№105827[Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][Quote]
On Soysphere Island, many tragedies have stricken the inhabitants. Most recently, the gates of Niggerhell have opened, to reveal an army of undead. A Jarty-Gooner Alliance threatens dmin 6's Cord Empire. The Shartycord convenes to invade the Jarty Empire to restore order once more.
BEGINAs observed in the previous thread (
https://archive.is/JYvhV), dmin 6 has sorted his massive party into three groups. A main group, a secondary group, and an Auxiliary group. These are called Group A, B, and C.
At the Shunker, Shartycord makes last minute preparations, before embarking on their mission to kill the Nujarty.
As it stands Group A has strong infantry, while Group B has strong mechs. Group B may actually be better suited for a more difficult task.
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soot please soot please we need you soot please save us please
>>105830Don't worry - We're fighting against Soytan in this thread.
What the fuck do you get out of this? What the hell happened to normal adventure threads? this raisin has literally gone on for like 3000 replies? When does it end. Who the hell are any of these characters, wheres the soyjaks? What is this raisin?
>>105832Erm let people enjoy things sweaty
>>105827’Min 6 pulls out a battle plan map of the invasion of the jarty
Can anyone give me a rundown of the previous threads
Nuchud get injected with Aryan vril which regrow his leg and detrans him award by Groot in heaven
Mispelled froot award
>>105835Mutant horses runs amok , shadowy entities pour goon beam on froot corpse, one of the primary objectives have been achieved , zombies happened and that's all I can remember
>>105834'dmin 6 reveals the current plan, which is alterable. His team is to raid the NuJarty tower, while Golden's team is to challenge the forces of Niggerhell and the forces of Goonerhell.
Finally, the Auxiliary team is to conduct low intensity assaults on the rest of Nujarty, to assist the armies invading it.
>>105840a group of soytanified chuds ambush them
its time to read muh hecken a24 kinostones again
>>105828The jartys show their strongest weapon, the anti-teleporter
>>105840lil chuddy reveals his origin story, it turns out it’s pretty similar to what happened to nuchud right after he was introduced
The 'venture thread will continue shortly…
>>105846WE ARE BACK
anyway everyone with a gun opens fire at the soytanification bots while calm and warm use their combined powers to fire a powerful beam at the nigger miss circles or whatever they were called
>>105846the soytanification bots are resistant against the bullets and kill a few chuds
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>>105848nigger what the fuck
>>105846The dimensional police officer teleports them back to niggerhell or atleast tries to do it
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>>105850do u jerk off to soytanification or something
>>105847>>105848>>105851The SWARTHIEST of Floydian magic is used, to make Calmplier and Warmplier attack Miss Niggress and her child.
Their beams do lowered damage, and both parties have a Marge moment.
>SHIET mane, what the hell you shooting me for?Every armed person opens fire on the Soytanification bots. Marioman's gun melts one of them on the spot, but the rest are ineffective.
The Soytanification bots pressure Marioman and Patrick Chudson.
^Nuh uh! Go back to Niggerhell!The Dimension Police Officer tackles the Soytanification bot pressuring Marioman.
The other one touches Patrick. He screams
>>105854PATRICK NOOO have warmpiler set the last remaining soytanification drone on fire while calmjak heals patrick
also i though miss niggress was on the jarty's side o algo.
>>105856marge is cobson gargantuar on our side?
>>105855>>105856>>105857The Dimension Police finally sends on of the Soytanification bots back to Niggerhell.
SUPER Floydian Magic ctivates. Cobon Gargantuar shouts
>YOUR ASSES ARE MI-ACK!Floydian beams shoot directly into Cobson Gargantuar, and he falls into the ground. He shouts niggerbabble and flails on the ground.
Meanwhile, Calmplier and Walmplier sgoot their beams at the remaining Soytanification bot and Chudson.
<THE RUBBER, IT BURNS!Patrick suffers from second and third degree burns, as the Soytanification bot turns to a pile of goop. The wounds are non-lethal.
V Get him out… GET. HIM. OUT!>i tried my best to keep him cool…<maybe it worked… №105859[Quote]
>>105858put patrick on the zebra and have him be riden to doctor bibise to be rebuilt into a heckin sharty cyborg
meanwhile at the swedish.win bunker 'dmin 7 and henry try to convince the jarty remnants to help take down the jarty
>>105859also why does swenni filter to jarty…froot what is this maine
>>105862ERMM that is fine ask them to use the anti teleporter to intercept any jarty signals
>>105864give them the bird from another dimension thats sitting on henry's head
>>105866'dmn 7 and henry get the device and walk off to meet up with team golden
Also each card needed to be recharged after single use and it suck caloric energy around it meaning the more people surround the deck the faster they charge
>>105870'dmin 7 get the finger scorpion off of schizo retard
>>105870Dmin 7 uses his natural admin charisma and convinces the schizo retard to suicide bomb himself in the nearest jarty outpost
>>105859>>105867The party decides to transport the incapacitated Patrick Chudson to a doctor for physical restoration.
<WAIT!A Wizard Chud beams in.
<Chuds help Chuds…He used his healing card on Patrick… it reverts some of the damage.
>Erm… let's take him to a doctor anyways, okay?<Whatever, nigger!He gives a magic deck of various wizard spells to Lil Chud and Nuchud.
<Every DnB campaign needs this… I mean DnD…He disappears by next turn.
HOW TO USECards have two properties: Energy and Rarity. You can specify many moves with these cards. Rarity is: Common, Rare, and Aryan… You specify a move and the rarity of the card, if the rarity is higher, the effect is greater, but the energy drain is multiplies by 2 or 3.
Example: Common Fireball (can be used every turn) vs an Aryan Fireball (can only be used every 3 turns, but has a bigger punch)
The Cobson Gargantuan stirs up and screams like a gorilla. The fighting is not over yet…
>>105871>>105872'dmin 7 gets the Fingerscorpions off of the Schizo Retard, who probably had a unique name at one point…
The trade-off is that the Fingerscorpions are on him now, and biting him.
^You see, doctor… in order to help you, I had to make a sacrifice… Sacrifices are important to cause action… You should make a big sacrifice, for the greater good…>I never thought of it that way… What sacrifice should I make?^You can make the world a greater place by suicide bombing the Jartycucks… Use the strongest explosives and the biggest, then your sacrifice will be meaningful…>Gee, thanks, Mr. Seven! I think I'll go do that!Dr. Schizo Retard dashes away, laughing and smiling.
>>105878the baby eats the scorpions but the toxins burn his mouth so he runs off to the auxiliary camp
>>105879The giant caca, perhaps a humanoid mutant, eats the scorpions off of 'dmin 7.
^Thanks, baby…>ahaahahhsdjrbehahaAhhhggThe caca screams, due to the venom.
He drops 'dmin 7 and runs off to the Shartycord military base for medical treatment.
SNCA message: I'm gonna run the last frames on luma and see what happens
>>105888Cobson gargantuar kills him and goes for the damaged ‘cord baby
>>105889>>105890Cobson Gargantuar rips Jason Citron in half, which kills him instantly.
>GIBS ME FENT OR DIE!He takes ground-shaking steps towards Cordbot, ready to attack.
The 'cordbot shouts thru the speaker
^LARGE MASS ASSAILANT ADVISORY; FLEE FROM AGGRESSORHe fires his frag rounds at the Gargantuar. In retaliation, Gargantuar smashes him with the power tower, doing heavy damage and taking off Cordbot's claw arm.
A Niggervoid portal opens, though nobody has heard of such a phenomenon before…
>>105891push gargantuar into the portal o algo
>>105891also do you have an archive of the previous 3000 reply thread? i haven't fully caught up due to the domain shutting down
>>105892Marioman shouts
>Drop that nigga into the portal!but how, exactly? We can't rely on mass, in terms of the team members present, and giant caca is far in the distance…
Gargantuar picks up cordbot
^Best chances of neutralization: Drop assailant into portal! I'm a replaceable model! №105895[Quote]
>>105894fire at gargantuar and smack his face/head with the gun o algo
>>105893First few hundred lost replies:
https://archive.marge.moe/soy/thread/8278977Second piece of thread, including the thread moved messages:
https://archive.is/Ytveo №105897[Quote]
>>105895Marioman and Greg shoot at Cobson Gargantuar.
>STOP DOIN IT BEECH!Cobson Gargantuar launches cordbot at Marioman and everyone near him.
Marioman says
<I think it broke one of my legs… raisin!Marty says
<Crushed by you again… wait, are you a different model?Nuchud fidgets with and shuffles his magical deck of cards.
>>105897marioman pulls a grenade out of his asshole and throws it at gargantuar, which disintegrates his cock and balls and slightly injures his legs, this is to delay him, so nuchud can do something with his cards
>>105898>something with his cardsThe mechanic involves specifying the move and the rarity (power level to recharge ratio)
More info in this post
>>105873 №105900[Quote]
>>105897Grzegorz stands up and fires a vollet into the cobgantuans head while nuchud draws a rare card which is a binding spell and holds th cobgantuan in place while everyone attacks him with firearms or powers they have
also why is this thread such a dead nigger baby? i expected it to be a little bit more popular…
>>105902EuroGODS are in school and amerimutts are asleep
>>105902It's had a rough start
>>105898>>105900>>105901Nuchud places a rare binding spell on Cobson Gargantuar. Marioman and Gregory take the opportunity to attack the monster.
Gregory shouts
<K-KURWWWAAAand projects an extended precision burst of bullets into Gargantuar's face.
Marioman pulls a grenade from his anus and pulls the pin; he performs a literal asspull. He throws it under Gargantuar's feet.
>SHIET I CAINT-ACK!The grenade shreds through his legs, to the point that the legs are exposed. His movement speed is reduced by half… not that it counts when he's bound.
It seems that Nuchud's spell continues to work into the next turn.
>>105905continue shooting
>>105905One of the chuds pulls out a thermite grenade and throws it at the cobgantuan and everyone else opens fire while calmjak tends to the wounded and heals them
>>105906>>105907Marioman shouts
>Everyone, fire!The non-wounded surround and fire upon Cobson Gargantuan. The spell runs out after this.
