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o algo


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Everyone in this thread is a raisinskin except me. o algo


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sorry im now just now seeing this im not but that never reall a tjing i honestly do


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bt in highscool i wanted to thry to be once but in never reall worked out/got the opprikitunyity most olf mthe time theres was this one time with one if my pubbidies bown at thias like tunnesl area we went to there was a sewer pikep that elad to this graffititi reaooms it ewas nice and I tried to talke a bvut thejn i chsoe not too. i also ud to take thje ciggarette bugs it of my cousnsteppodiads ashtray but i got scae3rd of god so i didnt


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my head hurt so bad sepeciallu yhe color of the background


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im sending the wrong one llo i didnt wrealize thats wehy it looks so differnt hiw di u tajes diown a winodw


i dot remember typig nnn gethis one i thoyghh my n ketys was stuckl there sorry lol i hapy wyou can read thsi


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its noe lettinget


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im gonna go to sleep now sorry about this

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