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/fnac/ - Five Nights at Cobson's

Discussion of our very own slow-burn, atmospheric, jumpscare heavy slowburn horror kino.
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btw fnac will be released as soon as steam allows me to (Currently it seems like itll be at best december 11th). Sorry chuddies but steam is rulecucked and loves tax info so it took a bit. Anyways the achievements work and you can show off to all your friends. Game comes with avatars to pick from too. and yes its "the full game". also the next update is already ready to release for christmas, so stay tuned because FNAC isnt dead.


Frqqt won


Froot how big is your penis or something


I didnt, I dont want this to be a sticky, only need it here to let people know rn. Ill move it to /fnac/ later where ill pin it


will this have β€˜ick on β€˜eck support?


File: froot scary video!.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (14.07 MB, 1000x1200) ImgOps

<btw fnac will be released as soon as steam allows me to (Currently it seems like itll be at best december 11th). Sorry chuddies but steam is rulecucked and loves tax info so it took a bit. Anyways the achievements work and you can show off to all your friends. Game comes with avatars to pick from too. and yes its "the full game". also the next update is already ready to release for christmas, so stay tuned because FNAC isnt dead.




2.5sf 3.2hr 1.9grt slight curve to the right #fae1c0


Literally who?


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How do we get markiplier to play it?
Can you get your CIA buddies to contact him or something?
Can you contact Matthew Patrick to contact Markiplier?




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xe is italian


inb4 pin


can i come visit your office in the cayman islands


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>makes thread
>doesnt answer any questions
>except for a question about penises because thats important


makes thread
doesnt answer any questions
except for a question about penises because thats important


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its called being a sigma male or something


>Moved to >>>/fnac/2300.
imagine getting jannied on your own site


any plans to open source the game?


Didnt read the previous thread award
No, never. Otherwise it's impossible to paywall. Its approved by steam so just take your meds and play the game


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>joked about the game taking ages to release because froot was aiming for a christmas release since he missed halloween
>it really will be a christmas release at this rate


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>joked about the game taking ages to release because froot was aiming for a christmas release since he missed halloween

>it really will be a christmas release at this rate


can somechuddie post a still (or the gif) of the /calm/ easter egg without the soyjaks to imgtr.ee? i need it for art class


xe def wouldn't play it unless the troonjak and the chudjak were changed or removed albeit, maybe the mods could make a sfw version for xim?


*dev team not mods oh my science


There is now a streamer-friendly option in the main menu that changes the color of troonjak's clothes and censors nigga on squirreljak's stuff. It doesn't change chudjak's shirt doe since his swastika was already drawn failed


Frooooot give us an update




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where is it

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