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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

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File: 1731058893069t.png 📥︎ (42.66 KB, 434x437) ImgOps


Everyone share a song that you like in this bread. Just one. No judging


walking on a dream


File: femtanyl - DOGMATICA [PRX….webm 📥︎ (3.65 MB, 654x480) ImgOps


femtanyl won


File: ssstik.io_@oksanasiyanko_1….mp4 📥︎ (8.46 MB, 576x1024) ImgOps


File: 09 - Yoru no Nikusyokujyu.mp3 📥︎ (5.23 MB)

File: 21 - Format X.mp3 📥︎ (5.3 MB)

File: 12 - Gekokujoh Norakura.mp3 📥︎ (6.95 MB)

File: 15 - Simon 1994RD.mp3 📥︎ (3.12 MB)


posted it a while ago but whatever these ones are my favorite


only in ohio


isnt xe a grinch


File: Гражданская Оборона - Без ….mp3 📥︎ (12.82 MB)



Beware - death grips


/calm/ in the bread



i've been listening to NIN a lot lately


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File: 1729624555550j.mp3 📥︎ (12.21 MB)

>i've been listening to NIN a lot lately



got recommended this song on youtube


File: 1731248992875u.png 📥︎ (88.96 KB, 676x1021) ImgOps

So many gifts itt


File: Syndrome Of A Down - Lost ….mp3 📥︎ (12.36 MB)


File: I Slowly Open Ohio - NOKIL….mp3 📥︎ (2.11 MB)



File: Rammstein - Reise, Reise.mp3 📥︎ (5.75 MB)


I played this all day Wednesday back when it was raining


I raise you





File: Death Grips - Face Melter ….mp3 📥︎ (3.4 MB)

>>65542 nah lil bro I mog you 💀💀


File: Зачем я(MP3_128K).mp3 📥︎ (4.18 MB)

Ok but seriously, one song I like too much currently would be… Or наc нe дoгoнят or Cultivating Madness from Elfire or 825 hp from Exodia. I can't really choose chvds, I have like 4300 downloaded songs But I got on the naughty list from scroogeTube (for the second time) and I lost my playlist and some songs I had left to download. Fail.


File: sweet_bod.mp3 📥︎ (20.61 MB)

the album is pretty good, its kinda off putting how most songs take about 30sec - 1 minute to start/end
also fuck this site for not accepting flac anymore, had to use ffmpeg to reencode as mp3


File: HillsOfMexico.webm 📥︎ (3.1 MB, 368x360) ImgOps


File: ayatollahkaboom.mp3 📥︎ (3.51 MB)



File: GeaVVP8WgAAy_NJ.jpg 📥︎ (149.18 KB, 640x640) ImgOps


that printer sample is so good


File: yen - messy torture (yen o….mp3 📥︎ (1.61 MB)

On ohio blud


File: Past, Present, What Should….mp3 📥︎ (9.97 MB)

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File: 1714840967378t.png 📥︎ (9.6 KB, 191x255) ImgOps


File: lifetime_achievement_award.mp3 📥︎ (22.39 MB)



thin lizzy is a gift


File: 1730546882474d.mp3 📥︎ (8.99 MB)




first time posting link, be carefull pls :) (i'm Trans btw)






some non-tranny breakcore



File: You're_at_the_party.mp3 📥︎ (21.69 MB)


File: Red 13 - ParagonX9.mp3 📥︎ (2.57 MB)

File: Close Combat - ParagonX9.mp3 📥︎ (3.31 MB)

File: Rose at Midnight - Strike ….mp3 📥︎ (2.62 MB)

File: Rose at Twilight - Nemesis….mp3 📥︎ (4.02 MB)


File: 44940 - SoyBooru.png 📥︎ (377.26 KB, 1111x1200) ImgOps


which song


follow you





im not trans btw


File: The Quick Brown Fox - DAS ….mp3 📥︎ (6.76 MB)


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (102.38 KB, 1170x1239) ImgOps

>>65294 (OP)
>No judging


File: 1735351576289n.jpg 📥︎ (139.15 KB, 630x587) ImgOps



File: jartycuck party.mp4 📥︎ (1.21 MB, 640x360) ImgOps



File: Übermensch - Verdorben.mp3 📥︎ (11.86 MB)


White people need to make music like this again


lapfox won


kill yourself furfaggot





File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (2.8 MB, 1800x1800) ImgOps

>got recommended this song on youtube




summer's gone by twikipedia


used to hate 808s and heartbreaks but it's really is growing on me or something






cakeGOD i knvvl…


I like Hawaii: Part II



You may recognize this from the AKIRA trvthnvke video


The fact that oldheads rate biggie and tupac but not cats like Slick Rick is criminal


File: Where Is My Mind The Pi….mp3 📥︎ (8.91 MB)


File: impishearsswedeheadphones.gif 📥︎ (361.13 KB, 171x255) ImgOps

File: trvthbomb.mp4 📥︎ (24.75 MB, 720x480) ImgOps

I didn't know thx


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