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/fnac/ - Five Nights at Cobson's

Discussion of our very own slow-burn, atmospheric, jumpscare heavy slowburn horror kino.
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ITT we develop a SMV for a shartified FNAF 2 song parody


File: fnac two.pdf πŸ“₯︎ (650.75 KB)

sadly most desperate OP award. I already made some lyrics and wanted to get the party's thoughts.


There's been several lyrics I've seen thrown around for a potential IAS "It's Been So Long" parody for FNAC 2. The one I personally liked most began with "I don't know what I was posting, making Soot leave us behind", since a FNAC2 parody about an oldtroon reminiscing about le past is somewhat in line with the message of the original song (a mother reminiscing about her dead son) even though it's not


the gem potential is so there with a trope like. hopefully interest will grow in assembling a parody


β€˜Teens will probably get around to making it once FNAC 2 gets officially announced


If fnac 1 ever comes out


won't happen BTW




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