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if you faggots aren't going to give me soldier gore you can atleast tell me where to get it. and do not say watchpeopledie. i don't want to see syrian soldiers or fucking lebansese or some raisin i want AMERICAN soldiers. the ones that deserve it.


Niggerskin thread lole


bestgore.fun is ok. I made an account in like 2021 and stopped using it because all the namefags i became friends with were all actual glowies who tried to convince me into being a ukraine extremist or edgy women


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>if you faggots aren't going to give me soldier gore you can atleast tell me where to get it. and do not say watchpeopledie. i don't want to see syrian soldiers or fucking lebansese or some raisin i want AMERICAN soldiers. the ones that deserve it.

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By the end of 2040 the us will look like
A. Brazil
B. South america
C. The uk
D. Russia after the ussr collapse
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


I think it will look like Brazil


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we can switch places if you dont like it there


Not living in a pajeet hellhole


>raisinskinned nation with society close to being ancap


they arent that bad but I barely leave my house so maybe I haven't interacted with them
the worst thing is they dont know Arabic
not even english
so I cant communicate with them
and they make up 90% of workers so thats that

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>4chan founder starts working at Google in 2016 and it's known for spying on people.
>4chan server admin is an Apple Employee
>4chan /b/ mod is a pedophile F.B.I agent
>4chan /pol/ mod is a Nigger Jeet Mutt that is 50 years old as of 2024 and gets paid by a Chinese multinational technology conglomerate and holding company
>4chan current owner is a chink that is 47 years as of 2024 and gets paid by a Chinese multinational technology conglomerate and holding company

When Moot sold 4chan a group of 4chan moderators bought it.
I lived this long to find out how cucked 4chan is.
I don't want to know what the rest of 4chan staff does and their niggerfaggot agendas.

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I am God. I am Christ. I am Putin. I am Zhirinovsky. I am Dugin. I am President. I am RUSSIAN. Die hohol die. Die HOHOL die. You're going to the gas chamber. You're going to the slaughterhouse. The ZOV2022 reich will kill ALL HOHOLS. Russian is führer, Russian is GOD. IN GOD WE TRUST. PUTIN ZOV SMO @RUSSIANEMPIRE Z EURASIAN WORLD. Z will rebuild Russian empire. Z will rebuild USSR. Z will rebuild Pan-Slavic Hyperborea. Z is patriarch. Z is messiah. Z is tsar. Z is fuhrer. Z is emperor. Z is GOD. Z will instanciate THD. Z and PUTIN will save the slav race. Kill niggers kill spics kill westerners kill kikes kill hohols TND TSP TWD TKD THD slav power 1488 KKK Z SYMBOL OF CHAOS ZIEG HEIL for the reich for the empire FOR RUSSIAN #ZVO2022 reich. Kill hohols. Behead hohols. Roundhouse kick a hohol into the concrete. Slam dunk a hohol baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy ukropigs. Defecate in a hohols food. Launch hohols into the sun. Stir fry hohols in a wok. Toss hohols into active volcanoes. Urinate into a hohols gas tank. Judo throw hohols into a wood chipper. Twist hohols heads off. Report hohols to the IRS. Karate chop hohols in half. Curb stomp pregnant ukropig slut. Trap hohols in quicksand. Crush hohols in the trash compactor. Liquefy hohols in a vat of acid. Eat hohols. Dissect hohols. Exterminate hohols in the gas chamber. Stomp hohol skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate hohols in the oven. Lobotomize hohols. Mandatory abortions for hohols. Grind hohol fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown hohols in fried chicken grease. Vaporize hohols with a ray gun. Kick old hohols down the stairs. Feed hohols to alligators. Slice hohols with a katana. Gas westerners. Mulitate westerners to death. Throw westerners into a river. Propel westerners into the piggerhell. Skin westerners alive. Boil westerners in holy water. Rape westerners. Fabricate westerners into soap. Slam westerners with a wooden door. Use westerner babies as soccer balls. Hang westerners on their noses. Cook westerners in an oven. burn westerners to ashes. Smite westerners. Slam westerners with holy bible. Spit on westerners. Feed westerners to Kraken. Sacrifice westerners to Moloch. TOTAL HOHOL DEATH. TOTAL WESTERNER GENOCIDE. TOTAL SLAVIC WIN. EURASIA WILL BE UNITED UNDER RUSSIAN FLAG. HYPERBOREA WILL BE REBUILT. TRUST THE PLAN. TRUST THE Z. ВРАГ БУДEТ РАЗБИТ И ПОБEДА БУДEТ ЗА НАМИ!!!
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it was intented by ZE PLVN. PLVN Z. TRVST THE PLVN CHVD.


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Do not claim you are God or burn in hell


You're clearly a seething pagan westerner. Seething little pagan western pig. You disrespected Putin. You disrespected Zhir. You disrespected Taboritsky. You disrespected Iron Dimon. You disrespected RURIK. You disrespected RUSSIA.
You're going to die. You're going to get NVKED. Be quiet ukroscum, you're going to get gassed in the chamber. Noone will save you. Eurasia will be united. West will fall into the piggerhell. Russia will be great again. !!XQLV PVZZIVH ΣMПIPΣ VVILL PΣBVILD XVПΣPBQPΣV.!!





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Should we try to do something incredible with our lives?
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Okay, you don't have to answer if you don't want to!


I am 6 feet tall
height does play a part of it so I wont say "oh it doesn't heckin matter" but it isn't helping me


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this is the second time some one asked about my height and stopped replying after
why the fuck do you need to know? are you like comparing?


also every time I say that I am 6 feet while complaining about being an incel it feels like I am humble bragging which is why I don't like saying it

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post goony politic gems
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Hey azvohuf, thoughts about el tren de aragua?


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Marge, I'm confused, who is she?

>>571388 gemeralda del caos contra Los negros de mierda o algo

Not the best TND gems but it's something o algo. Btw I saw a video of Justin telling, again, a racist joke it was like "why are niggers afraid of chainsaws? *RUN NIGGA IGGANIGGANIGGANIGGANIGGANIGGANIGGA*" o algo


Apesarde que la canción originalmente se refiere a los villeros argentinos y no a los negros africanos sub-saharianos o algo así


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>>571523 GEG si que son negros de mierda, que es esto argeniggerscacas??? OHNONONONO

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>Yes goy die for Greater Israel
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yes but vatnig wants you to believe we have jew in every other word in our language
it is not true, our language is very unjewish


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kidnapping 18 year old hohols off the street and sending them to the front


Because they are their slaves. All the slave ships that brought niggers to America were owned by ((())).


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Can we get a Ukrop roll-call? I want to know how many of them are still alive.


3 of them so far, most importantly - the Odessan

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TBH trump is doing much better than I thought rn.
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He’s about tied in battleground states rn and republicans tend to vote on Election Day instead of early.


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BIDEN 2024


The election is happening right now?


So do kamala rallies


moved twice to same board award

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TBH trump is doing much better than I thought rn.
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He’s about tied in battleground states rn and republicans tend to vote on Election Day instead of early.


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BIDEN 2024


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>His rallies have lots of empty seats and peanut isnt catching on plus gop staff were caught faking polls
>It's trumpover


Nigger janny it’s relevant to the mctripple or whatever.



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If you care abouy that squirrels death youre proving trump is hutler since hitler like animals so youre all nazi scum

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