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 104036[Last 50 Posts][1][2][3][4][Quote]

It has been one year and three months since Cobman and his Cobgang sacrificed themselves to defeat the goonbot and save shartenburg from absolute destruction. In that time shartenburg has changed a lot, Goon Gang is no more, a prison colony has been built in order to contain leftover gooners and other dangerous criminals and the shartenburg museum now stands where the Goon Gang HQ once stood.
For one year shartenburg was relatively peaceful, as the national guard had organized themselves under the command of mayor Soot, but now the situation is changing yet again…

<Suspense space

With no hero to protect shartenburg, new villains are rising. In the shadows lurks the Merchant, a former member of the shartenburg council who has gone rouge and is now resorting to robbery and heists to fulfill his kikeish greed…

<Yapping space

An even more dangerous villain has risen in the form of Commander Coal, a former general of the national guard who defected to collaborate with the gooners.
Commander Coal went his own way after the gooners were banished from this universe. He has created his own militia and with the help of them he will soon try to overthrow soot in a bloody coup to achive his ultimate goal: Becoming the supreme leader of shartenburg.

<Final wordswordswords space

Luckily, a new ”hero” has arrived in the form of Captain Science, an obese soyboy LARPer and Cobman superfan who is larping as a real hero. He must now stop the plans of Commander Coal and the merchant, but first he must become and actual hero.
He is now on his 561th daily visit to the grave of Cobman, very close to the encampment of Coal’s forces. There he meets an unexpected guest…


You place a funkopop in front of Cobman’s grave while crying tears of true sadness.
>*sniff* accept this….funkopop..please*sniff*, i know you are dead and according to science ghosts aren’t real so you probably can’t hear me but still…please acc-
You hear a sound behind you, you look to the left and see a familiar figure.
You wipe your tears away and look at the heckin’ cobgang legend.
>OH MY SCIENCE! Are you heckin’ colorjak from the cobgang?
It turns out that colorjak has learned how to speak in non-gibberish…

First reply decides first action after this post, after that i will include most replies as long as it does not derail the story too much.




Ask colorjak for advice on how to be a real hero


TLDR: There are two villains that you must defeat. One of them wants to start a soyvil war and overthrow soot and the other wants to steal and sheit(They may be working together to achive a more complicated goal). Captain Science must defeat them, but first he must train and a bunch of other sheit.


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>ummmm, mr colorjak, i want to become a real hero just like you and cobman, how do i become one?
<well, all you need is to have the confidence and bravery to stand up against your enemies, but if you wish to become a SUPERhero you would probably have to somehow aquire superpowers in one way or another…


captain science decides that he needs to get some actual real gadgets not just marvel themed toys and obtain and drink a vial of vril he needs to break into the gem cave and find anything that will help him there


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>what if i broke into the gemcave? I heard that there are a lot of heckin’ sceincetastic gadgets and gear in there
Colorjak gets a bit frustrated.
<Don’t you know that the gemcave is now closed off? If you make it there you would probably get arrested…i heard that Soot is working on something in there that he does not want you to know about…


captain science decides to head to the nearest comicslop store to buy some heckin awesomerino gadgets


Next post will be kinda complex, thats why it’s taking time


thats fine


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You decide to head to COB COMIX to buy the newest cobman themed gadgets.
You are greeted by a very soy looking fella.
>welcome to Cob Comix! Here we have eveything from cobman comics, cobman merch and cobman gandgets, anything you can imagine to honor his legacy!
>Can i buy some gadgets please?

A UI element pops up, it shows all the gadgets currently avalible.
Those are:
>cobman’s grappling hook
>sematary’s chainsaw
>king caca’s staff
>baby swede’s poop


If the first reply ends with 1, 2 or 3 you buy the grappling hook, if 4 or 5 you buy the chainsaw, if 6 or 7 you buy the staff and if 8 or 9 you buy the poop.
(You) do the rolling!


oh my fauci..weapons for cobman 1 so heckin wholesomerino


looks like we buy the poop saar


Cameo from Detective Feraljak cause his adventure thread died


Queued for a bit


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Rolled 9, so poop it is.
>i want the poop, swede baby was such a badass in the cobman tv show based on the the story!
You buy the poop, a ’bought shit award’ appears for comedic effect.
>i was not expecting you to want that but ok

The poop is now stored in your inventory, you can use it 10 times on enemies.


*true story


now captain science needs to go train he goes to the gym where he doesnt bother to do cardio just swings some dumbbells a couple of times


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The new duo goes to the shartenburg never goon gym, the path is drawn on the map.
At the gym you swing some dumbbells, but that is all you can muster, as you have not worked out in several years.


drink a bunch of sproke and fortified milk to regenerate your worked out muscles

then go visit your friend feraljak and ask him to join you on your adventure! you're gonna build a heckin keyed team just like cobman did!


