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/sci/ - Soyence and Technology

I fucking love science!

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What's the usecase for /sci/?


formerly it was to spectate slapfights between redmond shills and freetards, but that kind of broke down after the local gnutranny got evicted

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>you WILL NOT connect a webcam from a broken chromebook to your pc!

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Spring or ASP.NET?
9 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


id rather kill myself then have to contemplate those 2 options


asp.net is keyed because it's a jeet filter


Our legacy product is asp.net (on some 10 year old dotnet framework) and it’s all pajeets. Somehow making it worse geg. Whenever they speak it’s super clear they have no interest or knowledge of computing in general. Basic shit you would pick up through osmosis when trying to solve basic problems. They don’t know how to generate ssh keys and link all these completely void LinkedIn articles about ML (basically advertisements) in our Slack and comment “wow, it’s incredible how far the AI have come in such a short time! Maybe we can use this..?” And all the other jeets give it a skin-tone-1 thumbs up (they’re dark brown albeit) along with a “joke” about terminator which just released in their home town last year. It’s like a guy claiming to be a car guy and looking at a Corolla and saying “wow, nice car. How fast do the wheels spin on this thing?” In person all they do is shit talk anything American and claim the Indian one is far superior. It begs the question, but all you can do is smile and say “wow, how cool”. They send me slack DMs like this:
>server encryption for DB by user, can you do that
<Can you elaborate? Are you trying to authenticate to the DB using a key pair
>more for compliance, but yes the login
<okay, well you can’t use a key pair for auth. What control is this regarding?
>best practice. Not a pair
<what are we trying to achieve?
>*no reply for 3 hours*
>full level encryption for DB
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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For me it's Node with TypeScript

It just works



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>ACKtix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust



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>find cool new language/tool
>tranny developers
>BLM solidarity statement on the front page
Do you still use it?


if it has blm shit plastered on it from inception then you know it's ill conceived from the start


No, it probably datamines your shit anyway, much like Big Tech


>The power of a type system, the expressiveness of functional programming, and the reliability of the highly concurrent, fault tolerant Erlang runtime, with a familiar and modern syntax.

Who gives a flying fuck about that, just use anything popular, they're all fine these days for most things.

>BLM solidarity statement on the front page

It's an expensive luxury belief for people who are in the privileged caste of the American imperium. The more absurd, evil and stupid the belief, the more pain and distress it causes decent, honest, pure and good people (like us) the more they believe it. Because the wealthy and high status can afford utter insanity, like transgendering children. It's a status symbol for asocials.


I won't use it, not because it's made by trannies but because I just don't fucking care about it

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>UV erasable eproms
better tech than flash memory


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>chip requires 21 volts
sadage, guess i should work on making an interposer board with a FET to switch in an external voltage




boost converter?

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>I will NOT download any bloat software to run it locally on my computer. I WILL use it online.
>I will NOT (((sign up))) or (((log in))) or (((make an account))) so that the (((tech overlords))) can get my precious data. I WILL use it immediately and anonymously.
>I will NOT pay for anything. (((I))) WILL do it for free.
>I will NOT use any phone apps. I WILL make it on my computer.
>I will NOT complain if the quality is crappy.

<B-but that's an eutopia, such a wevsite doesn't exi-ACK!

Then how do you explain this horrid chud video? I forgot which website I got it from though, but I swear it was a clean white page that didn't have some stock photo telling you to sign up with 69 credits.



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gonna test this out

uploading picture, please add the nigger source footage


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1.) footage has to be square
w.) output will be soundless and you'll have to edit the sound in in post, like with kdenlive.


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Sometimes it just doesn't work though…

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Hello teens
Am i the only one who uses audiotapes? They are better to listen to on than bloatware like Spotify and apple music on my PC
I just bought this 90 minute Gemerald for 90 czk (do the math lazy euro or dollar using nigga)and they are just better than other shit like CDs and stuff, also much more portable than CDs but minidiscs are also portable doe (Players are expensive like hell)
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Fat ahh nigga


I buy cds and rip them and then play them on windows media player legacy, or i just use youtube




fatass 90s larp


>> 27635

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I've been working on getting a p2p imageboard functioning for a while and I decided to start fresh more recently with a new project. It's still not fully featured per se, but I feel like releasing it in it's current form since it's still functional and I want to see if it works in the wild. Hopefully you'll be able to see the existing boards and start posting.

To install:
>install node and yarn (or npm instead of yarn)
>run "yarn build" to get the dependencies
>run "yarn start" to start the server

And you can add whatever boards you like.
This basically works like a torrent. Moderation is local, so you can delete files and posts that you don't like, but it won't be deleted for others necessarily (unless everyone else blocks them and there are no more seeders). "Subscribing" to others as moderators so you can trust them to delete for you is also possible I just haven't hooked it all up yet.
27 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


you don't know how anything works faggot, you think HTTPS website is comparable to BitTorrent client




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just shitted up your board xister


soot allow botting on >>>/yyy/


How do you do this?

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In 2017, For the first time in history, scientists were able to extract full DNA from Egyptian mummies that dates to between 1300 BC to 400 CE in a study published in Nature communication

It concluded that ancient Egyptians were actually closer to ancient and modern day west asians and south europeans than they are to modern day Egyptians because modern Egyptians have significantly higher sub-saharan ancestry than ancient Egyptians, making Bedouins, Palestinians, greeks and Lebanese sharing more ancestry and DNA with ancient Egyptians than modern Egyptians do, the study is famously known by “Abusir el-Meleq study”

A follow-up study by Scheunemann et al.(2022) was carried out collecting samples from six excavation sites along the entire length of the Nile vally spanning 4000 years of Egyptian history. Samples from 17 mummies and 14 skeletal remains were collected, and high quality mitochondrial genomes were reconstructed from 10 individuals. The analyzed mitochondrial genomes matched the results from the earlier study at Abusir el-Meleq.

Does this means that modern Egyptians can’t be considered the descendants of ancient Egyptians? Also This makes me wonder how does geneticists know if population X descended from population Y ?

Edit: The PCA chart in the study clearly indicate that Bedouins, palestinians and other levantine ethnic groups are closer to ancient Egyptians samples more than modern Egyptians themselves

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