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 β„–13868Quote[Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4]

post 'em



Is this what Mac looks like now? The only good thing they had going for it was looking better than Windows


its deepin linux, the buggiest chink trinket piece of shit ever invented


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+100 social credit


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why dont you use gentoo-sources?


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very nice



Made through Tor


why tho :(


tranime. die trannoid.


i'm sorry that you're an abysmal failure. please, whenever you feel ready, livestream your suicide and posts links so we can all enjoy them. you're far too stupid for such threads. you're far too stupid to understand the underlying principles behind how anime works. you're the kind of low iq nigger that tries to smoke meth by sticking the pipe up your ass because reddit said it was the best way to get a rush.


>Made through Tor
>tranime. die trannoid.


triggered tranny. die


why do you think im a tranny tho…


you could be an biological woman, who knows. i type tranime when i see tranime


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i mean i am trans but i was wondering how did you figure that out



you're not the same guy. you're trolling


stop derailing and post your desktops while telling people to kill themself




where desktop


i am tho


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ok. post your nudes.


im not a slut




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besides i only have an A cup…




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you WILL post tits


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what tits
i just told you i have none chuddy




please only post desktops (and tits)


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marge… what's going on here…


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im saving it for marriage



because that character is co-opted by trannies


i made a thread for gemmy desktops and a tranny starts larping here


post your worthless clitty


portal? portal 2? rdr? rdr2? l4d?
gemmy background


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because im not a faggot that wants to edit every little detail of my kernel just for it to not work. everything else is from source



Made through Tor


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>no slstatus
>0 patches seen
>didnt even change the color
ummm sweety you are supposed to customize the source code just like you customize your body


Please tell me that isn't your regular desktop background


I used to use patches and even make my own. Then I removed all of that and realized that dwm is perfect by default, you just have to get used to it.


Please tell me that isn't your regular desktop background

Made through Tor


tranime. kys!

Made through Tor




Made through Tor



Made through Tor


anime website though


it isn't doe. rope tranny freak

Made through Tor


You will never be a woman


>beautiful, simple, small source, just works
<errrgg you need all the bright colours and i need to know my ram usage because i just do ok? i use arch (BTW) so im smarter than you
some people just want to have a completely unbloated simple WM but spergs like you need the bright colours and anime girls because your ADHD cant last 5 minutes in a REAL WM


I literally removed all color except white from my dwm though, either take your meds or show me the lgbt flag in my screenshot that isnt sarcastic neofetch, lolcow, cmatrix or soyaks
>inb4 your wallpaper is full of colors
so all most wallpapers
>inb4 wallpapers are… le bad
at this point you can just fuck off to tty and never come back

also I removed things like unused tags and title bar because it is \bloat\
I need to know my RAM because I've got only 8 gigs of it, I have to manage it quite frequently
uptime is the only useless thing on my slstatus
weird how you didnt mention it


wallpapers are bad and gay. all you need is a black/white background.

Made through Tor


black/white is bloat. all you need is a transparent background


i knew you were a tranny

Made through Tor


>not hyprland




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>baby is an .exe without an icon





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Spyware with a VPN in Hong Kong or whatever doe.




What browser should I use then
Preferable one that uses low RAM





your browser doesn't mean anything if you're still using windows


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mint won


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OP what are you making


>Goygle Chrome
>Wondershare MirrorGoy


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fuck you all niggers, all of you faggots are the reason I am glad linux isn't my main system
and what is with this hyperland trannies shilling? you fags are making me want to switch from wayland (but I will not do it because fuck you faggots)


hyprland won
ascend to hyprborea


>>18263 >>18264
Will check these out thanks teens
I'm still staying with Windows since I plan to go for filmmaking and game development soon, and this is where I am most comfortabel with. If DaVinci Resolve and Godot works well in a good Linux distro please tell me and also recommend what's the best one to get for productivity
(and I also know a local computer shop that activates Windows for free for me so no worries about the watermark)
DDLC mods, I plan to do one based on sharty culture, may make a thread on that soon after FNAC is done probably
Yes I will switch away from Opera soon don't worry. renpy is answered above, and I may need to delete Wondershare MirrorGoy soon since OBS is working well.
Also the other reason I use Windows and have Chrome is that my family also uses this PC (it's basically a family computer) and they're not used to using other OS and browsers so that hopefully answers it