Cobman's ghost places a new HUD element - the boss health meter. This feature is likely to recur in future battles.
Calmplier projects healing fields for his allies. Lil Chud lights a thermite grenade. This will be thrown at Cobson Gargantuar next round.
Cobson Gargantuar says
>>105908gargantuar starts walking towards marioman, marioman grabs a knife from his pocket and throws it at gargantuar, hitting him in the left eye, gregory shoots gargantuar in the back
>>105908Warmpiler casts a fire circle around cobgantuan trapping him for a turn allowing for little chuddy to safely throw the grenade
>>105909>>105910Warmplier casts a ring of fire around Cobson Gargantuar, making him scared of moving. Marioman throws the knife into Gargantuar's eye, while Lil Chuddy throws the grenade.
The thermite burns Gargantuar's legs off, while Gregory shoots the Imp on its back. Now missing an eye and having his legs burned off, Gargantuar can only crawl to move, and is in grave danger.
Cobson Gargantuar screams
>>105911gregory jumps on gargantuars back and starts hitting him in head with his gun, he then tries choking him with the gun but fails, he pulls the knife from gargantuars eye and gives it back to marioman, gargantuar grabs and throws gregory away from his back
>>105911Gregory shoves a grenade into cobgantuan's nouth and steps back
>>105913don't do this, there is still something i have to do, don't kill him right now please
Gonna do a post roll for this one
(I use post numbers to determine outcomes of certain events)
>>105916>>105914>>105912Gregory climbs Cobson Gargantuar's back, and bashes him with the rifle's butt. He pulls out the knife.
>GET OFF ME!<KURRRWAAaa… Kurwa.Gregory hangs on by a thread, and Marioman's knife falls beside the Niggervoid pit.
<Hey, someone help! The void hurts!>Anyone touches Greg gets they wig split! №105918[Quote]
>>105917Marioman goes to help gregory while warmpiler fires a heat ray at the gargantuan
>>105917lil chuddy and nuchud attack gargantuan, lil chuddy does what freakybob did with lee
>>105919He does it to gargantuan
>>105918>>105919>>105920>>105921Marioman attempts to rescue Gregory, but he's prevented by Cobson Gargantuar.
Warmplier fires his beam.
>STOP THAT! ARREGH!Nuchud and Lil Chud get closer to Cobson Gargantuar.
<We should mind control that nigga.<<Or attack him…<What if I attached to his head?<<Meds, now!Gregory screams
<Kurwa! My skin is peeling!Marioman shouts
>We need to finish this giant motherfucker off! Nuchud! Do something! №105923[Quote]
>>105922Nuchud tries to headcrab the imp on the back of gargantuar
>>105922Little chud uses a common card called teleport which he uses to teleport gregory out of the pit and to near calmjak
>>105922Have the robot cyborgjak in the back fires its cannon at the congantuan
>>105923>>105924Nuchud tries to attach himself to the imp, but this very obviously fails, and nobody knows why he did this.
Cobson Gargantuar screams
>HAHAHA, I'LL TAKE TWO FOR ONE! SEE YOU IN HELL!He jumps in the portal, taking Nuchud and Gregory with him…
In the Niggervoid, the three freefall. They are torn apart in a rather painful fashion.
>I FEEL BLISS, GETTING TO SEE MY ENEMIES DISINTEGRATE.Nuchud scrambles for a get out of jail free card… he finds an Rare teleport, of which there's not a Common variant… In this instance, it can take himself and Gregory out of this deadly dimension… but they have to both touch the same card…
>>105926marioman grabs the knife and throws it into the niggervoid portal and hit's gargantuar in the other eye, blinding him
>>105926Lil chud and gregory propel themselves and touch the card at the same time
>>105929Oh waits thats nuchud
>>105929They eat meximutt taco causing massive crap which propelled them toward the card
>>105926marty gets up and takes a raisin
I hate autocorrect award
>>105928>>105929>>105931Marioman tries to assist Nuchud and Gregory with a last resort move, or a Hail Mary, if you're a Catholic or into Football…
The velocity is similar to the velocity of those falling in the niggervoid… it's effectively slow enough for Cobson Gargantuar to swat away.
Nuchud braps hard to touch Greg, but is swatted away by Gargantuar…
Gregory cries out
<Listen, Nuchud… save yourself! The void is eating us too fast! Go!Gargantuar goads Nuchud.
>>105934nuchud grabs the knife and stabs gargantuar with it
>>105934Nuchud cast a decent magic Lasso and pull Gregory in with it
>>105934Gregory throws nuchud his rifle to remember him by before he lunges at the gargantuan savagely beating him up with his fists and putting xim in a chokehold
Also it would been better outcome if you niggers just tie gargantua legs with a rope and pull him into the void instead
>>105935>>105936>>105937>>105938Nuchud lassos Gregory, and they both get closer. Gargantuar is in between them, preventing their mutual contact.
They both beat Gargantuar.
>I CAINT FEEL ANYTHING BUT EUPHORIA, I ALREADY WON!Everyone's mind get cloudy as the Niggervoid digs deeper.
the auditor from madness combat appears
>>105940Nuchud activates the teleport card at the last moment. They arrive to the surface…
<Uhhh durrrr…. wauh>Hahahaha>troons… arghMarioman cries
>I think we have to incinerate it… №105944[Quote]
>>105943quick! give them some chlorine dioxide!
>>105943Meanwhile in goonerhell, the gooners have elected dr goon as their new president after root got killed at the end of cobman adventure
>>105943Warmplier and calmplier each respectively pull Gregory and nuchud away from gargantuan while other find something to crush him
You know what ? Someone just go somersault curbstomp gargantua head until it's nothing but mushes
>>105944>>105946Giant Caca arrives.
>hewb i need treatment for mouth sting…>waid a minube… i hab the unibersew tweatbentHe hands Warmplier water purification tablets, aka Chlorine Dioxide.
<dont know wtf this is but i won't argue with a giant baby…Warmplier administers the chemical to the being. Maybe it'll help, maybe it won't… who knows?
They attempt to pull Nuchud and Greg from the fleshpile.
>Dude, we need to surgically remove these niggas. №105949[Quote]
>>105947Missed this one but the caca should do this geg
>>105948lil chuddy starts rapping emotionally about the demise of nuchud or something
>>105948miraculously, the chlorine dioxide actually heals them a good amount, but they are still fused together, so maybe find a scalpel or something?
>>105951also mariomans knife fell into the niggervoid, so he can't use that to seperate them unfortunately
>>105950Nuchud ain't gonna die nigga he's built for indomitable human spirit and hyperborea , dying now would be a waste since FROOT himself give him second wind
>>105951Just straight out rip gargantuan skin that attach to both of them using giantcaca hand while not damaging both of their skin
>>105948Use magic to fuse nuchud and gregory into one being a ultimate aryan evropean gigachud
>>105953I never said he would die, lil chuddy just thinks hes about to die
>>105953>>105950>>105951>>105952>>105954>>105955>>105956Lil Chuddy begins a bar
>Oh homie got another chromie>We shared the same story>We were always best buddies>Now he's fused with a zombie…Miraculously, Nuchud and Gregory gain back their cognition and vitality.
>>That's some fire you're spitting, Lil Chuddy, but I think you should change the tune a lil'>Bro, I'm glad you survived…>>We're still stuck to this nigger…Marioman says
>If I had a knife…Greg asks
<Could you rip us out of this zombie?>That'd probably kill all of you, dude.Patrick Chudson says
>My team is equipped with medical knives…<Okay, so cut us surgically, and attach us to that baby.The caca says
>Nub uh.Sharty toilet says
>We should merge them, actually.Hmm… so many suggestions. What plan will Marioman enact?
>>105955One problem , Gregory isn't aryan it's like calling slavic Aryan
>>105957use the medical knifes to seperate them, and give them some more chlorine dioxide o algo, that's it i guess
>>105958Gregory is half polish and half hyperborean albeit
>>105957also why would they attach them to the baby lol, very random
>>105957Lil chud has higher compatibility than the rest since he also touched by Aryan vril but make this a temporary power up before they split off again
>>105957Listen to sharty toilet dude
I chudlove balancing powerlevel for thrilling fighting scene
>>105959>>105960>>105961>>105962>>105963>>105964Everyone agrees to surgicaly remove the two from what was once Cobson Gargantuar.
<Wowz I can't feel a thing…>Agh… I don't feel so great. I'm definitely missing something.A lot of blood pours. Merging is recommended…
Warmplier applies more clorine dioxide for now.
>>105965warmplier burns the gargantuar corpse to ash, and they dump the ash into the niggervoid portal
>>105965You merge them, but their minds become intertwined
>>105968Their minds merge becoming one vrilled up entity
>>105968Make it temporary so to not messes with their mind any further, the longer the merge the higher risk . Last for 5 turn or something
>>105970Marge it shouldnt be temporary albeit
>>105971Having overpowered character isn't fun thoughie
>>105972Ermm true but jarty forces have a lot of bosses..jartytoilet, goonbot, gooner froot
>>105973it should temporary because… IT JUST HEKKIN SHOULD OK?
>>105973I have some creative ideas on how to kill them using whatever resources lying around while conserving energy for hard boss fight
Idk maine let op decide
>>105970>>105974>>105976Jarty does have some really OP shiet. A muscly superhuman with a gun doesn't threaten them all that much.
>>105977Make him be able to use hyperborean lighting becsuse its awesome
>>105978He'll have the swiss knife magical card deck to be able do that.
>>105979Aight once i get on my laptop ill introduce a few more characters to help shartycord
>>105977Wait until I had nuchud to open up a portal Infront of speeding bullet train and redirect it toward one of them , see how they like getting dat BBT shove down their throats
Im going to start one hell of a war they'll never seen before
Can we please just not derail?
>>105966>>105967>>105968>>105969Warmplier sets the "waste" from the procedure on fire and tosses it into the Niggervoid pit.
Lil Chud facilitates the second three way merge in the entire adventure. The resulting entity is a superhuman aryan.
<We are so back…Marioman smiles…
>Heh, and they call us the Auxiliary team… №105985[Quote]
>>105983We're not , just trying to kill gargantua and get it over with already
>>105984the niggervoid portal closes
Alright where the hell do we go now ?
