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/an/ - Animals & Nature

for posting pictures of animals, pets, and nature.

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why do cows exist




To post threads on various imageboards insulting those of African-American heritage.


So that indians can have beautiful wives


>SELECT * FROM dinosaur_species WHERE length > 8;


Oh I forgot to respond to this
Big is fine


>Big is fine

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>hijacks the human empathy region in the brain with child-like proportions as juvenile, making you buy it
>"j-just go and purchase jew pet food and accessories for 16 years bro!"
>shitting on the floor
>brings dead hiv infected animals inside
>disappears for three weeks
are cats the ultimate jews or just skilled exploiters of human nature?
9 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


sage negated


sage ywnbaw


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>Moved to >>>/an/1330.
holy gaylord didn't even know we have this dead useless board


ayo that crazy bro

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He loves hats.


Cute lil' buddy

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i need cute animal images to send go my girlfriend please help
8 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Why do monotremes lay eggs?


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baba egg




Its because they are the chuds of the mammalian world thinking laying eggs is trad and pangean or something


ummm they just do ok? don't worry about it.

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You know what saddens me? When i was a young chudling i was super obsessed with zoology and knew a lot of esoteric animals, such as the capybara. In the last few years or so due to reddiy and nigtok capybaras became normgroid animals. Even eorse than that my first rl friend who was basically a failed normgroid early on became obsessed woth capybaras the same time he drifted away from me and got a gf. I take consolation in other south american rodents like Maras, agouties and so on…pictured here is a paca. Does anyone else know this feel?


i dont have an obsession over zoology but i know the experience of having a niche interest, it normifies and now you're just like everyone else.

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I transheart MY cat because IM A SELFISH LITTLE FUCK


based cat



Go back to Twitter

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I aryanheart simple things

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Eurocucks wish they had this much biodiversity


I can go to my park and see more than this


no you can't faggot less than .3% of natural forest in europe is left meanwhile in the US we have millions of hectares of hardwood forests while you stupid eurocucks are stuck with nothing but norway maples and silver firs. Europe has only 2 species of oak trees. The united states has over 100 species of oak. The north american ecosystem will always be superior to its inferior european counterpart. Submit to big USA cock right now

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