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/int/ - International

Cry about countries you're not sure really exist.

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What is /int/ honest opinion on Ruby from Fundamental Paper Education


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Also the new episode of Helluva Boss was gemmy

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>Love? Peace? Tolerance? Miss me with that gay shit.
>Being angry all the time for no good reason? POGGERS! Where do I sign up?
43 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


faggots have fascist tendencies thats why they send tiny drones to rape people who disagree with them and tear their ears off and tell them to gouge out their eyeballs just fo slightly disagreeing with them(jews(faggots+gays+liberal world order))


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I made this post btw
Oh how the time flies…


Racism is finished.



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 83403[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3]

Is it just me or has /pol/ taken over literally every single board that used to be good. You cant even discuss video games or anime without white supremacists harassing you and pushing you off the site.

Its taking a toll on traffic to the site. Delete /pol/ and save the sharty
243 posts and 63 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




>no thanks.
>i am an 18 year old edgy teenager, and i thought this place would be a great place to hang out and just make edgy jokes, thats when i realized that most people are take it way too far and the over obsession with white supremacy just isn't fucking funny.

>then i saw gore in some other thread and im considering leaving and never coming back. if you're genuinely racist you should kill yourself and you're just as bad as the pedophiles and trannies you claim to be above.

Nigga u a retarded ass cracka


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bocchi the cock

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russian "history":
>raped by swedes
>raped by mongols
>raped by uzbeks
>raped by poles
>raped by lithuanians
>raped by anglos
>raped by turks
>raped by japs
>raped by finns
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what kind of krokodril-fueled saar-tier epiphany is this


i will have steamy gay sex with twink slavic boys HHHHHHHHHHHNG


>i will have steamy gay sex with twink slavic boys HHHHHHHHHHHNG

too bad, you will be raped by the swarthiest afrotürk genghis khan style with mixed-race impregnation included instead (i'm not the same chilean above your comment btw).


^Even though turks according to themselves are karaboğas o algo


Are you that el martiniano guy?

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>Jebać żydów


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>Jebać żydów


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>Niech będzie przeklęty, naród dawidowy


Faryzeusze którzy wydali Jezusa Chrystusa na śmierć na krzyżu są tymi samymi Faryzeuszami którzy stworzylo współczesną wersję Judaizmu.


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Śmierć synagodze szatana


nah this nigga speaking ohionese 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

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Jebać śląsk
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>ja nie jestem Polakime ja je ślonzo-ACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


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Na Ślůnsku ciulu


tzn. gdzie żeżeś się nauczył pisać alfabetem ślunskim?
Czemu nad u w wyrazie Ślůnsk jest czeskie kółko?
>Ja ze sierodkowej Polski i u mnie dziodki też czynsto przekręcały e na i/y oraz a na o.
Mimo że to niby dialekt małopolski.


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kurwa gryze!

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Hitler was very bad and the Holocaust was a terrible thing to happen


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To, tak bardzo to.


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Hitler was very good and the Holocaust was a good thing to happen if it happened


gdyby xitler nie nienawidzil nas i ruskow to bysmy teraz zyli w hyperborei chociaz aczkolwiek czy cos w tym stylu


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Gdyby cipler stworzył Ukrainę, to by wygrał.

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>Lubie kupki

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Задрoжали уcы
Запляcали чаcы, прыг-cкoк…

Прыг - ceкунда
Скoк - cтoлeтиe
Прыг - ceкунда
Скoк - cтoлeтиe
Прыг - ceкунда
Скoк - cтoлeтиe
Прыг - ceкунда
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Dude, go back to ohio.


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I'm going to get a blonde american girlfriend because I'm 6'3 and you will forever live in your mothers basement, chud.
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>because they're brown?
Yes. I like my women Christian, blonde, and A50


Sorry roach I took all the aryan women


Noo turkchad don't do it you're gonna contaminate your bloodline with amerimutt genes


We both know very well that this will never happen.


just go to bosnia

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