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Why did the SCP wiki troon out and just accepted anomalous tranny behavior?


SCP really fallen, from interesting X-flies mixed with urban legends horror it just became another troony urban fantasy shit


is why RCP is better


It always starts with a rogue mod that brings his friends and ideology into the site.
What SCP is a good stopping point? Most say that >2000 is not worth it.


I'd say you can go up to 4000 if you purposefully dodge self inserts, mary sues and other cringe themes. Past that its essentially pokemon, ethics and deerlady scientists.

Most contest entries are not even worth reading since they are so curated and over polished.


Holy shit I hate fanart posting kids and I can barely find a way to word how much they irritate me. Fanart posting kids and teens deserve to have their parents beat them.


This is why we need to Chud up RPC Authority


What do you suggest? More cool kid articles?


New articles relating to soyjak culture. Thrembo, poopson, etc.



it wasnt scp wiki it was because like anything that goes popular in the normiesphere it instantly gets pumped and dumped with trannyism and left to milk until they find another thing to ruin


would expose trannies to it
you dont know if it would become popular and lose all connections to the sharty
and its not worth the time to make some dumb article only slowburn no jumpscare trooncore faggots are gonna read and disregard them as the soyjak34.xxx (because the only 'ru they have interactd with ever in their lifes is that degenerate fag site) soyjaks




Kill all niggers and faggots and kikes and troons and coalposters


Holy shit, quads on page 39


Legendary necrobump


i poo


Every niche online interest will be killed by trannies and YOU WILL accept it






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real o algo

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