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A banner for soyjak.party

/soya/ - Soyanniversary

4 years on the bald man with glasses website award

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Hello Everyone!

It is time for The Soyjak Song Contest. A Contest for Soy Parodies of ANY SONG YOU'D LIKE! They are pretty popular on The Sharty, so it may aswell be possible that this competition could be a fun little event and also give some rewards to hardworking teens' !!!


A Soygem Pass
Soyjak Blog "Competition Winner Award" Tag
Temporary Award ## on The Sharty with the mention of which competition you won
The song of the winner is put in the hall of fame forever.
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53 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Marge, are those votes of approval?

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Hello again Everyone!

Today begins The Soyhistory Art Contest! For those that love making gems, would like to have their artwork be FOREVER within THE HALL OF FAME and get even more fancy rewards this is it! Perhaps even getting your own theme with the artwork you made… Maybe having it be put into a banner… Everything is possible however below you will find the rewards you will 100 percent get! You can make artworks about really anything related to Soyhistory. Below are some tips, perhaps making your art more about the history and less about the admins is a better idea, but I am not your dad and you can make an artwork about anything. Just make sure it is atleast in some way tied to the history, lore or people within the sharty. Otherwise it will NOT be counted as a valid submission. THREE people will have a chance at gaining some fancy rewards. You have until the 20th to make the art. However it is PERHAPS possible to extend the time if people really really need it.

66 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Are the hidden green anons suppose to be oldcucks?
Yes, except the ones in a couple behind the front lines - they should be frogs in tuxedos, even doe idk really how to make them distinguishable on that distance
>>620 >>618 >>614 >>595
btw thank you sisters!!

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The Soyanniversary is gonna fully end in ~3 Days!
Still, here is a small reminder about the contests.
Both of the contests will also have their results be voted on by other soyteens.

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doll on the 'log



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Hello. It is me again. Thank you again for making this event, and I love you all.

Never stop jakkin, Goodbye!


si si amigos por favor o algo goodbye and hola if youre scrolling and seeing this later on may you have a blessed day seΓ±ores



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Please don't delete this board after the event's over
Just hide and lock it please pretty please


do this



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I hate the amount of mudslimes on this website. I'm glad that froot is getting rid of them.

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I like playing with my poop in the bathtub

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merry christmas



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Nigger hands made this board.

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