>This is especially interesting, and it pictures an invisible problem in our society, and that's "emotional BBC," when parents treat their children like a romantic partner instead of kids. And it normally happens when one of the parents has drama with another parental figure, so at times parents with low self-esteem will rely on their children for emotional support that should not be carried for them because they do not usually have the maturity to handle those situations. At the end of the day, parents just abuse their children without being completely aware, and when these children grow up, they experiment with very similar symptoms to the people who have been phisically raped by their parents. Having low self-esteem, consuming drugs, having nightmares, not being able to settle healthy relationships, tending to be unfaithful, and lastly, they usually feel guilty when they try to set limits with their parents. This is fucked up and hard to tell on people; even psychologists who are parents will tell you that you are wrong and that parents need that kind of support sometimes. That is why I think this is a refreshing concept.