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/pol/ - International Politics

18+ | Politics, countrywars and general shitflinging

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should I just troon out and get into boxing so I can beat up women?



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>should I just troon out and get into boxing so I can beat up women?

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Will all users on imageboards be doxxed?


>no anonymity
Nanochan it is o algo


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>To save our democracy, we must get rid of online anonymity


>By Mark Weinstein

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Voice Chat Thread



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You niggers are boring as fuck, I now get why BBCroat used to spam this board so much
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


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>boring is when there is no theology or something like that yeah


shut up tranny freak /qa/ tranny nigger


I know where he resides


>Dont blogpost here
>No dont even blogpost here


No serb looks like that.

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>Go on OmeTv to talk to fellow Dutchmen
>All "Dutch" people on there are either raisinskins or brown niggers.
Why is my country like this?
14 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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How did I completely derail the thread with 2 replies


it was a raisinty thread and op isnt engaging at all


I'm here nigger


Netherlands was never a White country. You invented (((International Law))) and other jewish raisin


Tolerance never worked

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A month old 'toss
23 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Convert to islam however so its good


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Flag doesnt check out


I have a BWC fetish


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 â„–564452[Reply][Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5]

Brenton Harrison Tarrant is a hero that sacrificed his freedom for all of us White people. This thread is for honouring him.
444 posts and 639 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



File: shiterald.png 📥︎ (865.85 KB, 1059x929) ImgOps

>>>571014 (You)


Pedo geg


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>>>571026 (You)
>Pedo geg



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Please vote for Kamala. Please. I'm asking all the way from Russia. We need someone with integrity at the helm of world affairs, and that leaves only one choice.

To any undecided or non voting Americans who read this: please vote for Kamala.

To see a woman be the most important elected official in the world? It's a dream. Please give us this. And I'm not even factoring in that Kamala is a BIPOC.

Thank you.
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: shiterald.png 📥︎ (865.85 KB, 1059x929) ImgOps

>Please vote for Kamala. Please. I'm asking all the way from Russia. We need someone with integrity at the helm of world affairs, and that leaves only one choice.
>To any undecided or non voting Americans who read this: please vote for Kamala.
>To see a woman be the most important elected official in the world? It's a dream. Please give us this. And I'm not even factoring in that Kamala is a BIPOC.
>Thank you.


it rigged the elections are staged the entire world is a stage
but who will win
firstly kamala is black and women
while trump is a white guy
in my opinion the people who pick who leads the US generally pick the liberal one and people who run the US in the shadows will probably want kamala to be the next obama but with a vagina however it also likely for trump to win since they want to pasicfiy the right-wingers and trump is a kosher chud so both are likely
i just nothing happens in US since i asking some guy who lives there to perform a satanic ritual


File: shiterald.png 📥︎ (865.85 KB, 1059x929) ImgOps

>it rigged the elections are staged the entire world is a stage
>but who will win
>firstly kamala is black and women
>while trump is a white guy
>in my opinion the people who pick who leads the US generally pick the liberal one and people who run the US in the shadows will probably want kamala to be the next obama but with a vagina however it also likely for trump to win since they want to pasicfiy the right-wingers and trump is a kosher chud so both are likely
>i just nothing happens in US since i asking some guy who lives there to perform a satanic ritual



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>>>570998 (You)

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(I made this just now)
<To prevent raids, the max-ack!! ack!! ACKKKKK!!!!!!!
6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Btw there was a video with the same guy who intrudes on a guy who's watching porn and takes it away from him. Gigachad and coomerjak would be gemmy to do


Good idea


Although I feel like doing two videos of the same thing is boring, I'm not gonna do it


>saged his own thread award


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I'm too lazy to remove the sage because I'm quoting a raisin ton of fags with picrel and saging every thread makes them seethe

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Trump 2024



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