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https://domesticatedsilverfox.weebly.com/ (Good site)
While reading the 'pedia, I stumbled on this page and thought it was really interesting, basically a russian tannery took some foxes, made it so the chuds couldn't breed, and made it so the r/wholesome 100 chunkers could, after many generations, they had produced something resembling a dog in behavior (similar to how some foxes act in captivity)
Traits They Saw (listed by occurence in generation numbers, first being from like 5ish generations going down to about 40)
>Floppy Ears
>Shorter Tail
>Tails also rolling over into being over the back
>Darker Fur Pigments
>Shorter and Wider Skull
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I care about this




gem goes up


Gemmy, if any amerimutt lives in a non-rulecucked rual state, you should buy a bunch and start breeding them.


Even doe da joos neuter xem

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Reply to this calm borzoi for good luck forever
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I hope everyone has a good day, God bless.


cute animal


My life has been better as of late, I was >>2465
Thank you.

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wizard cat won


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gulp gulp gulp

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can anyone help identify this species?




is this real???


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I can’t fucking fall asleep because there’s a tiny white β€˜pecker hitting its piece of raisin head against my house.


Tiny white pecker

File: Two Headed Snake.webm πŸ“₯︎ (1.19 MB, 720x404) ImgOps


two headed snake


This is very interesting, we know with humans that the two heads are two souls/entities that share a body, how do you think animals with less/arguable sentience feel react to literally sharing their body like this?


I think that they wouldn't mind and would realize that they have the same body.


Do they have 2 brains or do they share hemispheres?

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lioness pooner
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Saber lion


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>saber lion


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>>saber lion


>>>saber lion


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Faggot nigger this isn't 8chan fuck off.

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slotty swede on the log

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evil borga

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Aryan Alligator


nordic af


This is how alligators looked like in Hyperborea

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