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/pol/ - International Politics

18+ | Politics, countrywars and general shitflinging

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File: maga.mp4 📥︎ (10.23 MB, 1280x720) ImgOps

 â„–571563Sticky[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2]

Prepare your popcorn, you're about to see the WORST humiliation the world has ever seen. You'll love this next part.
120 posts and 98 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it literally says "made by hyperjumper"

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/pol/ is now !!18+ ONLY!! due to the mature nature of this board, you may now be a bit edgier here granted you don't take it too far.
Anyone under 18 and using /pol/ will be permanently banned from using /pol/.
Please don't use this new rule to make this into a porn dump, use >>>/nate/ for that.
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/pol/ update 16.10.2024

>Disabled VPN blocking

>Disabled integrity.js enforcement
>Removed rights on this board from all staff under mod
>Removed Shitoko

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are (You) proud of the current state of your country?
34 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


yes, im proud of my country for rejecting retardation and chudism by voting blue two elections in a row.



Im proud of my country for killing kikes


Absolutely not.

The ultimate raisin hole


kill and rape troondeau please

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can I get some videos of the kkk vs the hood? like niggers captured or shootouts or something along those greasemarks
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notice how there's zero engagement with the point
what are you talking about you have a religious division being the literal main cause of massive wars throughout the entire region for the past several decades?
I'm not talking about retconning the text. I'm talking about the complete lack of accountability or evolution in islamic morality as it is extrapolated from the texts. Go to any modern sheikh, even the popular ones that speak in english, they'll tell you how slavery is justified, how fucking slaves is permissible, they'll duck the question of muhammad fucking a 9 year old, I get second hand embarrassment


>inb4 the kiwi posts a massive reddit copenuke
i really hope he doesnt do this



>tfw it was a tiny reddit copefart


>yet another fail
does the muzzie cosanguinity come with more health defects than I'm aware of? cerebral palsy? parkinsons disease???

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who are they


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mother of all oofy doofy
why couldnt it been me


Andinean bvlls won


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>brown guy fucking prostitues.. but they are le white

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Are you ready to be reunited in death with your Soviet friends soon?

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Toronto, the ultimate faggot capital of the world, renamed one of their busiest streets after Taylor Swift


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fuck women


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>Fuck the opposition
>Fuck georgian dream
>Fuck the european union
>Fuck the united states of america
>And definitely, fuck viktor orban


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>>Fuck the opposition
>>Fuck georgian dream
>>Fuck the european union
>>Fuck the united states of america
>>And definitely, fuck viktor orban
I know nothing about Georgian politics btw


Xhey're like sucking russian cock so that they wont get destroyed like what happened to ukraine and this guy is seething because westerners didnt help ukraine enough and it made the party he hates win


without lies rusraisins die

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Dump those mp4s, these threads are always the most glistening gem mines
14 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>the third
How to forget this 2022 gem…


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o algo


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