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when was the last time u took a bath

me 10-ish days (i think.)


I take one every night


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Please shower you dirty fuck


my last bath was 1983


i dont get oily easily its ok chill-


this nigga from ohio :skull:


1.5 hours
kill yourself filthy bastard. i feel bad for people who have to smell you, honestly you should just kys because you only exist to cause discomfort for other people if you can't even fucking shower.


File: arnobreker4.jpg 📥︎ (14.42 KB, 400x584) ImgOps

like 4 days since I don't go outside


dude chill as i said my skin doesnt produce oil quickly-


and why u being rude to me ill report u.


yeah same


I haven't taken a bath since I was six fucking faggot


kys cordspeak nigger. also just because you're not oily doesn't mean you don't smell like shit. kill yourself now you fat fuck



dude im anorexic i actually wish i had more weight.


also i smell fine. i dont smell anything and how abt u when was the last time since ur bath huh.


just because you dont smell anything doesn't mean you smell well. Other people will be able to tell what you smell like, you are almost never able to know what you smell like. Fat faggot.
Also I literally just fucking said 1.5 hours ago


im anorexic and why ur saying this-


I bathe like once every 2 weeks but I don't think I smell. I asked my friends at school and they all say I don't smell of anything. Maybe it's because I'm always wearing clean clothes. Thanks mom.


If you wish you weighed more, you don't have anorexia, you're just a skinny faggot
kys spiktok immigrant

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