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/fnac/ - Five Nights at Cobson's

Discussion of our very own slow-burn, atmospheric, jumpscare heavy slowburn horror kino.
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>watch at him intensely on the camera, to buy yourself time. But you'll still have to turn away to counter the imp and fingerboy. Also it'll take a lot of your energy, and unless you're dead-set on only countering Cobson, fingerboy, and imp, you'll wind up with a hanged troon and you'll be exposed to feraljak if you don't close the cam to feed his nuts. All these sacrifices just so you can buy yourself more time from cobson… not worth it…

>"standing still + another condition" according to the devs…

>Something to do with a "red camera light", as the phone guy mentions, but idk what it means… I guess it's the first point I made about staring at him on the camera, like with foxy's cove in fnaf1 where staring at him slows him dowsn…


And "don't look at his face". I guess you have to not flash your lights at the vent once he comes in? But then how do you counter imp?


why would you flash the vents?


Oops, I meant at the main hall

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