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You consoom some sproke and fortifierad milk, this regenerates your barely worked out muscles.
>i have an idea…
You say.

5 hours later you arrive at your good friend feraljak’s house, located on the outskirts of shartenburg, outside of the map.

As always, you hear a voice from the other side scream.


enter through the backdoor


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You enter through the cellar door in the back, like you always used to do. Since colorjak is too big, he stays outside.
You climb up the stairs and see feraljak, turns out that he is larping as a real detective, just as you are larping as a real hero.

>pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease join our team

<fine, if it means i get to kill some people then i’ll be ok with it


Tell him that we will kill a bunch of evil heckin bad guys and that we can even go to the gun store to buy feraljak a revolver to complete his larp cosplay


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>yeah there are a lot of bad guys out there to kill, just like cobman did with the gooners!
<who are those bad guys? I thought all criminals in the city were lynched by Soot after the goonie shitfest
>uhh, nobody really knows but the media is saying that they are preparing to strike very soon
>i could buy you a revolver at the mcmutt gun store to complete your cosplay
<im in
Feraljak nods in agreement.


The team goes to the gun store and captain science considers buying a heckin shotgun because cobman had a shotgun too at one point


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The trio takes feraljak’s car and drives it to the same gun store that cobman visited a year ago.
<You remind me of someone or whatever, wasn’t that cob guy here before or something?
>oh my science, he was, now give me that shotgun he had
<There are only 3 shotguns for sale right now or something
A shotgun roulette pops up.
>Gun 1(longest range)
>Gun 2(fastest fire rate)
>Gun 3(most damage)


If next reply ends in a single digit you buy gun 1, if dubs you buy gun 2 and if trips you buy gun 3.
If it ends with more than 3 repeating digits then you can’t afford any of the guns.



looks like its shotgun 2


Actually it’s 3, it ended with 3 digits repeating


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Thats okay too


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Rolled trips, gun 3 it is

>i choose that one, it looks very gemmy

<ok then or something along those lines
You now have a shotgun just like cobman had, you are literally HIM.

If you wish, i could do a roll for feraljak too.


Heading to bed now






Sorry, but some files got corrupted and now i have to remake almost all models.


I will try to resume the adventure today, but after that expect me to take a break for a few days


Feraljak’s roll will be a pistol roll.


Shit maine, wish you luck on those redraw


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Now is feraljak’s turn, he can choose between 3 pistols, as always (you) will roll for what pistol he buys(or if he can’t afford one)
>Revolver(medium damage)
>Cucked revolver(very low damage)
>Desert eagle(high damage)


If the post number on the next reply ends with a number in the 1-3 range you buy the revolver, if 4-6 you buy the cucked revolver and if 7-8 you buy the deagle, if it ends with 9 feraljak can’t afford any of them.



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Feraljak realizes that he spent most of his money on bugs and meds, so he can’t afford any of the guns.
He gets angry at the mutt.
>why can’t it be CHEAPER!?

Is there any other option?




bribe the blackmutt with popeyes and mcdonalds


tell the blackmutt there is a gyatted up rizzy down the block, so feral jak could steal from the 'mutt
>hmmm, should a white man be doing this?


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Feraljak brings forth a mcdonalds burger and popeyes chicken, that he for some reason had in his pockets, he gives it to the mutt.
The mutt drools at the sight of the goyslop
>you give me a pistol and i give you the food, deal?
<umm yeah or whatever, but you only get the cucked revolver or something
The mutt hands over the cucked revolver.


colorjak suggest to captain science that he goes back to the never goon gym to do a actual real workout captain science reluctantly accepts and the trio go back to the gym and workout for 2 hours


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Feraljak grabs the revolver and puts it in his pocket.

<you must do REAL workout if you actually want to become a real hero, let’s go back to the gym

Captain science shrugs.
>i guess

The trio drives to the gym where Captain Science does le heckin self improovment, just like cobman would do.
After 2 hours he is done with the training, he has lost some of his fat, but has not gained that much muscle.




ID test


ID test 2


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IP reset again award


captain science drinks soylent that been modified to only contain proteins and testosterone (its a gym only special or something) he then wanders around town to see if theres anyone in need of heckin saving or some bad guys to be stopped




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You take some gym exclusive soystosterone™, this instantly amps up your testosterone levels by 50%, you are no longer a soyfacing soyboy and you gain some muscle.

The trio heads out into the night in search of people to save and bad guys to stop.
Near the centre of shartenburg you find a bunch of stars of david painted on the walls.

