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/fnac/ - Five Nights at Cobson's

Discussion of our very own slow-burn, atmospheric, jumpscare heavy slowburn horror kino.
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how much will the game cost


it'll be free and open source


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No dev tripcode albeit


make the specific number a dogwhistle but only in some very specific and obscure currency like Argentinian Dollaridoos


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>14.88 TND


its gonna be free for night 1-2 and then paid up to night 7. I WILL NOT SEE A CENT from the games profit. It will all go towards paying for the next soyveloper project steam fee ($100), then the rest will be split between devs.
We are thinking to make it $3.99 for the first 24 hours, then hike the price a bit. But its never gonna get to $10. It needs to be affordable enough for the average teen, but still give us a decent profit to keep the projects going.
We want to do more "affordable" monetization strategies like DLC, but it feels kikey as fuck to add DLC.
If you have any ideas for monetization DO let us know, and NO we WONT DO ADS in game


What about letting people pay to add content or characters into future games? Like if some fag wants to add soytan or their variant:unknown or whatever else they could pay money to have it be a npc or a playable character.


Monetization for FNAC could include pay-as-you-go, Kickstarter style benefits like >>1196
mentioned or goodies like GOG gives you for paying up. As for future soy games, there could be an option to have ‘teens crowdfund a portion of the game’s budget before development work officially commences, again just like muh kickstarter. If combined with multiples choices that ‘teens could donate to, it could lead to some gemmy scenarios in which projects with the most amount of funding by a set date end up being made, which will be le good in case ‘teens aren’t sure what gayme they want made next (e.g. if FNAC is successful, next project could either be FNAC 2 or the ‘jak RPG, and such a system may help decide which will get made first, because I hecking voted with my wallet or something like that)


rare good suggestion, yeah ill be doing this, whichever thing gets crowdfunded / hits the $100 goal first gets made.




frooty froot release fnac on gog cuz it doesn't cost $100 to put a game there!


dont i just deleted my gog account nigger


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I already paid. If valve doenst approve the game by 'ween itll release on itch or something. I will eventually put it on steam, I already went through the entire process of registering an LLC so i dont turbodoxx myself.


Frooty froot add a donate buy me a kikey thing or whatever I’d donate


what will happen if i pirate fnac


>he thinks teens will actually pay for it


Will there be steam profile gemmies?


captain coal goes to your hose and rapes (you)



Ok can you post a link to the game in a zip file please?


installers are cooler


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will the steam grid be a parody of the fnaf move poster?


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