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File: F8L18RRbQAAK9U4.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (20.19 KB, 391x240) ImgOps


The 6666666 GET has been stolen by poopson
Not posting pic because janny would delete


Never happened, meds


false, that GET moment didn't happen. move along.






Sage task force here: I'm about to diagnose you with dementia




smartest nigger award


File: cado 495.jpg πŸ“₯︎ (222.6 KB, 1250x1666) ImgOps

even doe it was 'cado






File: brainlet soyjak.png πŸ“₯︎ (142.25 KB, 500x838) ImgOps

>smartest nigger award



What actually was the GET was it β€˜p or soytan β€˜orn or something?


just look up get on the wiki


it doesn't look like it was recorded




if only


you didn’t see anything.

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