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/fpe/ - Fundamental Paper Education

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The fandom is just the next Undertale game was good fandom was retarded even the creator of fpe isn't making a new part cuz you niggers could keep it in your pants another thing tranny's are going to take fpe and start EPI I hope fpe dies in a ditch of starvation-BELGIUM IS BETTER THEN FPE NIGGERS mfw


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You still understood what I was saying nigga now respond faggot


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I didn't though, what does Belgium have to do with any of this?


learn how to type properly, caca


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Pic related: OP's grammar test. He's getting the Abbie treatment for sure!


OH vey


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It's over for me should I kms?


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My schizophrenia CAME OUT


>even the creator of fpe isn't making a new part cuz you niggers could keep it in your pants
It wasn't us, it was the rest of the FPE fandom and you



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Upping this trvke nvke

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