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A banner for soyjak.party

/jiren/ - Jiren

The Gray
Password (For file deletion.)

File: gape_sad.png 📥︎ (28.83 KB, 600x800) ImgOps


Goodbye sharty.
Goodbye soyteens.
Goodbye gems.
Goodbye 'jaks.
It was fun, but all fun things end.
Now, we can finally say that… It's over.




Now I can officialy say, welcome to nudev's sharty


File: Justgettingstarted.png 📥︎ (50.93 KB, 250x309) ImgOps

demoralization coal. this is just the beginning of the TRVE golden era of the sharty


it's just beginning


TRVTHNVKE Doll approved btw


nothing's happening and you're in a dream
wake up you fucking nigger


Fr W sharty


Ronald wtf give me back my color
L dev


File: heart.gif 📥︎ (6.34 MB, 788x1200) ImgOps

thank you saar


inshallah we must migrate to the holy land


No problem little nigga I mean little buddy


OP here im a bejitabro and trans



Doll give me a color


File: cacamad.gif 📥︎ (70.16 KB, 99x109) ImgOps

>Doll give me a color


You don't have a color either


File: 1722841546733234.png 📥︎ (381.64 KB, 660x670) ImgOps

>TRVTHNVKE Doll approved btw


shut up nigger

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