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 â„–3535Quote[Last 50 Posts]

theres an STD pandemic thats been going on for years now and normalfags dont seem to care


real story


no evidence?
I accept your concession


KEEEEEEK "kiketholics"
We were the ones being oppressed and even burned alive because we werent disgusting pagans, we were a minority before pagans CHOSE to convert to the True Church so stop acting like a tranny with your fake genocide story because pagans were never victims


its free will fucking retard, if god removed it then we would act like robots loving him


>no evid-ACK!
just scroll to the older replies


the original bible was written in greek by hellenistic kikes


and thats le bad because?


we would not feel anything and would be just like robots


Toy Story


and thats le bad because?


you retard, the original Bible wasn't written by kikes (thats controversial because kikes hate us) and there were multiple books in different languages, not just in Greek


no, like leddit, where you belong to


I want evidence on how it was twisted and the fallacy performed.
Please cite them, or concede.


you cant do whatever you want



we can but there are the consequences and these consequences are our fault, not God's
Thats free will, you can do whatever you want but there are consequences and God teaches what these consequences are


you already cant do whatever you want because you hecking burn in hell forever so what even is the point you gigantic faggot? just to make us suffer? we're here to suffer is that it? gee thanks god fucking nigger


blame the capitalist faggots idiot


>are our fault
not really since we didnt ask to be born into this shit show that god himself created now did we?


oh you mean those capitalist faggots god made


kikes seethe more than ever when you talk about paganism


god created leddit


brainwashed by jews who too had free will if they wanted to be evil or good


why did god make evil then


>wah wah im sad because i use bald man glasses site everyday and my grades are low therefore god is bad



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everyone ITT is built for dat bee bee sea


its your fault nigger, stop browsing this site posting bait and coal


why did god create bait and coal


why did god create niggers


its the free will of the people who made those


why did god create std's


why did god create free will and by extension everything the people do with it


christian dogma is so fragile it cant stand up to elementary school levels of scrutiny


because the quote doesnt apply to venerating the mother of God, you can pretend to be an intellectual all the way you want, you are still a retard using protestranny strawman fallacies.
Idolatry is a sin, but asking the Mater Dei to pray for us (ora pro nobis) isn't idolatry; it is similar to asking someone to send prayers when you struggle, it helps us focus, and it is directed to God either way. Our Lady is the most perfect lady because she gave birth to Our Savior, He wouldn't have suffered so we could be saved without His mother.
As for Saints, they are an example to every Christian. There is no pagan ideal in that, we ask them to pray for us and follow their steps to become closer to GOD, how is becoming closer to God pagan? This makes no sense.
There is more to say than that, but I doubt you would read. I once debunked two baptistards making the same claim, it was a lot of text but unfortunately I lost it.


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>>>3778 (You)


you have no idea


god invented bee bee sea


god invented aryans


the talmud says that Christ is in hell and Jews are more hostile than muslims towards us, they spit on Christians and break our things
i saw many such cases and none went mainstream


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aint readin alldat ?
god invented dat bbc so we can all watched BLACKED.COM kinos


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>>>>>3778 (You)


god invented this site


this was man's degeneracy, not God
such behavior was common among pagans, they would have sex with anything (none of you can deny that, its well known and jews love that and use it as arguments for their degenerate ideologies so they can prove that the Church was "wrong") and then create horrible diseases


no wonder you niggerbabble all day long


literally just go into any paganism thread on any 4cuck board to see how fifty glow niggers pop up to start shit flinging with no provocation


god invented niggerbabble


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>>>3796 (You)
>no wonder you niggerbabble all day long


god invented english


god created man and created degeneracy for it to happen in the first place cope
if hes omnipotent and omniscient hes responsible for every aspect of reality


why is that baby a bright blue cat addict


yes, you did, "le victim" faggot, go back to your r/antinatalism with your "i didnt ask to be born" bullshit, you chose to not listen to God and sin more, it's your fault if you go to hell


god invented victimhood


thats paganism and atheism


god also created nice people


man created degeneracy, not God
you can use your tranny fallacies, you are still wrong


you gotta love how these faggots show their true colors after a bit of trolling
you are brain damaged from kike dogma and fear mongering


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>>>>>>>3778 (You)


>thats paganism and atheism


yes, and then they play the victim like ledditards from r/atheism
truly braindamage from years of unsupervised access to the internet and leddit


second most replied post on plier award


you have the same holier than thou snobbish attitude libcucks have, the church is the original globohomo, they looked down on pagans (derogatory word meaning goyim) the same way libshitters look down on hicks and phobes and ists and wrongthinkers


>kike dogma
im not a pagan or atheist to love kikes
>braindamaged from fear mongering
you sound like a tranny calling everyone who disagrees with them "fearmongering and brainwashing victims," thats actually exactly what they say
congratulations on coming out, everyone who doesnt think like you is brainwashed except you, oh my science


i win because i wrote it cause thats how this works chud, thats how you know the bible is true, cause its written down so that makes it true


>im not a pagan or atheist to love kikes


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>I accept your concede


i accept your concede sir


how am i similar to libcucks
libcucks will agree with you with your bullshit of calling every Christian "le brainwashed" and "le true colors"
You are a retarded pagan and paganism is the proto-liberalism, the Church ended the globohomo called paganism and now trannies like you call others libcuck because you cant cope with the fact that le zased evropa aryan paganism is pure faggotry, anything that libcucks support today was praised by pagans thousands of years ago and they use paganism to prove that the Church is "wrong"


everyone who doesnt think like you is a heathen who is going to hell forever, oh my god




>the Church ended the globohomo called paganism and now trannies like you call others libcuck because you cant cope with the fact that le zased evropa aryan paganism is pure faggotry, anything that libcucks support today was praised by pagans thousands of years ago and they use paganism to prove that the Church is "wrong"


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>you sound like a tranny calling everyone who disagrees with them "fearmongering and brainwashing victims," thats actually exactly what they say
>congratulations on coming out, everyone who doesnt think like you is brainwashed except you, oh my science


remember when this thread was about std's?
i 'member


but you are acting exactly like a heathen that will go burn in hell
calling God names is like playing with a pistol and getting angry if the pistol shots you, you chose to do that and im not the "holier than thou" for saying that you are wrong and will go to hell if you dont change your ways
thats a false equivalent




im not a orthodog you retarded pagan, and you are a nippleface amerimutt, not some retarded faggot pagan


>you chose to do that


but aryans are a pagan failed concept KEEEEEEEEEK


aryan means arctic people
ancient heathen knowledge almost destroyed by kiketholics


not to think like me, because im also a sinner, but to follow what God teaches


schizo beliefs, christianity makes more sense


i hate andrew tate that lustful pig


god isnt teaching shit trough this man made religion bud


none of this makes sense and pagans are the closest to kikes


>none of this makes sense and pagans are the closest to kikes


Christendom isn't paganism to be man-made


>Christendom isn't paganism to be man-made



>aryans are indians, no, aryans are germanic, no, aryans are arctic people, no aryans are iranians, no, aryans are aryans are aryans are
>shut up christkike, paganism is the truth


why the does the pope wear a fish on his head though
seems sus



sede vacante.


datamine link


thats the link i replied to


>thats the link i replied to




>333 replies
christcucks triggered


fun fact: pagans are more likely to support the lgbt community because concepts such as troonism and homosexualism are accepted and even rooted on paganism, the concept of multiple lives and etc.
Actually, the first troons and first openly gay people were pagans.




soiquote fail

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