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A banner for soyjak.party

/fpe/ - Fundamental Paper Education

Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1779650661266h.jpeg 📥︎ (129.31 KB, 1792x2048) ImgOps


>inb4 why are you in 4cuck archives
wanted other places to steal art, turns out 4cuck doesn't like fpe, or I'm just bad at searching


File: IMG_6010.jpeg 📥︎ (274.95 KB, 900x1113) ImgOps

what is this now


pretty keyed scammer for making people fear corn sites thoughie..


File: Screenshot_20241019-035235….png 📥︎ (549.22 KB, 2000x1200) ImgOps


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this but objectified and if i could i would wanna switch worlds, fpe is so limited like i would just bore myself to death there isnt even an outside for me to play tf do i do cracka


File: 20240627_151200.jpg 📥︎ (106.48 KB, 1500x1500) ImgOps

i made that threat


File: autism.png 📥︎ (310.92 KB, 2000x410) ImgOps

send this to him

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