The Merchant or his followers must have been here…


enter the building


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Captain Science and feraljak enter the building while colorjak stays outside because of his large size.
You equip your weapons as you enter a room with an unbearable smell, more stars of david are cluttered on the walls.
You see it…

The dead body of a man, ripped in half and hanged to the ceiling.
<What le actual FUCK!?


call the SPD (shartenburg police department)


They are trying to forcefully convert good Christian to Judaism, ponder feraljak




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You call the shartenburg police department, as this is a heinous crime.
Officer fatjak responds.
<what’s the emergency
>There fucking is a fucking dead fucking body at 1844 gemsooty st, please do something pleasepleaseplease
<all avalible assets are on the way
The police will arrive to your location in 3 turns.

Meanwhile, feraljak thinks about what could have happened.
>They must be trying to convert all christians of shartenburg into jews, and if they don’t comply, they kill them


captain science leaves the building because he's a little pussy cracka who's scared of seeing dead people, while feraljak continues using his 1337 thinking skills


also, didn't you say you were going to take a break for a few days? did you change your mind?


I have more time on my hands today than expected, im unsure about tomorrow


ok saar


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It turns out the testosterone boost did not make captain science any braver, so he quickly leaves the building in a rush.
<why are you running?
>There is a heckin dead body there!

Feraljak keeps using his thinking skills to try to figure out the bigger picture.
>These jews must be trying to make an army of converted christians, maybe they want to start a new goon gang? They must have a leader who they all obey…


Forgot to reply to >>104106 award


captain science starts hallucinating (probably because his body has lot's of testosterone, which he didn't have much of for a very long time), he looks at the window where the dead body is and he sees a bird from Serina, it starts speaking in english, and it says that "HE" is going to come soon, captain science shits his pants a little from fear, and starts crying like a selfish little fuck (btw, "HE" is not the merchant, nor commander coal, "HE" is a completely different entity)


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You start feeling strange, you begin hallucinating, maybe because of the testosterone dose.
You look at the window above you, you see a strange bird, it’s a Tigercrow from a place called Serina, but you have no way of knowing this.

>HE will come soon and this reality will be at risk…

You shit your pants and begin crying like a selfish little pissbaby, colorjak gets very confused.


Speaking of Commander Coal, there will be a cutscene where he is introduced soon…


captain science pulls his phone out, he watches some family guy and browses /fit/ to calm his nerves and hopefully feel better


oh my science…


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You pull out your phone to calm your nerves a bit. You watch some family guy© and browse /fit/ for a while.

The police arrives next turn!


go back inside the building and goon your TWP a little bit


also why did it take you more than an hour to make this geg


I have been making models for the cutscene and other things


The cutscene will happen right after next turn



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You go back to the room where feraljak still stands and ponders what could have happened.
You goon your tiny pecker a bit, for no apparent reason.
<uhmm, maybe you shouldn’t be doing that in this situation…
Feraljak says.

The shartenburg police department finally arrive on the outside, officer fatjak and 3 other cops approach colorjak.
>hey, i know you, you were fighting with cobman in the Goon Gang hq!
<yes, but i don’t really want to talk about it…
>so where is the dead body?
<inside of there is guess, i didn’t check


captain science finishes gooning, he starts hallucinating a bit again, he looks over to the right, where the dead body is, he sees a shadowy Adam Mokraine near the body, Adam lunges at CS and jumpscares him before disappearing, CS falls to the ground and almost vomits from how scary it was, it's just like muh five knights at cobsons scary horror games!!!


also are you the creator of admin 6 adventure 2.5? ya kuchh aur



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Loading cutscene…


wait… you aren't the creator or A6A? shit… i was gonna include some stuff about it, but i guess ill pass on that for a while


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(Cutscene, not interactive)

The forces of Commander Coal are preparing to siege the capitol, in camp coal and it’s underground tunnels they train for their mission.
Commander Coal is giving a speech to the army.

>IN 24 HOURS WE STRIKE! With the help of our souveniers that we took from the national guard we will surround the capitol and demand that soot resigns, if he refuses then we storm into the capitol and cut his head off, then this city will be ”liberated”!

In the tunnels, the army is training, they practice their aim and test their weapons.
The plans have been approved, they will attack during the night after this one.

The soyvil war is near


I have read the admin 6 adventures and i will know most of the things you are talking about, but you should probably wait with dimension hopping stuff until later


yeah alright, also, did you download the assets that the OP of A6A put in the thread? just asking oy veylgo



aw sheeeit… well ok then


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You finish gooning, then you hallucinate again.
Something strange that you have never seen before appears near the body.
It lunges at you and jumpscares you, just like in Five nights at cobson’s, the next moment it is gone.
<Marge? Why did you jump like that?


tell him you are schizoing out or something along those lines


you get teleported to bucks drop pod from halo 3 odst, get aped by a grunt, shit on the floor, and die


who tf does this nigga think he is :skull: :skull: :skull:


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>i’m le heckin schizoing out just like….ummm..i don’t know, i saw some bird and now i saw a floating foid head or some shit


whip out your phone and download the tor browser so you can use the dark web, also when are le police gonna come in?


