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that site just made up half the raisin on there, those arent even the real requirements, and the game isnt even out lmao


File: a24raisinhalf.png 📥︎ (14.81 KB, 454x520) ImgOps

>half the raisin




File: frootjuice.png 📥︎ (1.06 MB, 1571x1613) ImgOps

>that site just made up half the raisin on there, those arent even the real requirements, and the game isnt even out lmao


File: FB_IMG_1697859087704.jpg 📥︎ (11.52 KB, 304x360) ImgOps

Nufrqqtcacas really say this don't they


File: pissbaby.jpeg 📥︎ (7.8 KB, 170x192) ImgOps

>that site just made up half the raisin on there, those arent even the real requirements, and the game isnt even out lmao

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