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/fnac/ - Five Nights at Cobson's

Discussion of our very own slow-burn, atmospheric, jumpscare heavy slowburn horror kino.
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easy game, 99% of everything is just sound cues so troonjak experiencing trans joy hardly even matters


Can you please tell me how did you beat night 4?


Holy heck, nice
Congrats on being one of, if not the first to beat 7/20. Any other feedback?
We are gonna release an update sqqn with a few QoL changes.


couple bugs like entering cam while chud is doing the audio before the proper screamer you get the cam overlay in the main menu, and dying with the buzzing playing from a jak in the room continues to the main menu and keeps playing until you start a new night (this one happens constantly while doing 7/20)
balance wise seems a little tricky, once you understand how things work its not very hard due to how little you can't just react to with sound and power is very very lenient but tweaking things could lead to a ton of checkmate situations. there would already be a lot of annoying ones (fingerboy/imp in hallway with rapeson) if I didn't figure out I could get rapeson in the room with the light while closing the door behind him
fending off troonjak also can just be impossible if rapeson attacks at the same time (as happens in the video) so again making things less easy to reduce to audio reactions would make other things feel less fair. idk balance is hard, power is definitely too lenient though if its supposed to be an important concern
getting unlucky on flash timing and getting an instant double movement from rapeson is also pretty annoying, maybe add a small cooldown from him entering the doorway to being able to enter the room, not too long like half a second to a second should be plenty

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