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>hunkered down for the 5th time award
>is incapable of fighting that isn't breaking your legs for 3 seconds award
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kys ankylosaurus isn't even in the game


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>frog video posted
>someone instantly thinks of coloured dicks
nuTheDonald browsers, is this really how we act?


thinking about it, there is a strong lack of ankylosaurids, there's going to be 3 stegosaurids, and there's already 3 ceratopsians.
only one ankylosaurid, strangely.


looks more like euoplocephalus


looks like any basic ankylosauridae/nodosauridae tbh


OMG she's thicc


>>>/jak/ kdfllkfwd



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why is every hamster video on jewtube some white woman and her house is all painted white with the plants and shit speaking to the camera man i just want to research on hamsters and their care


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no im not a heckin incel i just think people who live in modern ikea homes are annoying and piss me off. something about them feels fake


wypipo love hamsters or something


Wypipo women have horrible false pregnancy syndrome when it comes to hamsters and it's why they will baby them with over expensive euro food and always change teh standard of living for cages. You have already lost for letting the woman in your game.


You’re better off just finding a website


It's a women and children pet, also poverty coded.

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really? i never noticed that, do trannies hate him on twitter?

there's another dinosaur youtuber that trannies hate named pesky, except he plays video games instead


Dinosuars are terfy though


Rape and kill this nigger


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My favorite dinosaur is the one with 500 teeth


aryan cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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and what happened to xim?


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so he apparently was "allegdyly" raped but he died and didnt have anal prolapse


Raped him myself so I can confirm

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cat from ohio


"Heil Kitler"


based cat


ohio ahh cat 💀💀💀

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I love ore mountains, they are soo nice and clean during the winter

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