samefags everywhere on
>>>/raid/ have been unutterably decimated after godmods enabled IDs, even applying to posts days before the change was implemented
top level fact checkers at cnn and snopes estimate that a whopping 2 samefags have been affected by this board-shattering change, triggering a diaspora of demoralized selfbumpers necroing their failraids to finally retreat to swedish win
in an attempt to get their thoughts on this change, we have deployed our finest journalists at the samefags' new lair, it has been mostly unfruitful since both of them only spoke in hindu and smelled like festering shit, so we came back with an interpreter, it had gone more smoothly and they didn't even throw cow shit at us this time, this is what they had to say
"hello saar its fackin embarrassing we cant fuckin redeem our bobs and vagene from trannie's on sharty any more luckily we brought our sacred cows to poo in the loo for us and we sometimes fack them too want to try our famous cow dung tikka masala saar is really good trust me"
thank you for coming to my ted talk