They come in once you prompt it


well ok, then they will come in after you download tor o algo asi


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You whip out your phone to download tor browser, you don’t want to do this, but it feels like something is forcing you to do it.

The police enter the room before you can download tor.
>so is this what you were talking about?
>those symbols…i know exactly who did this…


go outside and finish downloading tor (so they don't think you are a schizo psycho murderer for downloading it)


also trust me, the tor thing will be worth it for supplies weapons and stuff like that, trust the plan patriots


'em, I might participate is this advthread like the other legendary advthreads i read about in the 'ki or something>>104114


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You push past the police and exit the room, so they won’t see you download tor.
<don’t question it, he has been acting strange lately

You go outside to finish download tor, just like cobman 100% would have done.


now that you have installed tor, go back inside and help the police or something


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After finishing downloading tor you go back to the room.
>What in Soot’s name were you doing outside?
>i uuhm went to the toilet..

Another cop shouts.


listen to the cop or something o algo


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^I found his identity via a reliable AI face scan, his name was Bernd Schmidt, he was enlisted in the national guard, (((they))) must be targeting the national guard and the government specifically, this is not the first time that this has happened…
>oh my science, this is just like when the gooners wanted to kill soot


captain science and his team head out deciding that they need to recruit someone who has specializes in fighting (((they))) feraljak mentions some /pol/ clittycell named "Chud man" or something like that, he heard of him on reddit and he that might help them fight the happy merchants. the trio head to chud man's house and cave (his mother's basement)


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Now that you know the gravitation of the situation, you head out and let the police do their work.
<There is this guy from reddit, he calls himself Chud man, maybe he could be useful against (((them)))?
>let’s go find him
<first we must get my car

The trio goes to feraljak’s car, it is still parked in front of the gym, then they drive it along the red path on the map and to Chud man’s home.

After driving for 3 hours they arrive at his home outside of shartenburg.


knock on the door and chud man's mom opens the door






good night SAAAAAAAR


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You knock on the door and an elderly woman opens the door.
>who are you all supposed to be?
>We are the heckin Science Squad!
>ok then…


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This thing attack you and kill the elderly woman


Ignore prompts above and ask the senior citizen if they could see chudman


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(Save this prompt later)
The team met chudman and he was a dedicated larper that pour 1/3 of his salary to acquire authentic equipment


Rolling, if this reply ends with the number 1 or 9 i will include this prompt.


Derailer btfo'd


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>Chudman lives here, right?
Chudman’s mom gets a bit angry.
>My son calls himself that, how the hell do you know about him?

What should you say to her?


feraljak tells xher that he is a high ranking CIA agent and a hangmanrope gangster parroting puppet of the Communist Gangster Computer God or something


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Feraljak goes full schizo mode.
<well, i am a high ranking CIA agent and radio slave for the Communist Gangster Government and con-artist Parroting Puppet Gangster-playboy god, SO LET. ME. IN!
Chudman’s mom shuts the door in shock.
Feraljak gets REALLY mad.


kick the door down


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Angered, Feraljak kicks down the door.

Captain Science has a realization, you are about to conduct a break in, you are supposed to be the heckin’ hero, and you are about to break into someones house just to recruit some person that you don’t even know will be useful or even want to work with you.

Should you really do this?


Ya kuch auur


go back to your car and drive back to the gym again so captain science can use his new fitness knowledge he gained from lurking on /fit/ on his phone instead of breaking into someones house like a psycho


I think its starting to get a bit too much back and forth between the same locations but ok.


Don’t reply to this, i don’t want to start any argument


yeah but xhe's gotta be strong to be a hero or something


Captain science tell the elderly that feraljak is just schizo and clear up the understanding


Contradictory prompt. I would have rolled on what prompt to do but i have already finished the images for the gray ID’s prompt.


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You give up on getting Chudman on your team, as you have decided that it is not worth it.
The trio drives back to the gym, they arrive there early in the morning.

Colorjak says
^Are you sure about this? I don’t think it matters how much muscle you gain…that Coal guy has actual military grade weapons

(Colorjak is represented by purple text from now on to not confuse him with feraljak)


do a ton of chin ups and press ups for a while so your upper body (arms and torso) becomes gigachad tier


btw, with his elite /fit/ knowledge, xhe will become a BVLL quickly, and might actually stand a chance


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You ignore colorjak and do a shit ton of chin ups and press ups for some time.
Once you are done you gain a somewhat gigachad esque physique.


eat some sigma protein powder straight from ohio and agartha with the joker on it and a bunch of other schizo shit, and drink some fat-free A2 milk so you can calciummaxx for the next schizo excersize, then, continue with the chin ups and press ups until you finally reach gigachad tier physique


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You eat some ohio protein powder(never goon edition), the image of the joker makes you think about a certain other clown, who you belive Cobman heroically defeated in goon HQ, but in reality went to another universe and then got killed by a vengeful Chud terrorist in goonerhell.

