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/pol/ - International Politics

18+ | Politics, countrywars and general shitflinging

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Make Libtards Cry Again


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This is my guess from 3 days ago doe

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I'm doing semen retention for Trump. I will siphon my sexual energy into a means for his victory. Not a single drop of my life essence will be spilled until he is inaugurated.



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soyjak.party officially endorses Hillary Clinton for President. It's Her Turn.


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soyjak.party officially endorses Hillary Clinton for President. It's Her Turn.


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soyjak.party officially endorses Hillary Clinton for President. It's Her Turn.


posted it again award

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This is Allan "The Supreme Keymaster" Lichtman who has predicted every election correctly since 1984 (including 2000 since Jeb rigged Florida for Bush) using the 13 Keys.

>What are The 13 Keys to the White House?

The Keys are 13 all-powerful true/false questions which determine if the incumbent party will maintain control of the White House. After several sessions of deep meditation and communion with the all-knowing Keys, it was revealed to Dr. Lichtman in September that the keys have picked Kamala D. Harris as their chosen president for 2024, far ahead of the pollsters which are only now aligning with the Keys.

>Could the Keys be lying to Lichtman?

Republicans will try to refute their judgement, saying he and The Keys are biased and that the keys are not being applied correctly. But the Keys are never wrong. The Keys also bring down swift and brutal judgement against those who doubt them. Nate Silver knows the fate of those who deny the Keys all too well. During the 2024 election cycle, he very meekly said it was 55-45 in Trump's favor. Now, at the 11th hour, he is saying it's a tossup. He cannot bring himself to admit defeat and is just saying it's even so he doesn't have to face any accountability for being wrong and disrespecting the Keys. But The Keys never forget.

>Can Trump still win?

Simply put, you must be keyed to enter the White House. Trump is not keyed. He cannot win.
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dont care


trump is a jew slave anyway




>In 2000, there were five false keys against the incumbent Democrats, with Lichtman predicting the election of the Democratic frontrunner, Vice President Al Gore in November 1999. Gore won the popular vote, but Republican nominee George W. Bush was declared the winner of the Electoral College by the Supreme Court and was therefore elected president.
>Lichtman argued that in 2000, he specifically predicted the winner of the popular vote, which Gore won.

>In 2016, when there were six false keys against the incumbent Democrats, with Lichtman predicting the election of Republican nominee Donald Trump in September 2016. Trump lost the popular vote, but won the Electoral College and was therefore elected president.

>Lichtman had previously clarified that the keys only predicted the popular vote, not the Electoral College outcome, and claims that in 2016, he switched to predicting the outcome of the Electoral College, but this claim is not supported by his books and papers from 2016, which explicitly stated that the keys predict the popular vote.


al gore lost by like 500 votes and probably would've won if they let him recount doe

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soyjak.party officially endorses Hillary Clinton for President. It's Her Turn.


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soyjak.party officially endorses Hillary Clinton for President. It's Her Turn.

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>election day
>site instantly flooded with propaganda
Well yeah i dont know who has to be behind that
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You are glowing, c0e7




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You sound like a disingenuous piece of raisin rat kike, subversion kike, tranny enabling communist kike permanent wretch. DIE KIKE DIE. the holocaust never happened but it should have, and hopefully another one happens soon. EAT THIS SWASTIKA AND CHOKE TO DEATH ON IT YOU GREASY KIKE

And for your actions, the faggots have committed an unforgivable crime. All faggots shall be removed from Europe and America. No one shall love them nor forgive them. Israel shall be destroyed. Africa shall be recolonized.


it was all me sorry


its /pol/ aka politics board no raisin there will be many posts regarding the election. retarded fucking pig

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prepare for another wave of "the russians hacked it"
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Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka is converted to judaism and married jew Jared Kushner
Bernie Sanders,candidate for president in 2016 and 2020, is jewish
Michael Rubens Bloomberg, 2020 presidential candidate, majority owner of Bloomberg LP is jewish
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Amazing bait


Save it and spam too. Everywhere.


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I'm not playing in the obsessed Olympics

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Yeah, I know I am obsessed with this faggot, but I think I just lost about 80% of my IQ points watching this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSO96bEDjYk.

Xe claims to promote nuance, and I kinda feel sorry for xim (I really shouldn't doe), but he's still retarded. Fatties are ridiculed in society because MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. I you were in Sparta you'd be rightfully left to die. Fucking coward.

Oh yeah…



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Henry :^D


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Funnily enough, it's a complete coincidence he looks like one. He said in an interview that he just found any old suit as a "joke" due to xis songs not being serious but he's dressing serious. And later he grew out his hair just like Lennon. And yes, Imagine fucking sucks. Imagine is a song about a dystopia.


aryan beast


(((Imagine))) is a literal globalist propaganda, fucking jew lennon.


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>>>572402 (You)
>(((Imagine))) is a literal globalist propaganda, fucking jew lennon.

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This election should be an easy win for Trump. He had the border crisis, inflation, and two assassination attempts by libturds working for him. Biden was senile, and he got replaced late in the race by a very unpopular vice-president. Also, Trump got the endorsement of the most popular third party candidate(RFK).

If this election ends up being close, it would be a massive loss for Trump in my view. He should have everything that he needs for a massive sweeping victory.


MUH HECKING TARIFFS, BIDEN CONTROLS THE GLOBAL ECONOMY!!! you niggas are braindead, wheres that wall the clementine criminal erected?

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