job mossad, Odin has you all.


File: KMp5OBz.png 📥︎ (127.17 KB, 672x610) ImgOps

I'm an Odinist and Vril is the energy of Odin imparted into his Chosen Aryan Warriors


we have no need to mix in pagan spirituality with our perfect Christ.

our vril is the Holy Spirit. period

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