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log is coal, gem production at an all time low
sorry if your gems are not being delivered to your Podβ„’. gem production is pretty low
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This is the trvth the tranny's are winning tnd will never be achieved oh my science 💔


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Sorry bud, but Shrek is not a soyjak.


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>shut this dead nigger of a website down


die die die


obsessed mudslime sandnigger award

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Recently, numerous reports indicate that "NEVER GOON" organization took over the government and actively spreading their regime across all borders of ceasing the action of gooning.
Xhey captured civillians as hostages and released footage of them brutally executed by hanging, suicide of reimplementation of the penis and exposure to chudcel propaganda.
A message released by them stating, "I will never rest until the death of gooners, co-existing with the enemy is never the answer as the gooning causes a wipe-out of an entire civilization. We will prevail.", as shocking as that sounds.
Troonville and Goonistan militants and army is preparing to seize the terrorist organization to mitigate the destruction of their nation.
10 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Recently, numerous reports indicate that "NEVER GOON" organization took over the government and actively spreading their regime across all borders of ceasing the action of gooning.
>Xhey captured civillians as hostages and released footage of them brutally executed by hanging, suicide of reimplementation of the penis and exposure to chudcel propaganda.
>A message released by them stating, "I will never rest until the death of gooners, co-existing with the enemy is never the answer as the gooning causes a wipe-out of an entire civilization. We will prevail.", as shocking as that sounds.
>Troonville and Goonistan militants and army is preparing to seize the terrorist organization to mitigate the destruction of their nation.

Xhey are going to kill me


Look outside, furfag. >>1635


This is horrible. Praying for Troonville and Goonistan rn.


Geggy, up


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In other words, a cacaposter has been seen tampering with the VNC of a finnish nuclear power plant
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>neos0iterrorists are now actually commiting IRL crimes
only a matter of time before the glowniggers shut this raisin website down


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>>neos0iterrorists are now actually c-ACK!


>they still think it was a foreign entity doe
>the articles all blamed russia

Nord Stream 2 award



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thank god its not fpe

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BREAKING NEWS! An individual known only as "Dan", who was previously a maximum security patient in the Soyville mental asylum, has escaped. He is severely schizophrenic and has often expressed his desire to "exterminate the obsessed FPE pedo raisinlalalalalalalallaalalalallalallalalalallallalallallallalalan niggers". Mentally deranged babblings aside, Dan is an extremely dangerous individual and should not be confronted or interacted with in any way. If you see him, it is advised to keep out of his line of site and contact the authorities. Dan is armed with a Vz. 58 rifle and has been reported to be covered in rusty, makeshift full-body armor constructed from hardened steel. A joint operation between the FBI and CIA has been launched to search for and capture Dan.

Left: FBI file photo of Dan.
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woah-jack news




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>BREAKING NEWS! An individual known only as "Dan", who was previously a maximum security patient in the Soyville mental asylum, has escaped. He is severely schizophrenic and has often expressed his desire to "exterminate the obsessed FPE pedo raisinlalalalalalalallaalalalallalallalalalallallalallallallalalan niggers". Mentally deranged babblings aside, Dan is an extremely dangerous individual and should not be confronted or interacted with in any way. If you see him, it is advised to keep out of his line of site and contact the authorities. Dan is armed with a Vz. 58 rifle and has been reported to be covered in rusty, makeshift full-body armor constructed from hardened steel. A joint operation between the FBI and CIA has been launched to search for and capture Dan.

>Left: FBI file photo of Dan.


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wtf again

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Supposed "killer Frog" was spotted on /soy/ and /pol/ killing newsΠΎΡƒs, he supposedly has affiliations with terrorist organization "Ribbit Rally" and also armed with 10mm Glock with a switch.
Here is a footage caught on camera:


report every frog for rule 3b(WITH URGENT)


the more they stay on the website, the more info they collect.

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He is being described as being like as bouncing baby boy!

Typical critics of Pepe say their hearts have grown soft after seeing thus, like and share ❀️


this made me /calm/ thank you


froogoogaga hijacked /news/


wholesome wholesomeheart wholesomegem

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Soyvelopers newest game, IAScar, has just been announced.
3d modelers are required for the multiplayer arcade racing game, release date unknown.
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Marge, is it gonna be released on steam or is it gonna be like last time?



Faggots use this site


> IAScar announced
i thought it was about an IAS depiction of Scar being made (even though there`s one already)


can you guys add a carmaggedon mode where you run over pedestrians?

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Following a change of the month, the famous
>Hey 'eens,
Poster has updated his copy pasta to include the month of October. Leading some to calling the 'een fraudulent and a liar.

Hey 'eens,

I've been thinking about leaving the sharty in October. The main reason is that I’m heading off to university, but I also feel like this website is going downhill and turning into another 4cuck. Before you call me a downer, let me lay out the issues that are ruining this place and that the mods won’t address:

1. NAS/Jaks with zero original contentβ€”just used to bait the userbase and stir up rage.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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not news, kill yourself gapekike, you proud you spammed yourself to the news feed?


it is news, love yourself gapearyan, you proud you posted yourself to the news feed?


I too am heading to uni this october, its over xisters…


This site is ruled by leavingGODs.



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