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(Please read, it took me an hour to write and check this because Im currently unironically tearing up and sperging out so Im doing the best I can to be clear so we can understand each other.)
So.. um. there has been what Im presuming a falseflagger on the website jannies very surprisingly havent permabanned yet. So uh. Im having a hard time saying this but they have been posting weird g00n3rsl0p content that is really um. Making me feel anxious and uncomfortable right now. Im going to just assume this is somebody outside of the fandom trying to falseflag, attention anybody who is a g00n3r isnt considered a part of our fandom. We exclude these people okay? Im going to rest and if you need me to go more into detail I can try my best but Im kind of just not feeling so great right now and taking a nap and some water to calm myself down from the negative emotions/pressure that I am having currently. Have a great day..

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