>>105984also, what are the gooners and 4cucks doing? just wanna know
>>105987There's a batmech to be upgraded and an empire to raid.
>>105984The spirit of hitler starts speaking to the new superhuman and all the achievements of the white race flashes in front of the superhumans eyes
>>105984fix up the cordbot
>>105989Henry and dmin 7 go to team golden and install the anti teleporter on the bat mech
>>105989Alright get everyone to perform medical check up and patch themselves up before proceeding, we need to get them prepare for whatever horror that jarty throw at us
Who is the leader of the jarty empire?
>>105995i think it's the jarty astro but idk
>>105995Astro jarty is the leader, jarty bvll is the general
>>105989Due to the merge , the Aryan can duel wield both deck card and combine different spell to fullest lethal effects
>>105986>>105998>>105994>>105990>>105991>>105993The entire party gets a free heal, since it's a military base.
The spirit of Hitler arrives and tells Nupol Aryan that he can dual wield the card deck.
Meanwhile, 'dmin 7 and Henry arrive to the camp of Group A and B.
<This is an anti-teleporter. It can close portals and interfere with teleporters. We want to install it on the Batmech.^Go ahead. Also, check on Group C, please. №106000[Quote]
>>105999what are the gooners and 4cucks doing? wanna know what they are up to
>>106000Gooners are with the jarty gponin and dilating and 4cuck is back on their homeland dealing with sharty partisans
Hey, I'm the Soyowad guy again lmao
I'mma join in on this
>>105999Anti teleporter is installed and the auxilary squad is patching themselves up and preparing to head out whenever dmin 6 says to
>>105999Meanwhile, Soyowad was patching himself up from the FingerScorpions in some Abandoned Place
Nupol Aryan stock up some red bull and monster energy (it's just like hecking mana potion or something) while grabbing few glass bottle filled with napalm and alas amphetamine (Hitler gave this to his soldiers during WW2 that's where the claim of supersoldier came from )
>>105999Forgot to ping award
Correction : it's methamphetamine not amphetamine
>>106006>pingkys discord tranny
>>106008Give me a fucking break , I been detoxing from social media for months including this site and got mixed up
Bed time's creeping up on my end
>>105999Start marching to jarty after installing the anti teleporter
>>106011Yeah, I get it lol
>>106011Goodnight see u in 8 hours
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auditor appears
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cat appears
>>106015>>106017>>106016just a bunch o troons obsessed with their troonslop, dni
>>106019>madness combat is troonslopneos0ifloopies…
>>106020it is, retard
host, or creator draw furry goonslop and supports blm or something
>>106021yeah but the series/animations etc are aryan coded, so it's still a gem despite it's gay tranny creator
>>106022its still
>>106023it existed before you were even born lil nigger, also there's not that many colors, it's mostly grey, so you have been DEBOONKED chuddy
>>106025ok retard nigger, what else do you consider to be troonslop?
madness combat is troonslop and its community is incredibly troony but i distinguish the art from the artist and enjoy it occasionally
now stop derailing the thread
>>106029the OP is asleep btw, so there isn't much to derail o algo
>>106003>>106012>>106005All three groups exit the Military base. Group C is healed, the anti-teleporter is installed in the Batmech, and the groups are all organized.
^I see you've merged a few people. I almost want you in Group A… However, I think Group C needs a powerhouse.>Remember… We'll back you up.^… and that's a good thing!SpeedbrewAt the last minute, Nupol Aryan brews his speedbrew. It multiplies his capabilities by three for five turns, but has a cooldown of 15 turns (after effect runs out).
OveruseYou can reuse it before cooldown expires, but it'll cause a crash at the end that renders him unconcious for 15 turns, which can be treated but not negated.
You are also presented the battle plan map to refresh your memory.
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>>106033nate higgers also joins them because nate is gemmy
>>106033Group C storm the astrojarty house geg
>>106035>>106036While traveling to the raid location, you encounter Nate Higgers.
>Let me join, let me join!^Erm… Ok, but only in Group C… also, you'll probably get raped by a massive Astro toilet.>Marge.^Whatever, drop into rank.Nate Higgers joins your partyThree purple guys stop you, potentialy hostile.
They ask
>Are you an obsessed anti-gooner? №106039[Quote]
Skeleton scary Halloween spooky month Halloween scarymas come scary funny skeleton.
Good JOB. very potent adventure here. Even thought of roleplayijg.! I’m high on niggerweed btw
>>106038>>106039>>106040>>106041Obsessed jartnigger skeletons arrive.
>Ah, there it is. 'dmin 6 and his crew of dogooders. Jakking is dead, and so is the Sharty!Ironic, coming from them.
Skeleton says he's David Thoughie, for some reason like as a Roblox bubble speech.
>>106043Jarty Skeleton says he's David Thoughie o algo.
Nate responds
Suddenly, Randy Prozac pisses on himself and vanishes.
>>106045Randy Prozac quickly appears, visits, then pisses on himself and vanishes.
This startles the gooners, who fire shots off.
One bullet misses, another hits one of the Murder Drone clones, and the remaining bullet ricochets off the ground and does some weird ballistics underneath 'dmin 6's jumpsuit.
The gooners apologize
>Sorry, we got startled… №106047[Quote]
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>>106037Speaking of astro toilet… a rogue astro chud tracks the jarty skeletons and obliterates them with a nigger laser (astro chud is only slightly smaller than giant caca)
>>106047The Party uses more Floydian magic. A rogue Astro Chud obliterates the Jarty skeletons.
The Gooners return fire at the Astro Chud, doing truly negligible damage.
>>106050Astro Chud rams into the gooners, killing them. Astro Chud tells the sixth admin of the website that they will all die and then warps away.
>>106051Astro Chud crashes into the ground, killing the gooners and doing some damage to himself.
He says
>Don't worry, I'll deal with the gooners for you.Then warps away, but will he really?
The way to the mountain looks clear. That's where Group C is dropped off, according to the plan…
>>106052Astro toilet is nate higgers friend if that matters
>>106052Group A will storm nujarty tower and rendezvous outside of niggerhell camp with group c or other way around depending on which group finishes first while group C scout the camp and report it to the rest at gathering point
>>106054I mean group B scout the camp
>>106034He was planning to suicide bomb a major Jartycuck Base, He kinda screwed up with the first attempts to make a bomb but got it right this time
Nothing ever happened but a penis god appears and stars calling everybody brainwashed sheeple meanwhile wearing David Icke's head.
>>106053>>106054>>106055Group C is dropped off to help the Shartysoldiers deal with Jarty's military.
<adventure spaceMeanwhile, Group A start their trek on the mountain. They see a dead gooner, likely Astro Chud's work…
<adventure spaceMeanwhile, Group B makes it to the top of the mountain. They scout the "camps" It seems like a job for Doomguy, really. So many of Niggerhell's and Goonerhell's denizens…
They see Astro Chud in the background, probably scouting, too.
Whichever perspective is played out the least may be returned to later, or play out automatically…
>>106059So he takes his gun, some map and goes out… This time hes prepared for raisin
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>>106059Flying nigger and lebron james appear
>>106060>>106061Dr. Soyowad grabs a revolver and a woefully outdated map, then proceeds to the outside of the gas station.
He sees a homeless grandpa giga
>Hey, bro. Anything in that gas station?Lebron James arrives on his Flying Nigger.
<Shiet, we got a terrorist over here. Who you bombin', boy? №106063[Quote]
>>106062He tells the old man to piss off but actually recognized LeBron, He was a former patient at the Soysylum who Soyowad was assigned to, He asks LeBron for help to get to a Jarty Base as he was gonna suicide bomb one of their bases
>>106062Lebron and flying nigger merges
>>106058Astro chud calls in other astro toilets
>>106063>>106064Lebron and flying nigger merge together.
You tell the Giga hobo the sod off. He grumbles.
You ask for LeBron to help you fly to Jartybase and bomb it.
>Nah, bitch. I came here to help Giga Hobo fly around.He flies off with Giga Hobo. You internally scream with rage and have intense urges to shoot them, but you told yourself earlier that you'll only use the snubnose for self defense against mutants…
>>106066Hop onto the cart
>>106067And then drive it full speed into jarty territory
>>106069You say to yourself that you're gonna fucking wreck some Jarty niggers
>>106058The aryan Superhuman begins rapping and starts wildly shooting all over the jartyzombies
>>106072And then… You make it to a Jarty supplement base, a REAL major one which would mean they'd run out of supplies after a while when you blow it to all niggerhell, You need to sneak into it now
>>106072The cart crashes into a mcdonalds ran by Trump disguised as Ronald mcdonald
>>106075>>106076Do a roll that decides what prompt it will be
>>106075>>106076>>106077>>106078You see a McDonald's, but don't see it as a destination, but rather a ramp. Aiming for the ramp, you punch the cart into the ground, and then off the roof. You miss Ronald Trump entirely.
You crash into a Jart * Mart. There, a meditation-loving Cobson loiters.
>I sense imminent danger, but to care would be attachment…Do you tell him to clear the way first or anything, or do you just blast everything and yourself right there?
>>106079Tell him to break the door open
>>106081Tell him it'll help kill all jartyniggers
>>106082tell him that if he tried to see what's inside through the door he would know why it needs to open
>>106082>>8710219 (Deleted)>>106083Jartyniggers "gem up" the walmart.
Dr. Soyowad shouts
<Look! Jartys are flooding! Get the door open now!>I'm pretty sure that would be attachment…<If only you knew what was in there…>I'll open the door if you'll stop distracting me.(The trips influenced this)
He opens the door.
>I suppose I'll run away so I may continue my pursuits of Eastern religious practices… №106085[Quote]
>>106084He quickly run inside, getting ready to blow the niggers up
>>106086the jarty shoots up the jartymart and gem it up
s winny
>>106086>>106088You shoot the fuckers brains out before the NuJartys get in and start running
>>106087>>106088>>106089>>106090Only four remain. Using any of them to commit a suicidal assault in a building that'll explode is a blunder.
>>106092That's why we should just go with my prompt tbh
>>106093>>106093Dr. Soyowad shaves the Jartymech's head off.