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Here boss


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arch won


>I also know a local computer shop that activates Windows for free for me
TheDonald browser cant even pirate windows himself kek


Teach me then


>download microsoft activation scripts
>select kms38
>le done


go to 1337x.to and get a iso when you are installing the OS or just use a activation script on your current OS




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Hey, it's me! Your favorite content creator!
So… I recently went to this website called 4chin just to find muh based and redpilled people on there but you know I just cringed like you wouldnt even believe.
Firstly, I went to /g/ and saw some of you shilling my channel on there and posting some lies on mental outlaw being my deepfake since he is cosplaying as me in his recent videos.
But the reality is that I am his deep fake obviously. By the way this board is shilling emacs and I will never ever use emacs. The linux users on there are so cringe,
they are your average plebbitor who just wants upcummies for his based desktop. Moreover, every thread I visited just lead to nothing uh. So I think these people are just some NEETs who lurk all the day on the net and are trying to spend their day in the most sissyphus-like way possible. Yeah, 4chin is just a projection of today's society without most of the censorship. I mean janitors are still cleaning up the chan for free obviously. It consists of misguided people who dont know what to do with their lives. But this is also the same matter with normies. They are miserable. They would rather listen for advice to some degenerate like Andrew Tate than to their own parents. 4chin is just the mirror of today's miserable society. I mean it's quite funny. If the anons would just shill me more on /g/ I would become the "top /g/". Maybe some zoomers would listen to me then.
But nevermind, I am sick of 4chin and I will never gonna use it again. It is full of losers and people who didnt accomplish anything in life.
The only non cringe people who have accomplished anything in real life are land chads who have their own websites. I have made some videos on that. You can check them out if you want to or you can just watch another video on YouTube. I dont really care. Yeah, my message for you today is just to stop lurking on 4chin and become a real-life-maxxie instead. I'm ending this video.


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>doesn't know about hwid


Thanks teens


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i dualboot linux so imagine this background but with just steam


post your linux desktop then


>dual booting lunix and only using it for gaeming
the only reason to use winkike is muh gaymes doe, why are you even using winglows if you play gaymes on lunix?


>winkike is muh gaymes doe
retard, have you ever tried to do assembly programming on linux? it is shitty winglows ripoff, I am staying here.


>assembly in lunix
yes, and unlike winkike it actually works
but who needs assembly when you have gcc -S?


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>but who needs assembly when you have gcc -S?


>assembly programming on linux
why is it shit?


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I've tried doing it on windows multiple times and it does not work. What language are you using?


not him but you can install FASM, NASM, or OpenWatcom on Windows.
If you are doing APPLICATION programming I recommend FASM.
If you are doing OPERATING SYSTEM development I recommend NASM.
You VILL have to update your PATH or copy the executables to System32.


openwatcom is nonfree
nasm is NAS as the name implies
>manually updating your $PATH
lol do wintards really


How does requiring that source code be published when used privately make something β€œnon-free?” It is a stronger copyleft license than the AGPL. So more β€œfree.” Or do you just follow the FSF’s dogmatic declarations as if they mean anything. The FSF’s argumentation also makes the AGPL β€œnon-free.”
Do you actually have any issues with NASM or just like torturing yourself with GAS?
Also UNIX(a registered trademark of the open group) just dumps everything in the equivalent of system32.


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how do i add cpu/ram usage on my dwm status bar?


