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Today has been a good day for the netizens of sotjak.party. We've been able to steal 2 (TWO!) GeTs which, with yesterday's heyuri GET,make up a TREBLE of EPIC WINS
>Lainchan's GET
This GET took a long slowburn operation, but it was worth it. Firstly, teens LARPED as natoves to bump the PPH up, then, we the GET was near, we fastburned it and successfully stole it, causing their jannies to LOCK /hum/. Today was also their 10th anniversary, which make this win even more gemmy
>Endchan's GET
This was much easier to GET. Teens simply fastburned while janny was asleep and successfully stole the 11111 GET on /hisrol/
Overrall, this has been a very good start of the day

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