>STFU TRANNY!He runs deeper into the Jart Mart.
>JARTYBULL! CHASE HIM!^YES YESDeeper into the jart mart, you question what exactly you're targeting. The center, perhaps? Isn't all of the building is important? You ponder as you gain a second wind. The jartybull closes in on you.
>>106094You keep running and decide to get to the center to blow this raisinhole up
>>106095Dr. Soyowad a bit closer to the center. The Jartybull tramples him.
>YOURE COMING>… with you?>YURPHe definitely isn't. Does he go premature, or try to get the 3000 pound beast off of him?
>>106096You point the gun at it's chest and unload some hot iron on it
>>106097Dr. Soyowad shouts
>YOU AIN'T THE FIRST MUTAN-He eagerly gets off three magnum shots, before he can finish his sentence.
>OWIE FUCK U!The Jartybull kicks Dr. Soyowad for heavy damage, breaking some of his bones and forcing him to drop his revolver.
^He has A BOMB VEST! Get it OFF of HIM!>GUESS ILL BEAT IT OFF OF HIM! HEEHEARP!Dr. Soyowad gasps and screams.
>>106098You get
VERY enraged and punch the Jartybulls heart out before anymore damage could be dealt
Imagine some rage boost sh¡t or something
>>106099>>106100You get
You give the jrtybull a
REVOLVER PUNCH to it's fucking heart and rip it out. He finally dies and falls to the ground.
The Jartymech prepares his slop cannon.
>When I get this going, you're done for, buddy!Worse yet, you have 1 shot left in the revolver, due to slowburn survival horror elements o algo. You'll need to pull a Dirty Harry or some other shiet.
>>106101You grab the Jartybull and throw it at the Jartymech with all the strength you have left
>>106102You attempt to throw the 3000 pound beast at the tranny, but you're no Gargantuar. You buckle underneath his weight and his body smothers you.
>KEK WHAT A FUCKING MORON. HE GOT PANCAKED! Ima tell my Jartybook group about this…The Jartymech takes a photo and walks away.
Dr. Soyowad is still alive btw
>>106104Yeah, I'll do something as Soyowad WILL return in 3.0
>>106105You aren't gonna finish the suicide bombing mission?
>>106106Oh raisin yeah, Let's finish that
>>106107Btw wasn't calling anybody a moron. The jarty blanny is just a rude nigger.
>>106103Dr. Soyowad somehow survived and crawls out under the Jartybull… He crawls to the center slowly and when he gets there, He activates the bombs
BOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! №106110[Quote]
>>106106Alright my turn as nupol aryan , he draw two card , Aryan homing nails and lighting strike. He uses the first card to embed 10 jartyskulls with one nails and cast lighting so they hit the metal nails dealing precised aoe dmg
>>106110Queued after the bombing
>>106109Dr. Soyowad gets up from underneath the jartybull and limps towards the center of the Jart * Mart. He's undisturbed by Jartys, since it turns out that even their depots are the deadest niggers. He finally feels
/calm/. He gives himself a few seconds to absorb his journey and his accomplishments. After that, he pulls the bomb's trigger…
BOOOOOM!Outside, the entire building was demolished, and so were 90% of the Jarty's supplies.
The Jarty Officer says to the Jartymech
>He got pancaked, huh? Yeah, I think I'm getting you executed you stupid fucking nigger! №106114[Quote]
>>106105Again, Soyowad is coming back in 3.0
Most likely as a Cyborg
>>106113Thanks for the shekels or something like that
>>106110Two jartyzombies arrive as reinforcements.
Nupol Chud remembers reading about a nailgun lightning combo in a game on antifandom… He applies this logic to his next move.
He deploys a rare pair -
Homing Nailbomb - Cooldown 4x2
Lightning Bomb - Cooldown 4x2
(Both are 8 turn cooldowns)
10 jartzombies are brained, then 10 get a few thousand volts of electricity shot into the nails.
The combo basically explodes the Jartyzombie's brains.
The Jarty officer says
>Dang, I wish you were on our side!The lower mountain is open to encroach on, due to the power vacuum.
>>106117warmplier scorches the jartyzombies that survived into ash
>>106118The Jarty Officer runs away while the party rushes. Warmplier shoots his hot beams at the closest Jartyzombies, catching them on fire.
Continuing as Group A or B is recommended.
>>106119meanwhile, high ranking 4cuckers (including Irwin) have several plans and things they are going to do, including building a device to pull people from niggerhell and other hells back into the real world, and more, they know that the sixth admin of the website and others are getting fucked over by the jartycucks, so they will use this to their advantage and become much stronger by building powerful technology and weapons, they will keep the tech mostly secret, so that nobody steals it
>>106119also, can you tell us what the gooners and goonclown is currently doing? it's gonna be important
>>106116In 30 turns spadeson the abominable being born out of unholy union between greg lanksy and trannies with artificial womb will crawl out of niggerhell portal and wreck havoc on the empire turning everyone unlucky enough to fall onto his grasp into slaanesh daemon
A nuclear warhead has been deployed on behalf of C!
I wonder what will it hit…
>>106119Group A arrived at the tower entrance guarded by two meximutt orge
>>106120Cutscene, limited interaction availableAt /g/, 4cuck innovates on the robotics 'dmin 6 has been using…
They even convince /x/ to help them. They build a heckin' Nether portal. Not sure the mobs there are very useful, but it does have potions, netherite, and such…
The robotics are cutting edge, almost matching Spadeibi's early tech.
>>1061254cuck created nanobot implant to enslave the mob
>>106125Irwin tells them to make more portals, and to gather some netherite and potions and stuff, so that they can make armor and tools from the netherite
>>106123>>106113>>106116An anonymous benefactor gives a big shekel coin to Dr. Spadeibi Lez. The order is for him to launch a nuke on behalf of Group C.
He heads to the roof and fires a guided missile. Where it will hit? To be revealed, shortly.
>>106127>>106126CutsceneJak Louis Irwin tells /g/ to invest their armies into mining and looting the Nether, and to create nanobots that enslave and control the local population.
>>enslave the mobs with nanobots>Umm… Not even sure that's possible… I think you should see a psychologist and get a meds prescription…>How dare you talk to an Admin like that? I can ban you in an instant!>Okay. We'll try.>Fuck it. Three days in the cell, no appeals!>No! Sorry!Soylord drags the 4cuck to the ban cell…
Jartycuck Cyraxx jumpscares everybody and everybody gets teleported to Auschwitz where Big Lez lives.
>>106124Both of them are serving satouko hojou fan whos also guarding the entrance
>>106131'gated , wizard chud blast jarty cyraxx head into oblivion and send everyone back to their previous location
>>106131Anti teleporter is preventing that doe also stop derailing faggit
>>106124Group A reaches the entrance of Nujarty Tower. They encounter two Meximutt Ogres, Jarty-allied.
The right Ogre asks
>Hey bro… how did you get here without fighting any thugs of plenty first? №106136[Quote]
>>106135Using dmin 6's speech skills Tell the ogres if they dont leave and go back to mexico that they are obsessed brimstones that are obsessed with the jarty and shartycord o algo
>>106136'dmin 6 smirks and gives an oration to the Meximutt Ogres…
^You shouldn't be fighting for the Jarty. The Jarty is obsessed brimstone.>Hmm… They might be…^… and if you don't go back to Mexico, you ar->OY CARAMBA YOU FUCKING PENDEJO CHUDCEL! WE ARE HERE ON VISA O ALGO! I GO FUNKY TOWN ON YOU, YOU ABSOLUTE HIJO DE PUTA!There is no recovering their cool at this point. You are now in a battle with the two.
>>106137throw your antimatter sword (or whatever the sword the sixth admin of the website has is called) like a boomerang and decapitate them both
>>106138>>106139'dmin 6 throws his sword at them.
Shrektoko 2 tanks the shot with his shield. It still does some good damage.
>Ay mi mano is sliced. He is an obsessed sword thrower. I can throw my crap, too!Shrektoko 2 throws his sword at 'dmin 6, 'tard strength included, knocking him into the ground.
^I-I think I broke a rib…He coughs up blood. The damage is certainly palpable.
Shrektoko 1 approaches. He says
>>Mi hermano, take his sword and use it. It's powerful.>I may do this. Do call the Dark Knight.>>Batman?>No, the other one.>>I think I find Bibisi! Dark knight come!Their reinforcement will arrive in two turns.
>>106140*Shrektoko 2 throws his mace at 'dmin 6
>>106140Chud veteran crouches for more stable recoil and fires at shrektoko 1's head with his drum mag ak
>>106140John feralston uses dead eye firing 6 shots into shrektoko 2's knees crippling him
>>106140the babybot shoots at the shrektokos
>>106140Shrektoko 1 swung his mace at group A in frenzy hitting murder drone clones to give shrektoko 2 enough time to pull out 'dmin 6 sword
(Couldn't really do the last one that well, due to timing)
>>106142>>106143>>106144>>106145Chud Veteran goes prone and lays down heavy fire on Shrektoko 1. Shrektoko instinctively lifts his shield, negating most of the shots.
Shrektoko 2 takes the nigerstone sword out, causing additional bleeding, but granting him a fitting sword.
>Now I destroy you fools!Babybot and John Feralston double team Shrektoko 1. Babybot's frag rounds partially penetrate the shield this time, while Feralston's 6 deadshotted rounds shred his legs. Remember that deadshot is 2 turn cooldown per round, for up to 6 of them.
The reinforcement will arive at the next turn.
>>106146Fuck it we ball , shrektoko howl but the adrenaline in his bloodstream keep him going and hes too pissed off to be bothered by pain
>>106147The enemy reinforcement is deployed.
Shrektoko 1 howls, but simply doesn't give a fuck about his legs being shredded, so he ignores it for this turn.
He bashes the ground, causing some harm to John Feralston and one of the Murder Drone clones. The attack also sends them flying back.
^This is turning disasterous… We could use some reinforcements…Well, that
is the main purpose of Group C. One of them
can be called in. Give it a shot?
>>106148also babybot continues to shoot at the shrektokos
>>106148Can we order some tacos and takis to calm down shrektokos and make them leave?