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tsmt, assembly in windows is just easier, not no dos style syscalls but on a (((modern platform))), you just have to follow the calling convention and execute functions


YOu can manually update your path by hand or you can have a script add it along with other stuff you didnt audit my princess, now speak for us.


edit the source code and recompile


>doesnt know about tiny10


Yea I know that but I can't figure out how to display ram/cpu usage


there should be docs about that, but if all else fails manually pipe something together with free and something like this
grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage "%"}'


imagine running this every half a second




why this nigga got wintree pinned?


Kek. I used to do that when my HDD was nearly full.


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yup, it's sovl.


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>Windows XP




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gemerald and dave plummer-pilled


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i fucking KNEEL


Not bad.


i run the latest GNU operating system on ancient computers and monitors, you run ancient garbage operating systems and hecking RETRO LOOKING modern soyftware on modern hardware
we are not the same.


Gnu/ghoul wanna be. Go back to twitter and reddit and post your desktop on the way out


You run an obsolete, tranime operating system (Linux) while he runs a webscale rockstar tech OS (Windows NT 4). You are not the same


uwu~~ >w<


>trans flag
>blurred username
>4 day uptime
>anime wallpaper
Despite what you think, you are not special in anyway apart from knowing a gentoo install script.
refer to OPs (me) OS for a actually functional and usable OS




Fully Functional OS=OS/2 Warp


>*hangs during installation*


Intentional design decision, just like not having plug and play drivers


You don’t have a theme song so uh, get fucked


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>also a bash user


nt for trannies



AT&T lost, Bell Labs lost, Western Electric lost


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>Bell Labs
>Western Electric


You VILL watch this 10+ hour documentary about the old telephone system: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyqP9X1phbaKEb4gScqjZ50ErTWfknZZx&si=CtmDbe7FsPwTN_oR




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i wil never be a woman~~~
i hate woman >w<


use zsh retard




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i am dumbnigger it's set as my login shell


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'ony on the 'ead


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you should end your life soyboy


>x mouse button control
holy keyed and techpilled. awesome setup bro!!


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i dont even use those
its what my dad uses


your setup looks NUTS


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>you should end your life soyboy


your dad has a pony background?
I look like that and say that


>your dad has a pony background?
yes he does and he has a pony goon folder aswell


looks baysed


wtf no way it's a GNOME3 user, doesn't that mean you're dumb and shit?


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ion rly think much about the Gnome version im using


i transheart gnome


oh yeah
>Not found
>This widget either never existed or is no longer available.
i told froot to not cuck out with unity and itch.io, but he didnt listen…
now this is his problem, not mine


kuz approved desktop thread


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do you only use your computer for 'jakking?


there's nothing else you need in life other than 'jaks


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post the full image please




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mentally ill


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btw i use windows iot enterprise ltsc 2021, kek


terrorist incel detected


Is this a [kuz approved desktop] thread or a kuz approved [desktop thread]?


mentally well


I dont believe that this isnt a virtual machine


How old is she



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How old is xer?


Do winniggers really install all this unauditable proprietary bullshit all at once? It's like infecting yourself with 100 STDs at once.



not bsd pr mac flathead bsd separates installed and core os packages


BSD drops everything in /use


Isn’t that the movie about the caves and depths


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i like everyones desktops :)




BWC girl





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still just works just fine, i'm switching to debian if it ever becomes truly unusable, but i think win7 will still be usable long after win10 is dead and buried.


install hyperbola gnu/linux-libre


if i ever stop using win7, i'm dead set on switching to debian because i already have experience with it.


>windows 7
ugly nigger UI and shit APIs


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what's the point of only having 4gb ram on a modern computer? I can understand 4gb on a x200 but 4gb with a i7 10700kf? Do you just not know how to upgrade?


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debian is so comfy.
they're using virtualbox


marge what does operation systems have to do with scissoring


cool wallpaper sister


thanks :)


KYS!!!!! YWNBAW!!!!!!!!






lol it really was me :D
how did you know




post ur nipples pls


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is there a aero for debian?


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that's windows 8 with a windows 7 theme


no u
lol i really say that


holy meds. aero was removed in windows 8 development build 8432


If you use windows 8 with dwm.exe running then you aren't a real man


what alternative even is there to dwm?