You then drink some A2 milk, then you work out for several hours. Once you are done you Finally have a gigachad physique.
The milk and the powder are now stored in your inventory, incase you need them again.


now that you are done with the chin ups and press ups, it's time for the next exercise (more like extra fries geeeeg) which is John Wood's bone density training, which will make your bones dense and tough and hard as fuck, the milk also contains lot's of calcium, which will speed up the process by a lot


oh, and it will make them bigger too, not only that, but if you complete it, you will also grow an inch in height cause of your larger bones


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You do some bone density training for another few hours, this makes your bones denser and tougher, your bones also get bigger, you are no longer fat, you are now BIG BONED.


I did NOT take 2 hours to make that btw


finally, you do one more quick exercise (it only takes like less than 5 minutes) to untighten your psoas muscle, which will make you not be a pussy ass bitch like before and will stop the hallucinations you were having, and will heal ptsd and shit (which you probably don't have) and a bunch of other mental benefits and shit


also wtf were you doing all that time?


I needed a rest, i don’t work on this every single minute all day


ok saar


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You do a quick exercise to untighten your psoas muscle, this somehow makes you less of a pussy than before and stops the hallucinations.
>let’s stop some bad guys!

You are ready, but so is Someone else…


>but so is Someone else…
oh no no no… is it captain coal?


Goonclown's vengeful spirit from A6 Adventure
Niggersatan is impressed by Goonclown's virility and sends him back to Shartenberg to do his gooning schemes like that time in Boondocks Stinkmeaner got sent back to earth to terrorize niggers


goonGODS… is this true?


also who is coming? is it captain coal? please answer me saar


Are you the author of ’dmin 6? If so i will take your prompt. The ”Someone else” i was reffering to was the merachant btw. Im working on a cutscene that reveals his plans.


It’s the Merchant, and i did not say that he was coming, just that he was ready


i don't think that's the author bro… also thank's for telling me who's ready saaaaar


From now on, i will interact less for a bit, i have said enough


Goonclown’s ghost will return, but won’t really do anything until halloween


>it's offical
goonGODS… we are so fucking back…


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Loading cutscene…


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(Cutscene, not interactable)

In the secret hideout of the (((gorillionaries))), the Merchant is showing his plan to his minions.

>While Commander Coal is doing the dirty work of taking down Soot, you will distract the police by breaking into the bank and breaking out the prisoners from the camp, while this is happening, the special team will sneak into the gemcave and steal Soot’s secret project! Then we will be unstoppable! MWAHAHAHA!

They will strike at night, right after Commander Coal…


With camp i meant to type colony


meanwhile chudman (also known as leaking clittycel) while browsing LE HECKINRINO DEEP WEB ALT RIGHT FORUMS gains knowledge of the merchan't's plan (not the full one just the bank robbery n shiet) so he gets his bulletproof vest and his ar15 with way too much attachments and heads out into the night all the while flipping his nana off (CAPTAIN SCIENCE VILL GET A NEW PARTY MEMBER)


What part of not interactable don't you understand


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(Still cutscene)

Niggerhell, ’dmin 6 Universe…

After he got ACK’ed by the Chud terrorist, Goonclown’s sprit wandered niggerhell ever since, but now Niggersatan wants to send him BACK…

>You know what to do..

The devil snaps his fingers and the ghost of Goonclown is teleported to shartenburg…
>Can i get an applause? Anyone?



You can’t interact with the cutscene but you can make new scenes


kys you cunt i didnt even reply to the cutscene in my prompt fuck off tranny


blud is william afton, xhe came back like three times at this point, nigga is a fundamental part of reality fr fr ong


blud thinks hes tricky from madness combat


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6 turns ago…

Just a few minutes after the trio left the scene, Chudman(goofy ahh design from ohio) exited the house after learning about what’s going on in Shartenburg.
He flipped of his mom and headed towards shartenburg.

It has been atleast 5 hours since then, so Chudman is much closer now…


meanwhile, captain science exits the gym, he will now be walking/running on his toes instead of walking normally, after doing this for a little while, his legs should be buff and strong just like his arms are, the sigma ohio joker protein will shorten the time needed for his legs to get ripped and buff


he also orders a heckin limited edition cobman and waycob figurines as a reward for himself


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You exit the gym and start running on your toes as fast as you can, after a while your legs are just as buff and strong as your arms, as the protein powder amplifies your training.
Now you almost look like Cobman after he drank the aryan vril.

You then go on the official website of cob comix™ and order a limited edition XL Cobman action figure and an XXL Waycob figure.


Bed time award


captain science trains his reflexes and reaction speed by arguing with heckin trolls and cobman haters online anticipating their responses and typing out a soy filled rageful argument in split seconds before they respond

goodnight op see you tommorow


CS begins mewing so he can have a chad jawline

good night saar


Chudman took a detour and ended up near the bank because he believes that's where the Jew will come out to enact their evil plan so he hid in plain sight waiting




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Are you using mobile data or just having a dynamic IP


Dynamic IP



are you OP?