>>106148the sword explodes in shrektoko's hands becuase he doesn't know how to use it
>>106149>>106150>>106151You call entirety of Group C in. They'll arrive in 2 turns.
'dmin 6 attempts to reason wirh the angry Shrektokos…
^Wait! How about we order 100 pounds of takis and taco bell?>>Maybe… Wait, no! Jarty give us the takis we need every day!Cordbot Mk 1.5 fires some rounds at Shrektoko 1.
>>You definitely next! Mi hermano, cut the housefly bot down!>Con pleasure.>>106152The sword does not explode in his hands.
>>106148What about the nuke earlier ?
>>106153Goon Froot exits goonerhell and prepared to join the battle
>>106153'dmin 6's sword turns the shrektoko hostile towards spade knight because of the knight's bibisi resembling the one tyrone had
>>106157This is even less plausible…
>>106158Spade knight dash into the battle and swung his bibisea into Dr soyberg or whatever
Fingerboy try to slash spade knight with his claw but was easily parried away as the knight shove the dildo down finger throat
>>106160meanwhile admin thrembo and his thrembo soldiers fix bruntlefly's mech and fully heal him in an underground bunker
>>106156Jarty astro wakes up
>>106162that's because bruntlefly works for admin thrembo so they like each other no matter what happens o algo
Dr soystein gives dmin 6 the admin drug which removes yhe limits on his admin powers. 6 uses telekinesis to get his ssord back and uses his sword to hit the shrektokos with a energy slash
>>106162>>106164Somewhere in the Soysphere Island…
'dmin Thrembo brings Brundlefly back to life, next to Swaglord's old mech.
'oel discovers Brundlefly.
>Woah, are you okay? №106167[Quote]
>>106166Meanwhile in goonerhell the goonbot 2.0 is almost completed. It is not as strong as the first one but smaller and more agile
>>106167It does not have as many weapons as the first one
>>106163>>106167>>106168I think enough cans of worms have been open for now…
>>106169Save the gooner bot for the very end
>>106169Omega floyd is being reborn
>>106169Goonbot wont be seen for a long time after this so it does not get overstuffed. As i said, it is not completed just yet
>>106170he would be way too weak considering how ridiculously strong some of the characters here are, i don't think it should be the very end, but relatively soon
>>106166bruntlefly asks 'oel how many black people does it take to change a lightbulb
>>106161>>106165>>106171Fingerboy tries to attack Spade Knight but hawk tuahs that shiet somehow.
Dr. Soystein asks 'dmin 6
>Have you tried the 'dmin pill?^No.>Try it.Dr. Soystein pops that sucker into 'dmin 6's mouth and he uses an 'dmin cheat to take his sword back.
Shrektoko says
>>Obsessed cheater brimstone or something like that idk o algo. That better do Floydian thingie! №106176[Quote]
>>106175feralston gets up, feralston and babybot continue shooting at the shrektokos
>>106175Cordbot flies onto the shrektoko in the front and shoots his laser blaster into his mouth
>>106178bruntlefly asks 'oel to help fixing the mech
>>106178Bruntlefly talks about that time he teleported into cobman adventure and followed cobman into goonerhell
>>106176>>106177The Boss health bars get heckin' corrected.
John Feralston uses his 2 deadshot rounds on Shrektoko 1's face, while Babybot fires some frag rounds on his chest.
Cordbot Mk 1.5 closes in on Shrektoko 1'a face and blasts him with the laser cannon.
>AYEHe activates his
TARD RAGE. He smashes the Cordbot against the ground and
BODY SLAMS him for heavy damage.
REINFORCEMENTS ARRIVEGroup C arrives to relieve Group A of some of the combat.
>>106181All characters with ranged weapons fire at the head of shrektoko 1
>>106181suddenly, dwayne the truck johnson comes out of nowhere and rams into shrektoko 2, smashing him into the nujarty hq, it doesn't do much damage, and only breaks his leg (btw, dwayne the truck johnson is just dwayne the rock johnson but he's a truck now, also he dies after ramming into shrektoko 2)
>>106181Nupol shoots his gun into spade knight’s ear
>>106185he asks 'oel to get henry here
>>106185Bruntlefly tells ’oel about cobman’s journey through goonerhell, however after cobman took the rift back to shartenburg he lost track of him and has no idea what happened so he just makes up the end of the story
>>106182>>106183All gunners, except Cordbot, open fire on Shrektoko 1's head, blasting it open and killing him.
Le floydian magic is used to make Dwayne the Truck Bibisi crash into Shrektoko 2 and explode, killing Dwayne quick, opening the wall, and doing a bit more damage than requested, because Floydian magic was used.
Spade Knight doesn't get attacked because absolutely everyone was focusing on killing raisinoko 1.
>>106188Everyone on the Left decides to just dogpile the Spade Knight and beat the absolute raisin out of him
>>106188’Min 6 jumps at shrektoko 2 and slices him dozens of times
>>106188shrektoko 2 unleashes a massive brap, making it hard to breathe
>>106188aryan humanoid draws two aryan cards cards one called Queen of hearts conversion and another called antimatter ray, he uses queen of hearts on spade knight who got beat the raising out of him turning him into a shartycord alligned Heart Knight and he uses antimatter ray on shrektoko 2
>>106186>>106187Henry and 'dmin 7 arrives a few turns later…
Bruntlefly concludes the story he's been telling 'oel.
>Then he and the Mayor grabbed Deagles and put them in both of Goonclown's eyes, killing him instantly.Henry says
<Very interesting, but I've worked with Goonclown, and she's very much alive.Brundlefly stammers…
Protokleki says
^Well, it was an entertaining story at least.>The first half is true, I tell you!<Ahh… Swaglord's mech.>Wait… damn!^Wow, it's not even your mech. Quit lying, liar!>Well, it's an abandoned piece of junk. Swaglord probably built a new one… or kicked the bucket, idk.<I'll repair it.Brundlefly's mech will be repaired, but he obliterated 'oel's trust.
>>106193bruntlefly spawns a miss circle figure and gives it to 'oel to gain his trust
Getting sleepy…
>>106195please saar just a bit more…
>>106198It's not over, You ungrateful bastard.
Let the Nigga get some rest
>>106188Spade knight has realising the outcome of this battle was inevitable , throw his sword at high speed toward group C before fleeing back to the tower and regroup
>>106189>>106190>>106191>>106192>>106200The tide of this battle has fully turned. Group C beats the crap out of Spade Knight.
Shrektoko 2 lets out a massive brap. Spade Knight sees this as an opportunity to slip out of the party's hands.
Nupol Aryan activates two cards
QoH Conversion ~-~
Aryan~-~ - 5 * 3 cooldown - Converts all Spadesons on the scene into Heartsons
Antimatter Ray' ~-~
Aryan~-~ - 6 * 3 cooldown - Fires a supernigger Antimatter Ray.
Since Spade Knight has fled, QoH conversion only has a 60% chance of working. If this post ends in a number from 4-9, it works. Otherwise, it missed.
The Antimatter fires at Shrektoko 2, while 'dmin 6 slashes him five times. This rapes Shrektoko to death.
The brap cloud clears out. Everyone notices that Spadeknight has eloped. He has left a Fingerboy on a bibisi stick. The creature is still alive.
>>106201Now that the area is cleared… They bust down the door and get in
>>106201Astro Chud quickly warps back to chase Spade Knight and finds him. Spade Knight may have to fight Astro Chud.
>>106202Before proceeding, you realize that Cordbot Mk 1.5 is destroyed. You find it bizarre that one of the Shrektokos basically one shot him.
You tell Group C to hang around outside, because they're the Auxiliary Group. Group A enters the building first.
STAGE BEGINThis is bizarre. You see video game elements. This is heckin' epic, except that it's a mobile game, of which most are vantablack brimstone.
As it turns out, Soytan used the source teleporter to spawn in
the Jarty Cats, because she thought it would be cute.
….……….The rules are rather simple. There are three stages, and five cats. At the beginning, the Jarty Cat commander starts with 100 coins, and gets 50 coins a turn. He gets 50 additional coins per turn for every stage the player cleares, due to him upgrading the worker cats.
….……….Stage 1: 50 coins/turn
Stage 2: 100 coins/turn
Stage 3: 150 coins/turn
….……….The cats cost coins to spawn, which happens at the doors on every stage.
….……….Basic: 10c
Wall: 25c
Gross: 50c
Giraffe: 75c
Titan: 100c
….……….When you reach the end, you'll have to destroy the Jarty Cats base to neutralize the threat.
The Jarty Cat Commander acts independently of prompts, and cannot be found, nor fought.
Coins are also preserved between stages.
You can't find a secret exit or anything like that. You have to go through the cats and destroy the Jarty Cat's base to gain full entry to the NuJarty tower.
….……….At the beginning of the turn, the Commander gets 50 coins. He spends these coins on 2 Wall-class Jarty Cats.
Btw, you don't have to read anything between the red dotted lines. It's just for extra context.
'mbedded averi btw
>>106204make the jarty cat commander summon the titan jarty cat
>>106209the wall cats attack the group but are outmatched really easilly
>>106210The Wallcats attack 'dmin 6, but ue slashes them in half with his sword, one by one.
The Commander gains 50 coins, then spends 95 on a Gross, a Wall, and 2 Basics.
>>106211Gross throws one of the cats at the murder troons robot and injures one of them
>>106212Gross sends a Basic Jartycat to the party early. The Basic's body dents one of the Murder Drones' heads.
The Jartycats attack the party again. 'dmin 6 slashes a Basic and the Wall cat. The other Basic is reset before Gross, and the Gross Cat kicks 'dmin 6.
50 coins are added during the turn.
>>106213Chop off the cats arm
>>10621450 coins are added.
'dmin 6 cuts the Gross cat's leg-arm thing. It manages to balance on its leg.
The Basic Cat climbs on 'dmin 6 and whacks him with a club.
These guys look friendly, but they're kind of rude.
Commander spawns in 2 more basic cats for 20 coins - a frugal purchase.
>>106215put the sword right through its head. The murder drones attack the other cat
>>106215grab the basiccat on your head and throw him away, then, do an epic backflip and slice the gross cat in half
>>106216>>10621750 coins are added.