I was obviously making fun of xer chuddy


:( i thought you actually liked it



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so so rude


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is pacifier xhe IAB?????


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>announces hes going on a short tour around mexico and other shithole euro countries
>radio silence for a year
hes dead isnt he?


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This OS is fucking dog shit


blud has weird anime as his wallpaper ???


even doe xir still uses github


theres a 1:1 correlation between having anime wallpapers and trooning out


also fucking yikes
when inkfags will finally learn how laws of physics work…


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that may be true, but not my case, i just really like this one french artist that worked on wakfu


>surrenderbois' drawings
sounds alot like youre already halfway there



i also noticed you changed your wallpaper
a lack of logic in the implied motion of the previous one is jarring, isnt it?


you can set a bunch of images as your wllpeip and it will rotate through them




krampuscord user


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>security researcher figured out how to get rce because of computrace
on nonono proprietards how do we recover from this


btw, for all the freetards here who get lagged by the christmas theme, just apply a ublock rule for it
! 2023-12-11 https://Santa's workshop


>proprietard mentality
you actually just have to change the theme.
its a dialog box on the bottom right of your screen.


It’s not a back door. Bug can be fixed by a BIOS update. This also requires you to have computrace enabled and access to computrace. Which nobody here has.


yeah, if you use "private navigation" or whatever the hip kids call it these days.
which is completely normal, and is something you want to use because anything that gets downloaded with downloading the site gets deleted whenever you close the window (as opposed to just closing the "tab")
its far from foolproof, but its the first step to privacy/security


>btw, for all the freetards here who get lagged by the christmas theme
it's just a gif, are you running your browser without opengl or something?


bad boy i use a core 2 duo and that gif is massive, you dont need 5MiB for a fucking background


>freetards can't render fucking gifs
Don't use a Core 2 Duo. You don't even have SSE4.2, POPCNT, LZCNT, BMI2, FMA, or AVX.


why would i not use a core 2 duo?
i can render GIFs, just not in a fucking web browser
why would i need all those fancy CPU features i never use anyway?


>i can render GIFs, just not in a fucking web browser
You can't render GIFs, a format FROM 1987 that was designed FOR THE INTERNET, in your web browser. Where else do you ever view GIFs?
>why would i need all those fancy CPU features i never use anyway?
You don't because you just use your OS as a bootloader for your web browser. You should probably just buy a Chromebook, it seems suited to your needs. If you wanted to do vector math on up to 32 components per cycle then AVX would be useful for you.


That's some good ass bait. I KNEEL…


Nigga think he on Vista bruh ?????


>use your OS as a bootloader for a web browser
the only thing i use my browser for is raisinposting on Santa's workshop, i dont.
but name a realistic reason why i would need those features unless i run fucking android
sorry i dont use proprietary software, and actually have work to do on my computer
>muh math
sure it might take 0.2 miliseconds instead of 0.5, but what do i really need it for?


>using a video player to view GIFs
>but name a realistic reason why i would need those features unless i run fucking android
IDK why you mentioned android but I just wrote a program for work that uses SSE to extract variable length bitfields from 8x16-bit packed 128-bit OWORDs. Bitfield extraction is infamously slow so using SSE increases throughput by up to 8x. If I used AVX I could get 16x throughput because AVX is 256-bit while SSE is 128-bit. I can process around a billion bitfields a second when the program runs on NT. It replaced a Python program that could only do around 100k/s before crashing.
>what do I need it for
See above. The best application is when you have a lot of homogeneous data that you need to do the same operations to quickly. The shuffle operation also lets you rearrange bytes arbitrarily in an OWORD. Which means you can downcast 8 WORDs to 8 BYTEs in a single(ish) instruction.


*not by up to, at least 8x.


>sure it might take 0.2 miliseconds instead of 0.5
With AVX you can operate on 64 bytes in one instruction. That is not a 0.5->0.2ms difference, it's very significant.
>what do i really need it for?
Not having your software be slow as raisin and your browser choking while trying to render a christmas gif.


