WHO declared the start of new pandemic that wreaks havoc among soyteens, especially those who recently arrived to sharty through immigration programms.
Symptoms mainly consist of embedded image of a certain racist anthro fox. Most of the time newGOD will simply copy the image and spread the disease to others without even knowing he is infected. Once they know they are infected they try to find out who that fox is and then slow procces of turning into a furGOD begins. Once infection reaches the final phase they become more aggresive, open with their intent and completely lose their soyteen status (pic 3 is an example of their posts. HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS)
OldGODS are completely mind broken since their board is being infiltrated with a cute anthro fox who is also racist and thus sitewide unrest began. Means of hiding embedded Averis are often highly sophisticated and it takes time to reveal infection, which makes people accuse others of being an actual furfag.
As of right now it remains unclear where this virus came from. Some say it all began with a fucking frognigger embedding this raisin onto a frog (example on 4ths pic, bottom left. HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS), thus making it a typical frognigger attack. /anthro/ thread on /g/ denies any responsibility, bipoc police says that they didnt find any evidence that there was any planning at all. However some insist that it was all a furfag plan to get /anthro/ board back, which is still isnt deleted. Some conspiracy theorists think that the reason it is still isnt deleted is because furKINGS have a certain control on admins team, which is all but just a speculation
Soyentists say it may all happened because of the state of the site:
>no new OCs>no making fun of the left>no making fun of the soy>/raid/ is still lockedSoyentists suggest that the only way to get rid of the disease is to
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