'dmin 6 catapults the Basic cat into one of the Murder Drones, yelling
^Catch!It screams as the Murder Drone punches its head in.
'dmin 6 does an ebic backflip and slices the one-legged Gross Cat in half.
As gravity pulls his head apart, he screams in modified Google translate Japanese
>ああああああああああ、この執着心の強い野郎め!Two Basic cats sneak up behind 'dmin 6. One hits his leg with a club.
>>106218the sixth admin of the website grabs one of the basic cats and throws him in the air, then, as hes falling to the ground, he slices him in half midair like hes playing fruit ninja or something, the sixth admin of the website then roundhouse kicks the second basic cat like chuck norris
>>106219'dmin 6 tosses one of the basic Jarty Cats in the air, and jumps, spinning around and slicing the cat in half. He lands with a high-velcoity roundhouse kick that dispatches the other cat.
50 coins are added during the turn.
>>105945When will this happen? You said that it’s queued
>>106220Move forward to next room
>>106222>>105945The gooners have finally selected a successor to their late president, gooner Root.
Dr. Goon gets elected. His campaign hook is to make more gas station boner pills. This unique angle hs won him the majority vote.
>>106221>>106224At stage 2, the Commander upgrades the worker cats. He now gains 100 coins per turn, starting with this one. 100 coins added.
BONUS ENEMY IN 2 TURNS3 Jellycats will spawn in 2 turns. They guarantee hits at close range, but have the same health as Basic Jartycats.
The commander spawns a Titan, a Giraffe, and a Gross, costing 225 coins in total.
>>106226The Giraffe and the Titan also have cooldowns. A Giraffe can be summoned every other turn, and a Titan can only be summoned every third turn.
>>106226the gross comes over to the sixth admin of the website and kicks him, launching him in the air, the murder drones grab the gross legs and try to make him fall down
meanwhile, the 4cucks mined lots of netherite and got lots of items and cool stuff from the nether portal, 4cuck engineers grab the netherite and start putting it on swaglords mech, which will make it even more durable and tough, swaglord crosses one of the objectives off of the list, since the nether portals and stuff have been complete, and he will now move on to the next objective, which i will reveal in a little bit (it's gonna be pretty crazy, and might help the 4chin army greatly if they manage to pull it off succesfully)
>>106227Dmin 6 uses his credit card to summon a heckin powerful unit because jarty cats is pay to win slop
Next prompts will take some extra time
>>106225Dr goon fully gives up on the shartenburg campaign and scraps all plans of reinvasion, he is a bit less extreme than root and goonclown.
He does not want to start more invasions and focuses mostly on his pills and gooning policies.
He decides to not send more gooners into soysphere island, this may start a dispute between him and goonclown
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>>106226Add this guy as a final boss in the last stage
>>106228>>106229100 coins are added.
'dmin 6 installs the Jarty Cats app and makes some heckin' pay 2 win purchases. He gets distracted so badly that the enemies ambush him and push him to the left corner.
Liam Vickers and the Murder Troons clash with the enemies, trading damage.
>>106233Titan cat swing his club at Liam vicker and kick murder troon clones
>>106233Chud veteran focuses and uses accurate burst fire mode to headshot all the cats
>>106233’Min 6 goes berserk and launches himself at the titan and puts the sword in the titans face
blud really just abandoned the thread only in ohio fr fr
>>106231>>106233 (You)
The 4cuck's have a very successful mining operation. The Nether has so much Gold and Quartz that it's ubiquitous. The 4cucks gain access to a virtually unlimited supply of these materials. Quartz and gold are essetial materials for robotics, therefore this is a critical breakthrough for the 4cuck Empire. They also unearth a large amount of Ancient Debris. They quickly convert it to Netherite, a material that's harder than diamond.
Besides this, they loot structure after structure, attaining an insane amount of artifacts and special loot.
Swaglord's mech plating gets replaced with Netherite, and so do most of its metal parts.
Certain pieces get
gilded, meaning coated in gold, therefore, the gilded parts aren't weaker. This is a stylistic choice.
Swaglord's mech is a really tough nut to crack, if it wasn't already. It's harder than diamond, and 'dmin 6's sword. Nuts.
>>106238what took so long mein nigga?
>>106239The post itself took that long.
>>106238did you mean to reply to that other prompt?
>>106243Are you taking my prompt too?
>>106244Sure but the Cultists will probably slip out of line and deploy Goonerbot, no matter what.
>>106234>>106235>>106236BONUS ENEMY APPEARSAfter 100 coins are added, 90 are spent on the Bonus Enemy, 3 slimecats.
The Titan Cat crushes and destroys one of the Murder Troon Drones. The other cats push Liam Vickers and the remaining drone down.
Veteran Chud guns for the Titan Cat with a precision burst. This does signifigant damage, albeit not enough to kill the Titan Cat.
'dmin 6 attempts to pull off a jump attack, but his chest hurts and his head is feeling light. He collapses to the floor. He should seek medical attention.
His mind races to the 50 tickets he purchased earlier. He'll have to process them at the Gacha and attempt to get some OP Jarty Cats. Ubers, Legendaries, etc. The kind that aren't even cats, really. Of course, he should really seek medical treatment.
>>106245The cultists act independently and are not under the command of the main gooner government
>>106246soystein gives the sixth admin of the website some medicine and bandages up his wounds to make him feel better, veteran chud continues to shoot and feralston also starts shooting at the cats
>>106247I figured that sude
>>106249They are also fully cut off from shartenburg after the main portal in the hq was destroyed by the collapse and only the cultists can open their own portals.
I say this as i am the author of cobman adventure
>>106251This is not a prompt, just some lore(i decide the goonerlore because they are my IP or something idk)
>>106246Use the emergency teleport to teleport to the hospital again if possible
>>106248100 coins are added.
Dr. Soystein uses advances medicine to treat 'dmin 6. It's very effective, and restores most of his health. It also removes any health-related debuffs.
Veteran Chud and John Feralston tag team the cats. John Feralstonuses deadshot to pop the three Jarty Cats in their heads, doing enough damage to each to kill them. Veteran Chud fires a long burst into the Slimecats, taking them out.
The Commander seethes at the result, so he spams some more trash at the party.
>>106256Gross cat grab basic cat and throw it at John feralson while wall cat charges in shield up to bash anyone Infront of him
>>106256feralston and veteran chud continue mowing down the cats while soystein tries to treat vickers, the sixth admin of the website gets up and isn't in pain anymore
>>106256Dr soystein calls in a big Project that he has been working on for Liam vickers, its the George Floyd murder drone
>>106257>>106258>>106259100 coins are added.
Dr. Soystein proceeds to healing Liam Vickers.
Gross Cat picks up a Basic Cat, while Wall Cat char
-ACK! Veteran Chud and John Feralston lay down more firepower, this time obliterating the fresh cats.
The deadshot misses Gross Cat, so he throws the dead Basic Cat at Feralston.
The Commander drops 200 coins on some stronger cats.
Dr. Soystein calls for his most recent murder drone - Floyd Drone. It only resembles Floyd, and doesn't have anything else to do with him or other variants of him…
'dmin 6 still feels bummed out about the $241.98 + tax he spent on the in-game purchases.
Might take an small break from running the adventure soon… besides bedtime creeping up.
>>106261how long will the break be?
>>106260Floyd drone grabs the titan cat and smashes it through the floor
>>106263If I put a number on it, I'd probably get it wrong. I feel like taking a break.
>>106265Take as long as you need, Bro
>>106260Dr. Soysteins asks the Floyd Drone to break the game as he's kinda getting annoyed of this raisin
(SAGEing so that you can get your break without some cunts raping the thread)
Will you continue during the weekend?
>>106272Tomorrow weekend op , better dust off your pad and draw I'm hunger for 'pic conclusion
The plan is that I'll continue tomorrow. Cheers.
>>106274Ready when you are, Mate
>>106268>>106264The real George Drone arrives (the previous view of him was a UI element). He wrestles with Titan Jarty Cat, and slams it into the floor. The Titan Cat gets up immediately, with moderate damage.
The other Jarty Cats attack George Drone.
>>106281George drone shoots the hand canon into the titan cat’s mouth
>>106280The Astros attack him by shooting their dick guns at his face
>>106281Gross cat grab more of jarty cat corpse and throw it at veteran chud while wall cat for the second attempt charges into the group shield up in hopes to bash anyone Infront of him and titan cat body slam Floyd drone
>>106282>>106284100 coins are added, as was the case with the previous turn.
George Drone shoves his Glock cannon into Titan Cat's face, which is arguably the ideal range for the weapon. Its 1100RPM firerate shreds thru its mouth, killing it quickly. It stomps on its torso after finishing the fatal deed.
Gross Cat picks up a Wall Cat's corpse and launches it into Veteran Chud.
'dmin 6 opens up his Golden Tickets, frustrated at no one ackknowledging it o algo.
The Wall Cat and Giraffe Cat charge the party.
The Commander sees that the flow of is advantageous for the Jarty Cats. He deploys a Titan Cat, a Giraffe Cat, and a Gross Cat, eager to finish your party off!
Brundlefly comes and rants rhis.
>Why can't you do a Halloween event already?
>Yeah yeah the day where Jesus was born which is probably not his birthday anyways dude which was diffused into some Saturnian guy gifting good kids raisin or something and there's funny trees is important enough for December (of course without Jesus, of course) but the day when veil thickens which got diffised into scary masks and diabetes is not important for a month. Easter exists anyways fora Christian stuff so why can't they treat Halloween like Christmas? They are now mostly secular holidays with occult symbolism anyways.
Have a funny response or something very dull adventure thread.
>>106285Titan cat suplexes Floyd drone and perform elbow drop on it , giraffe cat trample John feral and wall cat engaged in melee with vet chud
how do i play this game
>>106286Never goon squidfreakbob Clothesline both goon soldier to the ground , Nate hinger start tearing into one of the downed soldier in rage
>>106289The core part of the gameplay is that you prompt party members to take actions, during fights.
Their limits will be considered, and the properties of them and the enemies will be considered.
You can also give different types of prompts. Think of text-only games and point and clicks and how they work.
