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Cats are aryan


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Mine is a niggerkike

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>/an/ - Animals & Nature




Nigga, he nuts


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Ive finally achieved my dream of getting a rental house in Switzerland. I'll pursue my dream of a small podcast and live out my life with my German Shepard, while reading literature to fill my mind with stories of the old world.


>friendless loser
<friendless loser, cool background

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I caught it trying to rape a white woman with it's 20 roach buddies, and then it started begging me for "coding job".


Blatta orientalis, the oriental cockroach

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she risght doe



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Never Forget

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how the hell do you get a skeleton that isn't boney what does that even mean


the bones are like those inside your ears and nose instead of proper tough bones that last centuries


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my ears are not made of bones


Well, technically speaking, the cartillages in your ears ARE indeed support structures, so they do count as cartillagenous bones in that sense.
But they usually aren't referred to as such because it would stir confusion with our regular, human bones. Y'know… Bony bones, made of osein.
But sharks do have a cartilagenous skull, a spinal column with cartilagenous vertebrae, and cartilagenous ribs coming off from it, so you can't say that sharks don't have a skeleton, even if it's a cartilagenous one. But what is that skeleton made out of if not bones?


>t. Dolphin

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Golden Eagle or Bald Eagle, who Is the best?


golden eagle, they look better


Golden Eagle is aryan


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I'll try both and get back to you.

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even doe no human is an actual wolf


i look like that


turkroachs say this


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Total girlbosses


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