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In conjunction with the root administration, the SSA has declared JFS ('Jakking Fatigue Syndrome) a site wide health emergency. Learn more on the 'ki page!

You WILL stay healthy!
You WILL touch grass!
You WILL maintain the Sharty's 1000 year rule!
You WILL not burn yourself out!
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Burger or something


erm… shut the fuck up


I'm trying to make an effoterald, but I think I'm suffering from JFS since I keep telling myself why I am spending so much time on a soyshit themed thing
can any endorsed medical experts provide me a treatment


touch grass, go to the gym, go hiking this weekend.



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/pol/teens steal >>>/soy/7466666, causing not only tremendous seethe from anti-zelligers, but a janny retaliates by locking /pol/


This wasnt even a GET lol.
it would have to be 7444444. or 7555555
better yet, 7999999 or 8000000.

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Oh my belly is so inflated and fat right now and Iā€™m releasing BIG GREEN STINKY FARTS

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After conducting several highly sointific experiments, legitimate polls, and recording dreams I've had, it has been confirmed that there are no female users on the Sharty. It has been a long-held belief that women do not have the ability to jak, which further research has confirmed. While this would explain a low female userbase, it does not account for the complete absence of females. In a soychology paper published by Dr. Goldsoy and team, three main factors were identified that explains this phenomenon.
Point 1
First as mentioned before, women cannot jak.
Point 2
The second reason is that Soyteens are significantly less mentally ill than other imageboard users as proven by Dr. Soyberg in his famous "Frying minorities in a wok" experiment. Mentally ill women, while rare, can be found on highly degenerate and retarded boards, like 4cuck's /soc/ and /r9k/. There they can find simps and feed off of the deranged environment. While confusing for non-soyteens, the Sharty has a very structured culture which prevents the type of autism from manifesting that attracts the women found on other image boards. The ban on porn and 'cord links may also be a relevant to point 2.
Point 3
Women are naturally fearful of the unknown. From the outside, the Sharty appears to be a very fringe and untrust worthy website. While this isn't really the case, all that matters is the perception the site gives off.
Soyteens have W rizz and the mentally ill women who actually use imageboards want nothing to do with it.

Dr. Goldsoy's paper is to be published in full at a later date
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Women are inherently 'cord


50x50 gem gemmity gem


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im right here


'pressed gem


who ever made the wholesomejak plush was supposedly female too.

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BLM Leader Tyrone Niggerson, whom Jamal McBlackdick mentored, died, he got into an argument with his white neighbors, over music. He would constantly have his nigger buddies over and they would scream "CRACKER" at the top of their lungs. They would play rap music very loud. He would frequently get into arguments with his White neighbors and call them crackers.

One night he brought over a gun and said he wuz kangz n shiet and tried to force himself into their house. The Anglo-Americans, who were students at Fisher College, defended themselves with pots and pans and beat him to death. Local police will not charge them, as in Massachusetts law there is no duty to retreat inside your home.

This is what you niggers get for talking shit and assaulting people, anti social activity will not be tolerated in civilized society anymore. This is not ancient Africa where you can maul people at will. Grow up.

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spadeson has been kidnapped this was the last heard audio of him. Many have been disheartened from this event, Here's what spadeson's bvll had to say
>daymn nigra iz a reel shame you hear me cuz like i loved that slvt like he was my bitch you know wut im sayin' daymn.. those ytbois are done for once they are caught
It is rumored that the perpetrators are actually apart of a Anon alliance known as "the TWPs", more on this later. until then #BRINGXIMHOME
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Good, that Faggot has done nothing but ruin the image of the real Gemson.


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Is he back yet?


get comfirmed

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Yesterday a soyphilia sharing website under the name plap.party was exposed by the FBI. The website's users had been sharing multiple explicit images of pinejak, gapejak, chudjak, and even catjak. The users discussed sexually assaulting various soyjaks to collect more illegal photos, and some even confessed to committing these vile crimes. The degenerates engaging in these crimes included some frog-posters, self-inserters, and rootists.

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or something like that



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After DOLL, disguised as "FOOT", acquired soygem.party, the site experienced a mass migration to the jarty, but this was short lived after the manager of the shemmy made a post to make it stop. Anyways, rejoice, teens! Jarty has no pph again!

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After a week of being forced to use https://soyak.party/
'teens rejoice the reintroduction of the main domain.
Hopefully, here to stay.
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nigger what





5 the hsjsj


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>>>606 (OP)
>Tell us the name of the hosting service that tried to steal our domain so that we can raid them.

Wasn't a domain per say, but it was a website called Socialfurr.com

Fag got so pressed he ddossed the site

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