Well, his deletion password shouldn't have changed, so…




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You train your reflexes by arguing with cobman hating chudcels on shartenchan.org.
You type a long and soy-filled response to a cobman hater thread.

>cobman was a real hero who did real hero things like defeating the goon gang, how dare you argue against him you stupid fucking chud. cobman defeated goon gang and if he hadn't we'd all be speaking gooneese so please accept cobman as a true icon and hero NOW!

You then mew and eventually you gain a gigachad-esque jawline.


open up tor on your phone and go to the 1337 /x/ board on some super obscure darkweb imageboard (not the 'cuck)


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Chudman arrives at the Shartenburg bank, he hides behind a building in anticipation of the jews coming to rob the bank.


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You open up tor browser and go to the /x/ board on a very bone-chilin spine-tingling slowburn darkweb imageboard called spookykun.net.

Perhaps you could find some help there?


You get glowniggered


after scrolling for a while, you find a spell that can turn your TWP into a juicy 12 inch BWC, you grab a red crayon that was on the ground and you draw a shitty pentagram, you step onto it and you say some nonsense schizo chants, after you finish the chant, the pentagram starts glowing and your twp grows into a 12 inch BWC


don't do this >>104235 i couldn't finish my prompt because i was on the toilet and i shat out a huge turd and was on my phone sorry


that's why it took so long to write


arent the glowniggers on xir side though?


spookykun is a honeypot or something


you make a party recruitment thread and get 2 replies from 2 spookykun.net namefags one was called the headless jakkman and the other went under the alias frankenjak they both were interested in helping captain science because they had nothing better to do on a october day or something


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The SPD pick up the the signal of you being on the darkweb and track your location, they consider glowniggering you, but officer fatjak, who has returned from the crime scene by now, intervenes.
>he is our ally, you can’t do that because…you just can’t ok!

You find a cock extension spell on spookykun and you draw a pentagram with a crayon that you found on the ground.
>elongus dongus, biggus dickus!
Nothing happens.

As it turns out, standing in a pentagram drawn with a crayon and shouting a bunch of random nonsense won’t add inches to your cock.


a scrawny looking demon from niggerhell manifests near you because xhe saw the pentagram


(not niggersatan btw, just a regular demon)


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You open up spookykun again and post a thread asking new people to join your party so the heckin bad guys can be defeated.
2 namefags reply, they both want to join, as they have nothing better to do.
If everything goes according to plan they will arrive in 10 turns.

A niggerdemon manifests near you in a cloud of black smoke after xhe saw the pentagram.
>ayo nigga are you trying to summon me or something?
The demon approaches you.


you rape and cum inside the demon and proceed on with your adventures


use your sigma ohio looksmaxxing rizz to subdue xim and then rape xim


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You use your sigma rizz to subdue the niggerdemon, then you rape xim so hard that xis asshole starts bleeding.
The demon passes out from the rape.

You can now proceed with the adventure, you have 3 options on what to do.
>go to the capitol and warn soot of the imminent capitol siege
>scout out coal encampment
>stay at the gym for some reason

Time to roll, if the post number of the next post ends with no repeating digits then it’s the first option, if repeating digits then it’s the second, if it ends with the number 5, repeating digits or not, it’s option 3


soot pleas soot save us





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You arrive at the capitol to warn Soot about Commander Coal.
It was in this exact location that colorjak met Cobman for the first time.

^i remember…

Colorjak gets a flashback to when he met the cobgang in the gooncar.


an obsessed shitalian shows up and xhe starts speaking spanish


Holy canoli, when are the commanders Coal army will arrive ?


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As you are about to walk towards the capitol, a really big and obsessed spanish-italian man interupts you.
>Mira este imitador de Cobman, vine aquí para admirar la estatua de Cobman y ahora estás aquí, ¿por qué copias a Cobman o algo así?
>What? I don’t speak japanese


At night


dance with him and hug him


After hugging the shitalian , CS and his team enter the building to warn soot


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You do some italian and spanish dances with the humongous shitalioko.
>Esto es lo mejor que me ha pasado desde que obligo a los Gooners a comer takis o algo así.

Should the shitalian join your party?


sure, let 'em join, we need as much help as possible


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You reach the door to the capitol, it is guarded by two SIA(shartenburg intelligence agancy) glowniggers.
>please let us in pleasepleaseplease
>*sigh* let them in

You enter the Shartenburg capitol and walk by a large Cobman statue.


go to soot's office


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After searching for it for a while, the party enters a room filled with offices, one of them have the label mayor, this must be it.
You have never been this excited before, you will finally meet soot, the person you admire the most, after Cobman of cource.


before entering CS does some pelvic exercises and jelqing to increase his johnson size by 3 inches now having a heckin 5.1 inch big hero johnson CS Now considers himself worthy enough to meet soot in person so he enters the office


do some neck exercises too, so your neck would be strong, and you will have a deeper and chadlier voice to rizz people up even more


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You decide that you are not enough gigachad-esque yet to meet Soot in person, so you do some pelvic exercises and jelqing, this gives you a 5.1 inch schlong.

