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File: blonde elderly man serves ….mp4 📥︎ (7.6 MB, 1280x720) ImgOps


Heartwarming: blonde elderly man serves McDonalds!
he cooks so well!


File: 1729564527986283.jpg 📥︎ (93.29 KB, 1125x806) ImgOps

Trvmp is just the savior


File: 1729447824189267.jpg 📥︎ (56.88 KB, 695x750) ImgOps



McDonaldTrvmps Trvmpmas Trvmptacular MAGA meal, if you scan the app you get 1488 patriot points


he looks gay slava kamala


Die in a bus fire you oven-dodging KIKE. die nigger kike. kill yourself kike. LMAO kikes you're all going to die. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD.


Die in a bus fire you oven-dodging KIKE. die nigger kike. kill yourself kike. LMAO kikes you're all going to die. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD.
Die in a bus fire you oven-dodging KIKE. die nigger kike. kill yourself kike. LMAO kikes you're all going to die. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD.
Die in a bus fire you oven-dodging KIKE. die nigger kike. kill yourself kike. LMAO kikes you're all going to die. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD.
Die in a bus fire you oven-dodging KIKE. die nigger kike. kill yourself kike. LMAO kikes you're all going to die. die kike die. DIE KIKE DIE. you're going to the gas chamber. you're going to the oven. the #Trump2020 reich will gas ALL KIKES. Trump is führer, Trump is GOD.


Unironically McDondalds could be such an aryan restaurant but jews make it shitty and gay.


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marge why is he putting himself down to this level just seems awkward


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>>>1869 (OP)
>he looks gay slava kamala


>da Joos™





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