You can do 64 bytes packed on AVX512. You can only do 32 bytes packed on AVX (still a good amount). Unfortunately, AVX512 is not present on most computers because Intel didn't put it in E-cores so you might get #UD if it ends up executing on one of them. AVX512 can also cause thermal throttling because it's just that powerful.


you fucking n*ggers deserve some buck breaking allright


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It's MILLIsecond stinky
If you call a function that takes a millisecond a thousand times a second that really adds up. Look at this comparison between Penryn and Skylake


no it doesnt
holy mother of fuck no wonder you get h1b'd


depending on what you work with
it should be up to one memory page retrieveal from the ram; ie microseconds.


actually nano


You are just confirming that you don't do anything important enough on your computer. Get a Chromebook, it would be perfect for you.
>he doesn't know about the TLB…


stfu n*gger
i Believe in the magic of christmas!r mother with a stick
and you still jerk off to how one day you will be a programmer


Imagine being filtered by the vector unit…


also i dont believe in the magic of christmas
also also youre a dum horr and you know raisin actually


>imagine waiting 1 milisecond per function call
what you code in?


say it quick
i wanna play vidya you fucking piece of bloat


i just wrote a well thought out an beautiful reply
but the filters fucked all of it up

it was mean.
and you should feel bad now.
for using python.


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it's ok pajeet merry down I am sure Microsoft needs another JavaScript programmer, you will get your H1B eventually…
He gave the example of 1ms. In reality I am calling a "function" (it's inlined) that according to VS Profiler the function takes around 3 nanoseconds to execute and it runs around 400 million times a second. Modern computers are fast.
Python is a great language. It just isn't very fast. Use it for string manipulation, not vector math (numpy is good thoughbeit)


yes, thats what im saying
now as penance you need to HURT yourself.
if i were you i would use garden scissors to cut off the tip of one of my fingers


>grinch snowman projecting xir self harm


you are raisinskin

you couldnt even comprehend the reasoning.
its just how things are…

>le projecting
when i want YOU to do that doe…


>even though video games are a bunch of matrix and vector math and benefit from SSE, AVX, and GPU
no i am a ytie.


i dont care
do it


>do it


you can warm a nail until it is red
then press it against your fore-arm


thats what you do, you suicidal trΓ₯nny


I'm going to do it. I'm going to optimize even further and offload the graph rendering code onto the GPU!!!


vectorchvds stay winning. scalarcvcks lose again.


go on
youre sustaining my, erm, attention


this guy (>>23233) is great he should post more often.


thanks for repeating what i said.

now put your fingers in your ass, thrall


>inb4 im not gae
thats the exact reason i want you *to do that tho


you need to go back


>feel insecure yet
im home tho.
the ass-end of the ass-end of the internet.