You then do some neck exercises to make your neck stronger and give you a deeper voice.

You pull the door handle with your limited edition plastic infinity gaunlet…




just kidding


Lil nigger I would rape you if he actually do that prompt


Have colorjak keep an eye out for enemies while you enter the office.
Acknowledge the colorjak to Soot so he knows that he's a friend
Actually do that prompt, but Soot is actually mourning at Cobman's grave, so there's a nigger in the office as a red herring for kidnappers (or groomers, or rapists)


You contradicted yourself


Im not mad, i only sage because i don’t want people to reply to it


He changed his mind so do the latter prompts


Up nigger




CS warn soot/nigger of impeding commander coal attack and in response he called as many officers to guard the capitol (useless attempts as the merchant squad will draw most of them away before the siege commence)
<Reddit spacing
Captain science with soot/nigger authority then tell the guards to barricade window and flip over tables and furniture to use as cover while the mayor requested for airdrop of supplies such as weapon , ammunition, armour and a large Kevlar mask for colourjak to wear which will be dropped on the roof before the siege


Captain science then proceed to gather supplies from around the capitol to create following gadgets:
>thanos gauntlet with four of its finger welded together except for the thumb retrofited with deconstructed stun gun on the knuckle that activate by curling all finger into a fist and strapped with taser on the upper part of the gauntlet that fires retractable needle pin wires which deliver lethal level of watts (5 meter range)
>Paintball filled with ultra spicy sauce
>A flashgun that beam high energy photon that momentarily blind the opponent (10 meter range)
>Modified old crossbow that shoots saw blade at high speed
<Reddit spacing
Meanwhile feraljak switch his weapon for classic 1911 with hollow round munitions and both CS and him wear Kevlar vest for extra protection




blud wrote a whole ass novel




well see about that, cracka ass wyteboi




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Wake the fuck up OP , I know you're there


i think xhe's dead…


I will split the stuff above into several posts.
I probably won’t include every single thing.
This will take a while, don’t reply until i have posted it all.


I was away from home for several hours.


good morning saar!


Yeah but I'm not done yet , I already compile another slowburn a24 award winning essay about commander coal and his army also capitol guard outnumbered him btw


Just finished reading your cobman adventure, it's gemmy


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You open the door and enter Soot’s office.
In the office you see…

>errrrm, isn’t soot supposed to be here?
>he be somewhere else, so i sit here and do his work in da meantime or some sheit

It turns out that soot is currently mourning at Cobman’s grave, just like you were doing at the beginning of the adventure, what unfortunate timing.
>please, mr POC, some guy named Commander Coal will attack the capitol and heckin kill soot, you must do something
>i have been hearin sum words about that shiet, i will order da coppas and da national guard to come here, i also gon’ bring in sum supplies and sheit


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no matter how hard you cry or how desperate your screams are i will always be your daddy until the day that i pop a pozzed, old-man load into your and you die


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TURN 2/3

It has been some hours, and now nightfall is nearing.
The police, led by officer fatjak and the national guard have arrived at the capitol, some tanks are present.

Captain Science has told the guards to barricade the windows and flip over some furniture to Prepare for the siege.

A plane airdrops the supplies on the roof, this will be useful once the the battle begins.


Next turn will take a while



Shut the fuck up you annoying nigger and go leak somewhere else


call duke nukem


Possibly queued until after turn 3


bruh does duke nukem even exist in this universe?


Probably not


Will slide in my next prompt after the police went away leaving the capitol


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You gather some supplies that you find in the capitol, you pile it up and then cobble it together.

Here are the gadgets that you create:
>modified infinity gaunlet
>spicy sauce paintball(can only be used once)
>crossbow that shoots saw blades

Feraljak replaces the cucked revolver with a classic 1911 that the police gave him or something.

Who will get what gadget? First reply decides.


