R: 23 / I: 3
We return to the scene of the end of Basics in behaviour. Near the exit of Paper School, there lies Claire’s lifeless corpse, mutilated by Δlice – of whose whereabouts are unknown.
>”Zip, Oliver! What are you doing!”
Yells Miss circle xer japanese TTS voice. Xhe, Miss Bloomie and Miss Thavel staring intensely at the two troublemakers who opened Δlice’s door.
Knowing what’s coming to them, Oliver loudly proclaims:
<”Sorry Miss Circle, I didn’t mean to kill Claire! I have a pack of Oreos in my locker so please don’t kill me.”
>”Hmmm… since you ARE my favorite students I will be lenient. Do not think you are off the hook yet! The other teachers and I will think of the adequate punishment for both of you!”
The teachers move the students back to the classroom and let the hard-working janitors take care of Claire’s corpse. As the students stroll through the hallways, Oliver and Zip bicker with each other
^”Nice save, Oliver!”
Whispered Zip as she chuckles at the drawn exit sign she has in her hand.
<”Yep! I always have those oreos in case of emergencies! At least she won’t kill us or something”
Claimed Oliver, proud of his intuition.
Later that day Zip and Oliver get called to Principal Grace’s office. With Miss circle and the other two waiting there as well.
>”Ok listen here you both! We decided on a proper punishment for both of you! You will get sent to a foreign exchange program in India!”
Barked Miss Circle
Snarled both of them, Miss Circle’s statement caught them off-guard like a paper airplane to the head.
>Yes, Miss Grace and I have talked though it thoroughly and we shall send you to Toilet Paper School! You have the rest of this day to pack your backs and get sent there for a month. Do I make myself clear!?
Claimed both of them, frightened at Miss Circle’s 3-meter-tall menacing pose
They shimmy over out of the office and wake up early tomorrow for their flight.
<Time skipping and flight space
Zip and Oliver get off the cold airplane – they are flying in economy class so they deal with the stench of curry and poor hyegiene.
^Ugh! So glad we are now on the ground! I couldn’t have stood another Ϫ minutes in that cramped wastebasket.
Exclaimed Zip, uncomfortable after the cramped flight full of creepy Indian men.
<I’m gonna have to use my soap instead of eating it this time…
Bickered Oliver as he reached for a bar of Dove in his backpack.
<At least we got some time to unwind before we step off to the school.
Said Oliver as both of them walked to the exit of the airport.
They meet Mr. Saar, the coordinator for student exchanges of Toilet Paper school
==v “Jello butiful shildren, wery welcome to our butiful India, make yourselves home!”
Loudly says Mr Saar, shaking Oliver’s hand rapidly and getting uncomfortably close to Zip.
<^Uh yes very nice in here
Hesitantly both of them say, as a cow defecates over the street and a woman picks up said animal waste into a basket for later use.
Mr. Saar drives them to Toilet Paper School in his Tuk-tuk, using two parking spots for one vehicle
v Ok shildren welcome to our bootiful school yes, blease do redeem your exchange student cards at the reception before your first class in room 14. Here are the directions for your dorm room saars er I mean shildren
Zip and Oliver trek around the hallway, where they meet the school bully Jayesh. He asks them for their money, however his 150cm stature is no match for Oliver.
<”Beat it!”
Oliver screamed as he waived his pencil hand at him. Jayesh got intimidated and left
^”Time to get to the reception”
Remarked Zip
They redeem their cards, despite the backlash the staff said about not redeeming them.
The pair get to their classes and introduce themselves, all the indian boys get creepy around Zip, despite Oliver’s frivolous attempts of preventing their physical gestures, their innapropiate remarks about her get to her head
She screams, right before Mr Saar arrives for Math class.
v Now shildren, be quiet and get ready for the class!
Today we will be covering countour integrals so blease bay attention
Once the arduous class is over, Zip and Oliver throw their crumpled paper balls into the trash and hurry over to the cafeteria.
<”Buh, I ate all my soap in the flight and Miss circle took my oreos! What should I do?”
Asked Oliver to Zip,
^”I don’t know I kind of lost my appetite after all the disgusting remarks these boys told me, ugh perverts!”
<”I guess I’ll just ha-”
v Ohh hello shildren, since you are my bootiful exchange students I got you some Tikka Masala, wonderful delicious Indian dish!
Proudly yelled Mr. Saar, interrupting Zip and Oliver’s conversation
^ “Oh no thanks Mr. Saar, I’m not hungry. Also please stop breathing over my neck!”
Said Zip, as she pushed Mr Saar away.
v “What about you Oliver? Do you want some Tikka SAAAAR?!”
Asked Mr. Saar, as he hovered the banana leaf plate in front of Oliver
> “Well, I guess I AM starving so might as well”
v Wery gud, here you go boy!
Oliver wolfs down the Tikka, seeing as he was hungry.
<”Hmm… tastes a little funky but I think that’s normal – never had it before so I don’t know”
Claimed Oliver as he enjoys his meal.
Zip and Oliver go back to their next class – phonics. They sit at the back so the boys don’t all stare at Zip.
However, they wouldn’t go undisturbed for long. Mid class, Oliver starts feeling queasy
<”Ugh, my belly hurts… why does it feel like I’m lightheaded. I can’t breathe very well… what was IN that thing!?”
Complained oliver as he reaches to take a breather
<Oh no, I don’t feel so good
Oliver collapses as his belongings fall to the floor, Zip runs over to him.
^Oliver? Oliver! What happened, tell me
Bewilderedly yelled Zip as she tried to talk to Oliver
<Ughh… What. Was. In…. The lunch…?
The school nurses get called in quickly to assist Mr. Saar hurries over as well
==v “OH no saar I’m so sorry, Oliver! Foreigners usually handle my food well…”
Claimed Mr Saar. As he was running down the hallway with Oliver on a stretcher
Demanded Zip, concerned for the wellbeing of his best friend
v “Oh nothing just the usual spices and a bit of cow poo poo for good luck”
Said Mr. Saar, unbeknownst to the current matter at hand
^ “You WHAT!?”
Snarled Zip
The nurses hurry over to the infirmary, taking Oliver’s vitals, what will our pairs destiny!?