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jak him


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nigga looking like he about to tear up talking about how stacy left him for tyrone


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weird ass ohio creature


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jak him too


look at this fuvking d=umbAss, reyaerded hounbd

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Sepsiszentgyörgy thread


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>inb4 these were just pics that I took, here's some others that I haven't took/got of the web

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Dennis thread




cute dog

rent free. kill yourself


>Posts a dog that seems like the kind of dog a tranny would like
>Whaaat why are you thinking about trans ppl????


Dilate however

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This cat is exactly 18 pounds and 5 ounces and has a dark grey fur color




It'll be exactly 6 feet under the soil if I ever see it.

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did you think before farting or fart before thinking?


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I shit myself

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My dog looks so cute next to all her little toys but I don’t want to share picture because I don’t wanna be doxxed


>sorry guys my postal address and residential address is stapled on my dog


yeah man dont mess with the hacker known as snarky.snappy we'll dox you

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literally me!
8 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Actual mental illness.
There is absolutely zero (0) fossil evidence that any member of Tyrannosauridae had feathers, least of all Tyrannosaurus rex; every preserved Tyrannosauridae integument impression we've discovered thus far has been patches of scaly skin (read: not feathers). At BEST, you can theorize that they may have had a smattering of vestigial peach fuzz due to sharing an LCA with some feathered proceratosaurids, but this is purely conjecture (aka HEADCANON).


>there's absolutely zero evidence
source: ia m fucking angry and didnt take pills REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


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>especiially TYRANOSAURUS REX! 'cause he heckin fcool!


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there is no evidence even though tyranosasurus habitated in very cold climate in alaska?


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>they just did ok?!

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sharty dog


gem thread


beautiful dawg


Dennis doe





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