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/fnac/ - Five Nights at Cobson's

Discussion of our very own slow-burn, atmospheric, jumpscare heavy slowburn horror kino.
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File: FNAC UCN roster v1.png 📥︎ (613.94 KB, 1373x873) ImgOps


Made a character roster for FNAC:UCN based on a thread I saw about it. My main goal for this was to somewhat emulate the catalogue page. Any feedback is welcome.


Here's the blank template if you want to change anything around.




new DLC just dropped


oy my gyatt froot and a developer responded


do you happen to have the image files for the posters in the office?


File: 1686610881972.png 📥︎ (1.28 MB, 1412x1920) ImgOps

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what for


File: 1693380331470.png 📥︎ (48.15 KB, 1000x1376) ImgOps

File: 1690784060238.png 📥︎ (230.16 KB, 785x1000) ImgOps


modeling… something


File: fnac ucn with 20s.png 📥︎ (644.57 KB, 1373x873) ImgOps

the background on the characters could get darker as you increase the ai level, up to 20 where it's pitch black and an ominous icon appears instead of their usual icon
<sharty kultchar spacing
made this to show what i'm talking about, also i'm assuming the one in the middle is poopson because it's censored likely to prevent players from mcnutting themselves due to the intangible brimminess of the variant


absolute gemerald of an idea


My concept for a UCN office
Front - Used for pulling up the camera and turning off the power. In the event a 'jakker tries to break in through your window, you can pull down a metal shutter to cover the window.

Left side - Used for closing and locking the door on any 'jakker that enters your office. Can also be used to flash curtain 'jakkers that attempt to enter your office. NOTE TO SELF: add in a sproke vending machine

Right side - Used for watching over Feraljak and Squirreljak.

Back side - Used for countering Impjak and Fingerboy

bloxGODS rise UP


Productive gem


issa gem, not sure how sproke would work ALBEIT


robloxian gemerald


someone make a soyjak nextbot mod already




since the main animatronics in ucn worked differently than they did in the games, i'm thinking good boy could show up at your window and try to shoot you with his ar-15 forcing you to close your shutters


i got raped by the filter sorry


I hate to ask again, but do you have the image files for the camera posters?


File: 1684889065175.png 📥︎ (576.35 KB, 1452x2048) ImgOps

File: 1694699030436.png 📥︎ (721.96 KB, 1080x1920) ImgOps

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File: 1670620818203.png 📥︎ (89.04 KB, 500x600) ImgOps

File: 1701482670788.png 📥︎ (561.05 KB, 1640x664) ImgOps

probably forgot some but whatever


OMGSISA thanks


one more question, do you have the image file of feralelf in his deep sleep state?



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