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A banner for soyjak.party

/giga5/ - Gigachads

5th iteration.
Password (For file deletion.)

File: aryan (8).png 📥︎ (1.16 MB, 1200x675) ImgOps

File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (31.8 KB, 616x57) ImgOps


Hello, that Portuguese guy who compiled all the other gigafolders, this time it's different.
Instead of being "giga[x]-giga[y]" they are now named accordingly to what they represent
Tags include (but are not limited to):
(jannies don't ban me it's a zip file with a simple folder with about 500 images, check for yourself)
The reason it's on Mega is because anywhere else I tried it gave me stupid errors (either because it was too big or because zip/rar files aren't accepted)


File: giga thumbs up.jpg 📥︎ (49.77 KB, 602x666) ImgOps



File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (3.36 KB, 449x18) ImgOps

If you get a prompt asking you for a key (which is in the link)
Copy this part without the #


File: 1728153731718y-0.png 📥︎ (50.82 KB, 255x143) ImgOps

>Hello, that Portuguese guy who compiled all the other gigafolders, this time it's different.
>Instead of being "giga[x]-giga[y]" they are now named accordingly to what they represent
>Tags include (but are not limited to):
>(jannies don't ban me it's a zip file with a simple folder with about 500 images, check for yourself)
>The reason it's on Mega is because anywhere else I tried it gave me stupid errors (either because it was too big or because zip/rar files aren't accepted)






File: ham2hjm32b081.jpg 📥︎ (224.27 KB, 974x1200) ImgOps

Add my OC giga to the mega folder


Can't, I'd have to put up a new link
Just add it to your own, I also added it




File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (39.06 KB, 247x385) ImgOps

New folder for anyone having problems opening .rar files
this is a .zip


Jannies pin this




pin this write now


File: ClipboardImage.png 📥︎ (25.67 KB, 151x158) ImgOps

>named the quake giga doom


File: 1706222038828.png 📥︎ (1.55 MB, 1440x1769) ImgOps

Rename it yourself then



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