(TURN 3/3)


These niggas will arrive to shartenburg after next turn


CS obviously getting the gauntlet and flashgun, feraljak take the ball , colourjak get saw blade crossbow


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(You know what I lied , imma dump these prompt for you to sort it out after the police was drawn away due to the merchant squad hitting the bank and prison colony early and commander coal army arrived)
Standing outside the capitol is commander coal and his army of 25 foot soldier, through the combination of inhuman strength from his hard training and exoskeleton assistance, he now wielding rocket launcher that's shoot four rocket on his right hand and swap his left hook with belt fed machine gun arm , he had one man serving as his munitions carriers and reloader for his rocket launcher (blud thinks he's nemesis from RE3)


by now the two spookychan users that have accepted captain science's request for help arrive outside the capitol having a marge moment on what is happening


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aint readin all that lil bro


Um it was boring if the strength of the enemies were kept vague so don't be SLF


(do this prompt for when the capitol refuse their demands)
In the face of staunch refusal , commander coal had his men of four carrying a rpg to blow open the windows and another four to launch smoke grenade with grenade launcher inside the window, four squad squad of four men will grapple and climb either of the blown four window with each of them having a certain role (total 16 enemies entering the compound) :
Assault : carry a M16 rifle and three grenade
Support : carry a RPD light machine gun and a bag of ammo to supply his team
Scout : carry a MP5 submachine gun and a grounded drone unit to scan for hostile combatants
Medic : carry a benelli m4 and medkit


Giving you a head ups , colourjak could shoot laser from his eyes and that shitalian fellow could eat blue cheese to activate his massive brap


Now with all said and done imma go to sleep and wakes up few hour later or something


(final prompt I swear , just need to get it off my chest)
One of the merchant's man disguised as prison guard kills the guard controlling the cell and pull the emergency release which open all the prisoners cell ,he radio in on his allies to start the breakout which the latter crash into the prison gate with an armoured truck carrying 10 of his buddies . The imposter then rally the prisoner into starting the riot to overwhelm the remaining wardens


few notable prisoners are: cecefem, kuz, averi, and some obsessed nigger called the prophet of admin 6


Definitely not a bunch that chudman could recruit but wait why is kuz in there ?


Kuz is a pedo lil bro…but in cobman lore kuz got arrested for trying to heckin usurp soot but failed as his kolymanetwork buddies got shot and kuz was arrested for treason and possesion of 'p


Ok all of them are dangerous miniboss (except the prophet) with their corrupted follower of their own , trooncaca, citizen infected with averi furry virus and new kolyma militia


This is getting too much.
I don’t even know what order i will do all of these in


and all of them are under the authority of captain coal




everyone prompts are paused for the moment so shut up and let OP work u obessed slfs


Shartenburg will burn with the escapees causing massive chaos stretching both national guard and police force even thinner with chudman mother will become one of the victim


2 new recruits arrived > prison colony breakout > police drawn away > commander coal arrived
The bank robbery one can wait


I will post one more turn before i head to bed(i took a break because i was out of energy irl)


I might be able to do two


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Captain science equips the gaunlet(no shit) and the flashgun, the flashgun is stored in the inventory as a secondary gun as you already have a shotgun on you.
Feraljak equips the ball and colorjak equips the brossbow(in his mouth o algo)

Unfortunatly for him, the shitalian gets nothing.


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The spookykun namefags, headless jakkman and frankenjak arrive in front of the capitol.
Frankenjak asks officer fatjak
>Marge? What is going on here? Are you the ones who recruited us?
Fatjak responds with
>We are ummm….renovating this place, by the way the guy who recruited you on that app is on the inside of the building


great job OP now get some sleep ill see ya tommorow


Good night


Wake-up sleepyhead




thats fine doe beit


What if CS team and caption coal just fight outside instead of all that raisin


do it without the unnecessary details maine its fine


its not that much of a issue just do only the necessary actions without the raisinty details maine


blud is deleting everything


I’m sorry, but i quit the adventure. I pushed myself to my limits and i just don’t find it as fun as when i ran cobman adventure. I just think this thread is a waste of my time and bad for my mental health.


Don’t chive the thread. It is no longer canon to the cobman universe.


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Thanks for mindbreaking me and making me quit.


atleast do a asset dump so someone can continue it


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No, i want the matter to be finished. This thread should be forgotten.


Do you want to know the truth?


yeah sure


I never liked running this adventure, i only did it because i promised to do it so i forced myself into doing it.


I denounce adventure threads.


do u regret doing the first one doe


I don’t care about what you feel




how about you denounce the talmud, kike




Two steps ahead. I am always two steps ahead. This has been the greatest social experiment I’ve come to know. Certainly the greatest social experiment of my entire life. It’s alluring, it’s compelling, it’s gripping, to bear witness, to observe all these unwell, unbalanced disoriented beings roam the internet in search of stories.




Wasn’t it obvious?


the most high effort bait i have ever seen, congrats


did u learn how to do adventure threads just to do this raisin


Yes, and more


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insane social experiment 4d chess move…


At my request, move this thread to /bait/ because this entire ducking thread was bait




NOW THE QUESTION IS…where did the original cobman creator go


move this thread to bait and pin it


you deserve it


Can you at least have Commander Coal Take over Shartenberg?



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>everyone got filtered by the 15 minute timer
>jewno bots the get
>frogs gegging like mad







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