>>106286Caca mech and batmech tag team goonfroot with whatever attack they have or something
>>106290>>106292The Freakbob Hosts clothesline the Goons. Nate Higgers eats one of them alive or something.
Banemech grabs Goonfroot while Cacamech lasers him. The lasers cut the rest of Goonfroot's shield down.
Goonfroot deploys a heavy PSI telekenesis push on the Cacamech, pushing him over.
>Helb me up!Cacamech has one flaw - Their mech struggles to get up. He's effectively stunned for the next turn, unless someone can help him.
Two gooners arrive from the portal. Banemech ought to use his antiteleporter to close it.
Supersoldier's footsoldier team xatches up with the party.
^YOU SURPASSED MY EXPECTATIONS. REINFORCEMENTS WILL ARRIVE!Goonfroot calls forces from Goonerhell and Niggerhell like a little bitch.
>>106293Golden and his companion hold off the incoming reinforcement while muscle baby and freakbob host help caca mech up
>>106293The astros ram froot at warp speed
>>106287>>106194Henry and 'dmin 7 work on the Bruntlemech.
Bruntlefly presents a Miss Circe plushie to 'oel to regain the broken trust o algo.
^What is the catch? Is there a bomb in there, you FPE nigger?>I would never put a bomb in here!>Anyway, I think society has taken Christ out of modern Christmas, although it's debatable if He was there in the first place, since Christmas wasn't exactly mentioned. The day where Jesus was born which is probably not his birthday anyways dude which was diffused into some Saturnian guy gifting good kids raisin or something and there's funny trees is important enough for December (of course without Jesus, of course) but the day when veil thickens which got diffised into scary masks and diabetes is not important for a month. Easter exists anyways for Christian stuff so why can't they treat Halloween like Christmas? They are now mostly secular holidays with occult symbolism anyways.Henry opines
<All superstition, according to my favorite subreddits! I personally don't like Halloween, myself. I dressed up as Jotaro Kujo for a party and everyone kept pushing me around, saying "Where's your stand? Where's your stand?" I wish I had a Star Platinum there that night. He would beat the raisin out of everyone there.'dmin 7 responds
^I can be Star Platinum next time.>Well, what about modern Christmas?<It's a Capitalist holiday. Complete coal.^Just give me the FPE doll FPE nigger. №106297[Quote]
>>106296Bruntlefly talks about the ukraine war
>>106294>>106295Golden's team of FWNO soldiers fight the Goons.
Freakbobs and Muscle Babies help up Cacamech.
Astro Toilets warp into Banemech and Goonfroot. Goonfroot jumps onto Astro Chud and punches him using Telekenesis.
A Magi Nigger Demon appears and begins to absorb the Floydian Magic from the Astro Chud. He transmutes some of the energy to Goonfroot.
>NEEGA YOU WONT BELEEVE THIS SHEEEIT! NEEGA HAS SO MANY FLOYDS IT BE CRAZY AS FUUUCK!Goonfroot's shield begins to recharge from the transmutation. The Floydian Magic also empowers the Magi Nigger Demon.
>>106298Astro warps really fast to throw off frqqt
>>106298Freakbob squid and lee gang up on magi nigger as nate higger pounce on one of the goon soldier and begin mutilating him , caca mech will have to deal with goonfroot alone
>>106297Bruntlefly rants about Ukraine
>The Russo-Ukraine war is really just a senseless bloodbath. Both sides say they're killing hundreds of thousands while maintaining low casualties, but the truth is they're both taking big chunks of meat from each other. You probably shouldn't even volunteer for it, Henry!<That's nice and all, but I prefer engineering to combat. Anyways, your mech is fully repaired. I had to take out some of the crud. What do you want added?You, yes
YOU, pick the weapons and upgrades for the Bruntlemech! What will it be?
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>>106303Add GAU-8/A avenger for devastating firepower
>>106305Make sure the cockpit is in the center of the mech just incase if the enemies go for obvious spot to hit
>>106306It is. Also marge
>>106299>>106300The Astro Chuds warp away, leaving Froot on the floor. He easily lands on his feet.
The Magi nigger recharges more of Goonfroot's shield , and fully recharges his PSI.
^THANK YOU. NOW SAVE THE REST OF IT FOR YOURSELF.The Freakbob hosts close in to attack the Magi Nigger. He fires a cluster of supercharged niggerbrimballs at them. FreakLee dodges them, but Freakward can't. Freakward eats all the niggerbrimballs and catches fire. He's damaged greatly and burning.
FreakLee kicks in the Magi Nigger Demon's dome.
Cacamech approaches Goonfroot. Goonfroot opens up a flood of Goon Minions, pulverizing their soft bodies against the CacaMech's frame.
^SUFFER AGONY!Only half of the Goon Minions survive, albeit there are several of them present now.
Goonfroot's shield recharges by 10%, due to it being undisturbed for this turn.
Cacamech also has a personal 8 gauge shotgun inside, if anyone wants to use it.
>>106308Cacamech blast away the goon minion with a shotgun so that golden could concentrate his fire power on goonfroot feet and nigger magi, freakbob squid rolls around attempting to put out the fire while Nate higger pounce on nigger magi next . Muscle baby helps batmech up
>>106288100 coins are added.
Wall Cat and Giraffe cat rush Chud Veteran and John Feralston, while they're down. They struggle to use their guns at close range.
Chud Veteran shouts
>Ima have to wrestle these sons of guns, if y'all are too busy!Titan Jarty Cat picks up and suplexes George Drone. This deals
crippling damage.
<I CAINT BREATHE. MAMA MAMA I CAINT BREATHE!You do NOT want to hear any incarnation of George Floyd saying this…
… even if it has nothing to do with George Floyd, in theory…
'dmin 6 imagines all the awards he could get from the Golden Cat Gatcha.
>an adventure that has already ended
Nah that was a preview or something
>>106312Or non-canonical if 'dmin 6 loses…
>>106311George drone self destructs and blows up the titan cats
>>106308Batmech uses the anti-teleporter to clone the goonerhell portal
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>>106311'dmin 6 got really lucky and rolled Uber rare cat
>>106310>>106315Cacamech blasts a gigantic hole thru one of the goon minions. The rest jump off the mech and assault Golden's squad.
Banemech shuts the Goonerhell portal down.
Nate and FreakLee attack the Nigger Magi. Nate Higgers eats some of his fat.
>SHIEEET MANE STOP AAAAHHHH!Goonfroot, seeing that Cacamech is freed from the Goon Minions, unleashes a flurry of telekenesis strikes, in exchange for 20% of his PSI. This internally shakes the cockpit and wounds some of the caca pilots. It also bends the hull some more and causes the solar roof to catch a flame. This damage is moderately high.
Goonfroot's shields also regenrate by 10% more, since attacks against him were interrupted.
^YES MINIONS! FIGHT IN AGONY!Goonfroot pauses.
>>106317Say that ’dmin 6 is at the asylum, but when gooner Froot gets there he will get attacked by the patients
>>106318>Erm… 'dmin 6 is at the Asylum.^RESPONSE HEARD. YOU BETTER NOT LIE.Goonfroot picks up the Nigger Magi and flies away. He gets far enough for the health bar to disappear.
If this post ends with an even number, Goonfroot has a realization and returns.
Rolan for something else
>>106319Now that goonfroot is gone, go to that house
Another roll because schizo
>>106321Golden's squad shakes the Goon Minions off of them, and the entire party rushes to the Astro Jartytoilet's house.
They accidentally reach th Nujarty Tower first. They see some aftermath carnage, and… most notably, a Fingerboy with a massive Bibisi lodged in its throat.
>>106323Where's group c ? They are supposed to wait outside of nujarty tower
>>106324Golden calls Group C.
<I heard that you were reinforcing 'dmin Six's team. What happened?Group C responds
>They didn't call us into the building, so we resumed our objective. How is the assault on the portals going?<Ummm… We're postponing that for a side mission…>Okay, but if we get flooded with Gooners, I'm going to report you for endangering the mission. №106326[Quote]
>>106325Change of plan then , group b regroup with group a to assist them in clearing nujarty tower
>>106314>>106316>>106326'dmin 6 rolls an uberniggerpoopball rare """"Cat"""".
George Drone yells
>I CAINT BREA-ACK!and self destructs, taking a Titan and a Gross Cat with him, and wounding another Gross Cat.
The other cats move in, and keep assaulting Chud Veteran and John Feralston, though, this time, they fight back some with unarmed attacks.
Group B arrives to scene 2 of the Jartycats room of NuJarty towers.
'dmin 6 asks
^What are you doing here? You're supposed to close the portals to Niggerhell and Goonerhell! №106328[Quote]
>>106327All members of group B attack the remaining jartycats with all they have
>>106328100 coins are added.
Group B unleashes their firepower on the Jartycats, killing a Gross Cat and a Giraffe Cat.
A part of Cacamech's solar roof explodes, due to being on fire for several turns. It wounds the pilots and they cry. A smaller fire is started.
The damaged Solar roof is now at 30% efficiency, but that's definitely shĺt NOBODY cares about.
'dmin 6 gets angry
^Not even a response, huh? If we needed reinforcements, we would call Group C! I order you to resume your mission, Group B! №106330[Quote]
>>106329Banemech picks up ’dmin 6 and throws him at the wall in anger and then kills all the remaining cats.
bane then orders everyone but ’dmin 6 to go to stage 3.
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>>106329John feralston gets up and discards his revolver equipping a high caliber lever action rifle instead
>>106330ermm..okay but everyone there listens to onlky 'dmin 6 not bane
also thats kinda retarded to just derail the op's original plan
If this post rolls a 1, 'DMIN 6 DIES
If this post rolls a 9, PROMPT IGNORED
If somewhere in between, civil war,mutiny, or Banemech gets cannibalized by everyone, depending on closest number.
>>106334Banemech will get cannibalized
>>106330I kinda regret prompting that, but you can do the canabalization
>>106330>>106334>>106335>>106338>Clearly, YOU don't understand what you're doing!^Don't you dare declare mutin-ACK!Banemech throws 'dmin 6 into the wall, but he somehow gets spared, mostly.
He coughs up some blood.