Blender uses AVX, AVX2 and AVX-512 in the Cycles render engine.[42]
Bloombase uses AVX, AVX2 and AVX-512 in their Bloombase Cryptographic Module (BCM).
Botan uses both AVX and AVX2 when available to accelerate some algorithms, like ChaCha.
BSAFE C toolkits uses AVX and AVX2 where appropriate to accelerate various cryptographic algorithms.[43]
Crypto++ uses both AVX and AVX2 when available to accelerate some algorithms, like Salsa and ChaCha.
OpenSSL uses AVX- and AVX2-optimized cryptographic functions since version 1.0.2.[44] Support for AVX-512 was added in version 3.0.0.[45] Some of these optimizations are also present in various clones and forks, like LibreSSL.
Prime95/MPrime, the software used for GIMPS, started using the AVX instructions since version 27.1, AVX2 since 28.6 and AVX-512 since 29.1.[46]
dav1d AV1 decoder can use AVX2 and AVX-512 on supported CPUs.[47][48]
SVT-AV1 AV1 encoder can use AVX2 and AVX-512 to accelerate video encoding.[49]
dnetc, the software used by distributed.net, has an AVX2 core available for its RC5 project and will soon release one for its OGR-28 project.
Einstein@Home uses AVX in some of their distributed applications that search for gravitational waves.[50]
Folding@home uses AVX on calculation cores implemented with GROMACS library.
Helios uses AVX and AVX2 hardware acceleration on 64-bit x86 hardware.[51]
Horizon: Zero Dawn uses AVX in its Decima game engine.
RPCS3, an open source PlayStation 3 emulator, uses AVX2 and AVX-512 instructions to emulate PS3 games.
Network Device Interface, an IP video/audio protocol developed by NewTek for live broadcast production, uses AVX and AVX2 for increased performance.
TensorFlow since version 1.6 and tensorflow above versions requires CPU supporting at least AVX.[52]
x264, x265 and VTM video encoders can use AVX2 or AVX-512 to speed up encoding.
Various CPU-festive cryptocurrency miners (like pooler's cpuminer for Bitcoin and Litecoin) use AVX and AVX2 for various cryptography-related routines, including SHA-256 and scrypt.
libsodium uses AVX in the implementation of scalar multiplication for Curve25519 and Ed25519 algorithms, AVX2 for BLAKE2b, Salsa20, ChaCha20, and AVX2 and AVX-512 in implementation of Argon2 algorithm.
libvpx open source reference implementation of VP8/VP9 encoder/decoder, uses AVX2 or AVX-512 when available.
libjpeg-turbo uses AVX2 to accelerate image processing.
FFTW can utilize AVX, AVX2 and AVX-512 when available.
LLVMpipe, a software OpenGL renderer in Mesa using Gallium and LLVM infrastructure, uses AVX2 when available.
glibc uses AVX2 (with FMA) and AVX-512 for optimized implementation of various mathematical (i.e. expf, sinf, powf, atanf, atan2f) and string (memmove, memcpy, etc.) functions in libc.
Linux kernel can use AVX or AVX2, together with AES-NI as optimized implementation of AES-GCM cryptographic algorithm.
Linux kernel uses AVX or AVX2 when available, in optimized implementation of multiple other cryptographic ciphers: Camellia, CAST5, CAST6, Serpent, Twofish, MORUS-1280, and other primitives: Poly1305, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, ChaCha20.
POCL, a portable Computing Language, that provides implementation of OpenCL, makes use of AVX, AVX2 and AVX-512 when possible.
.NET and .NET Framework can utilize AVX, AVX2 through the generic System.Numerics.Vectors namespace.
.NET Core, starting from version 2.1 and more extensively after version 3.0 can directly use all AVX, AVX2 intrinsics through the System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86 namespace.
EmEditor 19.0 and above uses AVX2 to speed up processing.[53]
Native Instruments' Massive X softsynth requires AVX.[54]
Microsoft Teams uses AVX2 instructions to create a blurred or custom background behind video chat participants,[55] and for background noise suppression.[56]
Pale Moon custom Windows builds greatly increase browsing speed due to the use of AVX2.
simdjson, a JSON parsing library, uses AVX2 and AVX-512 to achieve improved decoding speed.[57][58]
x86-simd-sort, a library with sorting algorithms for 16, 32 and 64-bit numeric data types, uses AVX2 and AVX-512. The library is used in NumPy and OpenJDK to accelerate sorting algorithms.[59]
zlib-ng, an optimized version of zlib, contains AVX2 and AVX-512 versions of some data compression algorithms.
Tesseract OCR engine uses AVX, AVX2 and AVX-512 to accelerate character recognition.[60]


