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/pol/ - International Politics

18+ | Politics, countrywars and general shitflinging
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File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (43.63 KB, 586x804) ImgOps


>Go on OmeTv to talk to fellow Dutchmen
>All "Dutch" people on there are either raisinskins or brown niggers.
Why is my country like this?


proxyfag DNI


Slavs won


you can talk to us here
all /pol/ users are a10 aryans


I can't talk to them there
none /soy/ admins aren't t50 niggers


mother of all esl nigger babble


father is none efl aryan speech


>Even doe you use /pol/


That's not how oppositefagging works


/pol/ is for whites only
we larp as brownoids sometimes to make fun of them lol


you made the cancer know as zellig
you deserve this


File: shiterald.png 📥︎ (865.85 KB, 1059x929) ImgOps

>>>571013 (You)
>>Even doe you use /pol/


File: shiterald.png 📥︎ (865.85 KB, 1059x929) ImgOps

>>>571013 (You)
>That's not how oppositefagging works


thats how oppositefagging works


File: arms.jpeg 📥︎ (3.83 KB, 299x168) ImgOps

>>>571021 (You)
>thats how oppositefagging works


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (7.77 KB, 650x86) ImgOps

How did I completely derail the thread with 2 replies


it was a raisinty thread and op isnt engaging at all


I'm here nigger


Netherlands was never a White country. You invented (((International Law))) and other jewish raisin


Tolerance never worked

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