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A banner for soyjak.party

/r/ - Requests & Soy Art

Request soyjaks and share your masterpieces!

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File: PosterTestCob.png 📥︎ (79.27 KB, 1000x1388) ImgOps


remade a ton of soyjaks and still going feel free to use these for whatever you wanna do
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please do nates or yosutbas hair

File: 1720926578833r.png 📥︎ (1.36 MB, 2073x1742) ImgOps


It's been a while can any 'teen update this?


Make my self centered friend into a soyjak


I don't jak pedophiles unless its troonjak

File: 1730151249141a.jpg 📥︎ (8.94 KB, 255x186) ImgOps


if there are any artGODS still alive please draw kaaatie ACKing xerself plssss


kys fpetroon

File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (154.57 KB, 320x213) ImgOps


'jak him


this zigger is raped and dead

File: 86864 - SoyBooru.mp4 📥︎ (38.37 MB, 1600x1100) ImgOps


how do you animate like this
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how did you achieve moving the mouth with feraljak?


File: cobby shoot bg.mp4 📥︎ (4.95 MB, 1920x1080) ImgOps

gemmy, i can make smvs that aren't slideshows with this


File: cobby shooting bg.mp4 📥︎ (5.32 MB, 1920x1080) ImgOps


Wouldn't it be easier if you used adobe animate doebeit?


someone should make a video tutorial of this

File: the chungus - copia.png 📥︎ (25.6 KB, 824x1148) ImgOps

File: the chungus.png 📥︎ (201.88 KB, 824x1148) ImgOps


I 'jakked Chungus
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potential to be gemmy


It doesn't look enough like him and you can't tell who it's supposed to be. Too generic. It will never surpass Chugsjak.




this is a carbon jak but it's great possible gem, keep gem smithing


it's too smooth, use square brush

File: photo_2024-11-04_12-04-06.jpg 📥︎ (60.06 KB, 696x630) ImgOps


Can somebody make this into a soyjak please
(i'm retarded)

File: IMG_2432.png 📥︎ (82.02 KB, 1119x1306) ImgOps


Anyone have r34 of this SISA doe


/anthro/ is dead so I must ask here doebeit


nigger what

File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (51.92 KB, 300x100) ImgOps

 â„–15261Images Only[Reply]

You can submit your submissions for the banner contest here.

These submissions must be related to the "soyjak.st" (Soyjak Street) domain and will be used when you visit the website on the soyjak.st domain. Remember to include "Soyjak Street" instead of "Soyjak Party" in the banners.

Good luck. There is also an example banner attached to this post. You can make a banner related to anything, just that it has to be related to the "Soyjak Street" (soyjak.st) domain. Have fun!
You can ask questions about this contest in /q/ or also https://soyjak.blog/index.php?threads/soy-oween-2024-general.9154/
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File: cobgif.gif 📥︎ (190.06 KB, 255x134) ImgOps


File: lawnmowerman.gif 📥︎ (190.08 KB, 255x134) ImgOps

font update


File: nuferalbunker.png 📥︎ (177.86 KB, 900x300) ImgOps



File: soyjak newgrounds.png 📥︎ (93.52 KB, 1563x523) ImgOps

simplistic but artistic


File: Oekaki.png 📥︎ (2.88 KB, 500x250) ImgOps

Who won the contest?

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