mpv renders a gif perfectly fine
i might not be able to play 8K@60 video but i dont need that.
>nooo you cant use a video player to play moving images for some reason, you NEED a web browser
gifs are just videos with transparency, frame addition, and looping in their spec, as well as poor quality and raisinty compression
because android makes heavy use of raisin like SSE, you basically NEED it or youll have raisinty performance if youre not using android 6 or whatever
what you do with your schizo asm programs is your problem, not mine, but i have never seen a useful program that absolutely NEEDS those features to do its job, other than very heavy stuff that would just run like dograisin otherwise.
yeah nobody cares about your silly toys
theres your problem, you can do that in C easily and still have good performance on a pentium 3.
>a lot of data
again, heavy raisin you would run on a server but not a laptop.
if i needed to do that i have a server with 64 gigs of ram and 16 CPU cores for that.
>E cores
>newer cpus have more performance and modern features
no raisin sherlock
not me but i write C programs, manage multiple servers over ssh, play video games from time to time, and debug garbage software made by soyboys who have no clue what theyre doing
>muh gaymes
gaymes arent important, they only exist to kill time
that and less performance is why older machines arent meant for modern hecking games, thats literally all you actually need so much performance for in 99% of all cases, have you ever seen anyone not processing massive amounts of data on a server who needs so much performance and all those modern features?
blender is garbage but works without that raisin unless you render very huge things, and the rest also works without that but just has raisintier performance


>mpv renders a gif perfectly fine
all these steps to view gifs…
>gifs are just videos with transparency, frame addition, and looping in their spec, as well as poor quality and raisinty compression
No interframe compression
>because android makes heavy use of raisin like SSE
SSE is a technology exclusive to x86. NEON is the SIMD instruction set for ARM.
>what you do with your schizo asm programs is your problem
You do know that nobody writes SSE code in assembly, right? All modern C/C++ compilers (MSVC, Clang, etc.) include intrinsics.
>i have never seen a useful program that absolutely NEEDS those features to do its job
Because you haven't looked. You can implement everything that you can do with SIMD in scalar code but it is wasteful and slow.
>other than very heavy stuff that would just run like dograisin otherwise.
So you have never seen a program that requires SSE except for the programs that require SSE. lol ok
>theres your problem, you can do that in C easily and still have good performance on a pentium 3.
If you could read you would notice I said I rewrote it in Python to C with SSE4.1/BMI2 intrinsics. You won't get good performance on a Pentium 3 because Pentium 3 doesn't support SSE2, only MMX.
>again, heavy raisin you would run on a server but not a laptop.
Ah yes I will haul a server to a testbench to extract live data from a prototype device at 2.5Gbps. A very practical solution. Again, you should just get a Chromebook, you clearly don't do anything important.
>not me but i write C programs
No you don't princess. You didn't even know what intrinsics are.
>debug garbage software made by soyboys who have no clue what theyre doing
Imagine not just using software that just works from trusted companies like Microsoft and RedHat.
>literally all you actually need so much performance for in 99% of all cases
99% of cases is defined for you as browsing the web.
>have you ever seen anyone not processing massive amounts of data on a server who needs so much performance and all those modern features
Me, I do.
>but just has raisintier performance
Thank you for proving my point.


Why would e-cores be a meme. A single alder lake e-core can smoke your core 2 duo.





i have no proof since the arty has been removed from the wayback machine but these are 100% oposts from the first /g/ desktop thread, look at the dates of the desktops its all from just after /g/ was reopened


File: soyence men.png πŸ“₯︎ (451.67 KB, 750x603) ImgOps



Fellow DevuanDEITY, I kneelerino.




What's yikes about it? Cartoon ponies are awesome.



>redditfetch thread


>sneedfetch is reddit even doe it's keyed as shit and therefore cannot be reddit


being jeyed precludes being reddit even though reddit is keyed because it makes 4cucks seethe ir something


File: fetch.png πŸ“₯︎ (250.72 KB, 1366x768) ImgOps

I don't modify my desktop to be fancy since I'm not a tranny


and because god invented asics for that exact purpose


I can respect the "just works" attitude. Nicey.


