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did this site make anyone else really self-conscious about their race? im mostly west/southern slavic with various european/mediterranean genes making up the rest. In real life pretty much anyone who isn't vantablack can be considered white, but my brown eyes black hair and the yellow-red tint to my skin is weighing down my mental quite a bit more than i feel is reasonable. Often when i find myself preforming even just slightly above average i subconsciously blame my non-whiteness for holding me back. how do i cope with this?


File: gigachad_hoodie.jpg 📥︎ (78.7 KB, 736x904) ImgOps

Just remember nobody else cares about your whiteness, you're putting yourself on a pedestal to people on an imageboard that don't care about you. Focus on improving yourself, and don't let your race hold you back


the aryan kids at school throw garbage at me and yell "go muttgolian go!" every day

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