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In a shocking turn of events for our retarded little cousin of a splinter, former Sharty developer and wiki admin Angeleno assumes control of Soygem.Party. He poses this as a "Dark Lenoist" takeover, even doe Snopes confirms there's only ten total Leonists across the whole soysphere.

Initial prospects could look positive, as he is quote "A heckin' wholesome nigger" as described by resident furfag ROOT. One trusted anonymous insider called this event "expected" and another "saw it from a lightyear away."

We close with a statement from our outlooks analyst:
>Assuming control of a small imageboard with staffing problems, Angeleno, with his past experience running imageboards, brings valuable insights into community management, moderation, and technical maintenance. However, success depends on his ability to quickly address staffing issues, recruit new moderators, automate tasks, squash pedophilia, and maintain open communication with the community to gain support and navigate potential backlash, ultimately turning the imageboard into a vibrant and well-managed space.


Any California teens available to convince him he’s wrong to do this?


this headline made me dilate so hard im finally a real woman


Got captain coaled thrice in a month award


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Update on Leno's shitgem


leno has always been at fucking bottom when it comes to admin power. no one cares about him.
its kind of bad but he has no experience. like if i was admin maybe things would be different


I would make leno admin if it was on popular vote but also give him guidance.


>all of the big splinters are owned by commie('leno)pedo(lute)troons('leno)


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>His favorite pony is Pinkie Pie
M-mine too…


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Oy why did you censor the one Sneasler but not the other? It's all on the same image. If it was NSFW though, I get it, I'm just wondering.

Okay, if you're allowed to post NAS ITT I'll do it too, have a Sneedler o algo


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New update from Angeleno


Oh my Cob this doesn’t seem good


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>the lenoist master plan


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I have your IP leno


ah, so you're the one who spammed it with /trash/ threads yesterday
go back to frootcord nigger


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>ah, so you're the one who spammed it with /trash/ threads yesterday
>go back to frootcord nigger


Leaked it himself award


>he captain coaled the whole site award





i live in san bernardino which is where those pics were taken (i fink)


'Leno was a good and fair runner of the 'ru and 'ki, I don't think it is fair to say there are only "ten total Lenoists", I don't support the schemmy but he was good to me


Get a job

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