File: 1698621266865.png πŸ“₯︎ (6.78 KB, 600x800) ImgOps



File: cryboydancing.gif πŸ“₯︎ (390.08 KB, 579x767) ImgOps





Hello Mental Outlaw




File: 1707933773439-0.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.65 MB, 2880x1620) ImgOps

File: 18659 - SoyBooru.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (264.57 KB, 662x730) ImgOps

coming from /qa/


'ome 'reen
(also muh hecking specs)


what mac is that?


u forgot to hide your 'cord, xister UwU


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (672.11 KB, 1920x1080) ImgOps

File: xaxa.png πŸ“₯︎ (2.82 KB, 206x232) ImgOps






File: scrot.png πŸ“₯︎ (556.13 KB, 1281x718) ImgOps


50% based
50% cringe



faggot voice


This reads like a Trump tweet


>128gb of memory
>109mb used
only in ohio ?????


This reads like a Tranny tweet




File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.58 MB, 1280x720) ImgOps






how you know im trans>>26646







File: snapshot.png πŸ“₯︎ (582.75 KB, 1440x900) ImgOps

i am… niggercore or something


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (4.43 MB, 3840x1083) ImgOps


mintGOD detected


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (363.15 KB, 1878x1080) ImgOps


File: bernd_flail.gif πŸ“₯︎ (310.39 KB, 255x255) ImgOps



File: yhbe.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (43.73 KB, 474x519) ImgOps



File: soyjak 20 (aryan).png πŸ“₯︎ (16.15 KB, 600x800) ImgOps



File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (245.05 KB, 1920x1080) ImgOps


Activate Windows



File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.63 MB, 1920x2160) ImgOps


Just installed linux award




why do you have 1 day uptime
do you even turn off your computer or exit X


File: u.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (12.33 KB, 1078x76) ImgOps

>my uptime 6 days after the last power outage


>post 'em



>posted xhis shitty black on white terminal because looks keyed or something


that's not white, colourblind nigger


File: tdance.webm πŸ“₯︎ (1.3 MB, 720x720) ImgOps

>that's not white, colourblind nigger


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (3.74 MB, 1919x1079) ImgOps

gemdows 11 won


File: jartybook.mp4 πŸ“₯︎ (21.26 MB, 1280x720) ImgOps

>gemdows 11 won


oh my fauci what font is this


>Kernel 6.1
Please tell me this is an old picture


its from 9 months ago you retard


File: 1693057318919.png πŸ“₯︎ (703.37 KB, 1024x1024) ImgOps

>>>13868 (OP)
>>Kernel 6.1
>Please tell me this is an old picture




thank you, I had another iosevka font and wasnt aware this one existed


My old keyed desktop


most hetero neofetch yet.


>terminal transparency
Tinkertranny award




File: Screenshot (12).png πŸ“₯︎ (1.61 MB, 1920x1080) ImgOps

Any win8 chads here


File: image.png πŸ“₯︎ (307.95 KB, 1024x768) ImgOps


Illumos gem


Virtual machine award


File: ClipboardImage.png πŸ“₯︎ (752.84 KB, 1919x1080) ImgOps

OP here, i finally came back to my home. unironically using debian/arch for past while has sucked. im staying here


install gnome


wtfffff its mental outlaw


File: sharty.png πŸ“₯︎ (1.5 MB, 1920x1080) ImgOps

I am above you fags




kek its just your average nostalgiatranny larping in virtualbox


I am currently trying to work on getting XP running on Comet Lake


This nigga is too poor to afford QEMU! Point and laugh!


>keyed even doe it's void


fucking linuxniggers kys bitches nobody fucking cares about what you do on the inernet literally no one. lol paranoid shitty fartstone retards. feds especially dont care fucking cavemans.


even doe i stole this image from wikipedia


hang yourself bill, no one is buying winigger 11


WakfuDEITIES ww@


Where are you ManjaroGODs please report


They're too busy fixing their TLS certificates


>no you don't get it you stupid chud you HAVE to jam your fresh install with 95043e+16 patches and assrape your system on a bi-weeklybasis in order to enjoy it like a good little goyim xister!!!
Do archfags really? (I use debian btw)

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