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File: rudy.png 📥︎ (27.12 KB, 556x580) ImgOps


How long would it take for this creature to grow to be fully grown? its planned to be atleast 6 feet tall




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File: finger boys.png 📥︎ (302.99 KB, 1500x1200) ImgOps


what animal do i make with a chicken egg


good luck manipulating 90+TB long strings of ACTG in a meaningful way


its not that hard doe

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>Here's a nickel kid. Go buy yourself a real computer.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


What does the kernel us floats for tho


Im pretty sure it's meant for CPUs without a floating point unit


Floats are bloats


File: 1685179514152.gif 📥︎ (284.29 KB, 246x338) ImgOps

>Floats are bloats


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (29.46 KB, 935x118) ImgOps


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3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


buy a new cable


this was the correct decision


read about tempest sdr and how you can design antennas to pick up the rf coming from your video cables and spy on monitors


It's so over. Same thing happened to me. I was so paranoid I ended up deleting my [redacted] folder just in case. It feels like I lost millions worth of content in the process but it had to be done. Sad!


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errm…. your WHAT folder???

File: Concerned Swede.png 📥︎ (77.4 KB, 600x802) ImgOps


How do I check if the images I’ve downloaded has been embeded malicious stuffs? Steghide needs password so I can't really extract them.


use imagemagick to resave the images


PipePipe won

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>04:09:47.550 RX command: InSlowZone
>04:09:47.550 Motor Front-Left is now 40
>04:09:47.550 Motor Front-Right is now 40
>04:09:47.551 Speed is now LOW
>04:09:58.167 RX command: Stop
>04:09:58.167 Braking
>04:09:58.167 Motor Front-Left is now -30
>04:09:58.167 Motor Front-Right is now -30
>04:10:10.733 Speed threshold reached
>04:10:10.733 Stopping
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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are there dedicated piracy websites for models from sketchfab / other model sharing sites? i need to look for very specific things for a project and dont want to pay 60 bucks for something that may just be canned, forgotten about or things to just not work out


File: 1702538004184.png 📥︎ (11.65 KB, 191x255) ImgOps

torrents are for porn lurk moar


>lurk moar
kys tama


File: retardedplier.png 📥︎ (14.73 KB, 600x800) ImgOps

>browse /kiwifarms/
>see DeviantArt mentioned
oh fuck i didnt even think to look there

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