^Bane is a traitor!<Yes, he is. We'll deal with him for you, 'dmin.Everyone attacks Bane at once.
John Feralston even introduces a new weapon to use on him.
The Jartycats themselves attack Bane, for some reason.
>Wait! but I have the antiteleport-AACCCCKKK!His mech ends up exploding.
On the bright side, it kills the remaining Jartycats.
>>106340group b goes back to doing their original task and group a progresses to scene 3
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also heckin CHUD MECH arrives to help Op you decide which group needs him the most
>>106340Progress to scene 3, also call in group c and make group b continue the mission
>>106343>>106341'dmin 6 says
^Okay, Group B. I guess this was Bane's idea. Carry on.<Yes, sir.^… and, don't forget to get another Anti-Teleporter. It's really important.<Yes, sir.Group A and B separate…
Group A arrives to the third and final scene. The one with the Jartycat's base.
You see Heartknight, formerly Spadeknight, tied up. So that's where he went…
The Commander now receves 150 coins per turn'dmin 6 calls for reinforcements from Group C. They'll arrive in 2 turns.
The Commander deploys a big cluster of every normal Jartycat, for 350 coins in total.
'dmin 6 goes ahead and deploys his Uber Rare
even tho he doesn't have coins.
He has 45 Golden Tickets remaining on the Gatcha. All the other tickets from his 5 roll were base upgrades, but he even doesn't have a Jartycat base, so they did nothing…
>>106344The ultrarare horse thingy jumps at the big jartycuck and burries his horns in the jartycuck’s face
schizo rolan for the cacamech
>>106345’Min 6 also starts slicing the nearest cats
>>106344john feralston uses dead eye and fires 7 shots killing 7 random jarty cats
meanwhile chud veteran fires a volley at the jarty cat base
>>106343>>106342>>106341Meanwhile, Group B encounters a new person.
<Hello?>Hi, I heard we were fighting for the Soysphere's future? Where do I slay swarthoids?<Typically, newbs join Group C, but we just lost a valuable member…>Can I join?<Hmm… We're not sure if it'll trigger Floydian Magic. If it does, you should just join Group C for now.If the last digit is odds, Chud Mech triggers Floydian Magic.
>>106349>oddsmarge odds of what
>>106350Odd number. A fancy coin flip, or 50/50 chance.
>>106349Chud Mech joins Group B, and doesn't trigger Floydian Magic.
>>106352group b continues walking to astro jarty's house
>>106353They're supposed to close the portal. They should also get another Anti-Teleporter, or repair the old one.
>>106353Or at least that's the orders they received. They can technically disobey them.
>>106354oh raisin i had a marge moment
as they head to the science tower thats keeping the niggerhell portal open, nate opens his phone and orders a new anti teleporter to his location from swedish amazon using his mom's credit card to purchase it
>>106356Nate walks away from the group, to order an Anti-Teleporter, using his mom's credit card…
>DAMNIT. INSUFFICIENT FUNDS. NOW I CAN'T SAVE THE SHARTYIs Nate correct, or is saving the Sharty a click away???
>>106357Nate prays to 'dmin Thrembo
>>106359Nate facepalms himself for being a retard and presses learn more
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>>106305Put this arm on the mech
>>106360Nate clicks
Learn more…The Warranty page reads:
>Feel like your Anti-Teleporter malfunctioned, or maybe got destroyed too early by an unfortunate event? Is it critical to your plot?>We are willing to replace said Anti-Teleporter, for free.>You WILL return the old one.Wow, you're in that exact situation! The last one is somewhat concerning. I guess it's time to call them…
>>106363nate calls the swedes and explains to them the situation n shiet
>>106349The other members reach astro jarty’s house and take cover behind some bushes to spy on him
>>106361You attach an exotic claw arm to the Bruntlemech, to the joint where the original arm broke off.
The Bruntlemech is complete, or is it?
>>106365You decide a Plasma Annihilator is required for your mission. You mount it on the arm.
The drawback is that it uses nearly all of the Mech's power if it's used, because the engine is frankly outdated crap.
>>106344dr soystein does a sick frontflip landing behind the jartybase and sets heart knight free
>>106369Now that it is complete, the mission of bruntlefly and the squad is revealed: infiltrate niggerhell and somehow destroy it from within
>>106371And for that they need some nukes, so they must call spadeibi
>>106371i thought the mech would be used against goonbot
>>106364Nate calls the jarty Co.
>Hello, this is Nate Higgers.<THE Nate Higgers? Wait, we don't have you on our records. What's up?>I'm calling about an Anti-Teleporter.<Oh yeah. We just released it.>Well, you sold it to us, and the retard who used it tried to start a civil war or some bullraisin.<Hmmm… we only sold one, so far. I'm guessing it's Henry's.<What condition is it in?>It looked alright, except the retard got blown up.<We'll check on it. No worries, we'll provide a replacement if the original is salvageable.>Thank you.<You should probably wipe your face off btw…>Quit stalking me, obsessed splintercuck. Goodbye and God bless you.Nate hangs up.
>>106374*Swinn Co niggers
>>106373I forgot about that but lets do that after the niggerhell mission. Goonbot is still not fully completed
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>>106374also admin thrembo gives nate a glow up and a chainsaw
>>106371>>106372>>106376>Now that I have a mech, we can finally invade Niggerhell and destroy it from within!*cock cock*
'dmin 7 and Henry point Meds Shotguns at Bruntlefly.
>>106379The dinosaur eats the meds or something
>>106379Test the mech’s new weapons on some mutants that you come across
Marge wasn't bruntlefly dead
>>106380They launch the meds into the gapedino's mouth.
<Oops. Sorry gapedino.⌄What?The gapedino is soothed by the meds.
<Seriously, THOUGH. You DO NOT want to visit Niggerhell. Wikipedia says it's really hot and practically uninhabitable. №106384[Quote]
bruntefly fact checks henry and…thats actuall heckin true..looks like no niggerhell for xem instead they go help shartycord or something
>>106382He was but Bruntlefly has unique abilities and shiznet, that were gained by a serious of schizoprompts and general pacifism.
>>106383Something happens to the mech and it starts moving on its own
I guess I'm tired o algo
>>106387Ight, See you when you wake up
>>106388I think I can do a few more.
>>106391A gooner has sneakily entered it and now controls it
>>106393'dmin 7 uses his admin powers to teleport inisde the mech and kill the goon
>>106394'dmin 7 transposes himself via lightning, onto the mech. He can't go inside.
^Okay, who can teleport inside the mech?Bruntlefly says.
>I can.Goon freaks out
^AHHH NEVER GOONERS! ALWAYS GOON!He pushes the fire autocannon button. It slowly trails towards Henry and Bruntlefly while firing…
<I made the interface too intuitive! Drats! №106396[Quote]
>>106395bruntefly teleports inside the mech and kills the gooner with one strike and stops the autocannon from firing.
the entire team then starts heading towards the main jarty base but they are quite a distance from it so they will propbably arrive during a big boss fight or something down the line
>>106396Bruntlefly trades with Henry, then with the Gooner. He stops the autocannon right before it hits Henry.
>That gooner didn't know how I got this thing in the first place! Mwahahaha!The lethality of the GAU-8 has been proven against infantry, test subject: Goon. After the red mist and dust settle, a thin spray of his blood mix with the beach's sand.
>It's time to help Shartycord for once… Do mind the cannons.The team embarks on a multiturn adventure to reach the NuJarty Empire…
Alright, bedtime…
>>106399poor timing o algo
>>106397(Save this prompt for tomorrow)
A few other goons were on board but they hid themselves, waiting for the right time to strike…
>>106397(save this prompt for tomorrow too)
meanwhile, the nether operation continues, more and more netherite and items are being extracted, almost all of the 4cuck's tools, weapons, armor, etc have now been replaced by their superior netherite versions, which makes them stronger and more durable, now that they have enough netherite and items, they are shifting their focus on mining lapis lazuli and making enchantment tables to enchant their tools weapons armor etc and make them even stronger than before
>>106402The 4cucks invest some of their Netherite into a special force, codename "Daily Dose".
They get their fresh equipment enchanted by the Rabbi, now operating an enchantment table. He slowly learns the Enchantment Table language.
Besides having superior armor, plus awesome enchantments, the armor coverage is increased per person. Their effective health is multiplied by
>>106401A goon minion rears its ugly head behind Bruntlefly briefly…
… a few seconds later, it returns to hiding… waiting for the perfect opportunity to sabotage the Bruntlemech…
>>106345>>106348>>106370150 coins are added.
John Feralston launches a 7 shot dead shot, using his lever action rifle. It kills all of the basic cats, and two Gross Cats.
Date Masamune Jartycuck (?) attacks the Tower. Titan Cat and Wall Cat climb on it, so they can try to stop it.
Dr. Soystein jumps over the Jartycucks and frees Heartknight.
The Commander spends 100 coins on two more Gross Cats.
The Jartycat Base loses 500 HP out of 10000.
>>106407Ok fuck it we ball , radio in nupol aryan only he could stop his former friend
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>>106408Date musamune jartycat throw xir golden yoyo at two gross cat
>>106408'dmin 6 decapitate giraffe cat while John feral and vet child empty their round on wall cat
Chud* , autocorrected award
>>106409>>106410>>106411>>106412150 coins are added.
Group C arrives.
Date Masamune uses xir golden yoyo to heavily damage the Gross Cats. Titan Cat smacks xir head with a club.
Nuchud says
>Hold on, Group B called me specifically…He turns around and sprints to Group B.
'dmin 6 decapitates one of the Giraffe Cat.
The Commander spawns Titan Cat, and Giraffe Cat, Two Gross Cats, and a Wall Cat, for 300 coins.
Chud Veteran sprays some rounds at the new enemies. John Feralston's deadshot and gun are empty, and he's reloading.
>>106413do you think i should reveal swaglord's next objective? im kinda scared that it will make the 4cucks too powerful or something, but there's also the fact that most of the other characters are also really strong, so im sure they will somehow be able to pull through, should i just do it anyways? i kinda want to tbh
>>106414holy fucking quads, i guess that means yes…
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>>106413Spider frog attack you
>>106416nigga that's a cactus