After we got the 'one month of 4 minute paper animation on bald man glasses site award', I think we can change things up a bit
>gem-coal systemThis might already be perfect but I think we can spice things up a bit. Use a grade system
F- for brimstone, D for coal, C+ for iron, B+ for gem, A+ for gemerald. For their respective adverbs just add a 'y' at the end (I.e. Fy [effy] for brimmy A+y [aplusy] for gemmy)
>Non fpe threadsIn these threads, we must say something. I came up with something:
NEDC (not educated, don't care). Its a creative way to crumple threads that have nothing to do with this board.
>Paperless shillsPost too long. Click here to view the full text.